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What's your real name...?
(03-10-2023, 10:13 AM)KaptainLes Wrote:
(03-03-2023, 12:50 AM)slater Wrote: 1)These are some great ideas and suggestions for improving the server, but I'm curious why you haven't taken steps to implement them already? As a staff member, you can join the dev team at any time and some of the things you have suggested dont need lua so i dont see that as an acceptable reason as to why you wouldnt have joined yet.
Its good to have idea’s and all but with the amount of ideas you have put forwards in here it would be nice to see some experience and accomplishments (Is this the right word IDK but i think you get what i mean) doing TTT updates I take any of this into consideration.

1) I've taken steps in our ttt suggestions in the staff server, the main server, and even talking about some other ideas that I had previously mentioned to both @Ryan722 and @chibill. While the suggestions/ideas I implemented for "future plans" of what I would do, I figured to lay out what I had in mind as what I had planned to try to work on as well, rather than suggesting other ideas and implementing other changes like recently with our christmas update of helping @HONG with gun changes and how I felt, personally about them, but taking into consideration what other players would think. With other suggestions, I have talked to members of the dev team and I figured that being able to mess with lua would be a way to be a dev member.

2) While It's great to hear that you assist on training staff members this sounds like alot of 1 on 1 training which aint bad or anything, I'm curious as to your thoughts futher on the training of staff so i have some questions.

What are some other specific steps you would take to improve the current training situation?

Are there any areas that you feel are lacking in the current training process, and how would you address those areas?

How would you ensure that all staff members receive consistent training to ensure they are prepared to handle situations that may arise?

2) Some steps I would take is being able to have 1 on 1 or even a group training for new staff members for current commands/tools when they get promoted to trusted or promoted to a newer rank as well as helping explain new tools/features/improvements that would come in. Steps I would take to improve training is be more frequent and reaching to help when they get promoted in-game ASAP. 

I feel overall that the training process part as a whole is lacking due to not many other staff members being inactive or helping out when asked a question. Not to say that asking is a bad thing, but I would want to be able to establish and help them out with their tools for them to get used to them, as well as ways to use these tools if something arises or what not to use since some of our features in the RDM manager don't currently work or aren't used much compared to other features. The one area I feel that is not very lacking is just the area of one staff member asking questions to another. 

As mentioned previously, I would have either a 1 on 1 or a group training to help make sure it's consistent and that I can be able to train a handful of people while asking if they have questions or concerns about situations or what do their tools do. While, every situation can be different and you can't guarantee that every situation will covered, I would want to cover the main situations and other outside situations that may need a higher power to step in to help out. 

3) So i can see the comments you have made on staff abuse threads and ban appeals and requests. Overall, it looks like you have been doing a good job in your responses/comments on these. TTT Admin Level shit right there.
As for the other community-wide issues that you have encountered in the past 4 months. What are they and how have you handled them?

3) Other community-wide issues are issues that have caused a major disruption in the forums/discord, such as resignations and ban appeals that have recently occurred. I'll start off with resignations/general discussion as this was a major issue a few months ago. For example: Battons resignation,  I had established my comment on the matter, as well as reminding others to keep the thread on topic rather then derailing it and allowing to talk to others on the matter of what they think. I had hoped to be able to keep it more civil as it had been derailing and causing major issues between multiple parties of the community. The other example would the thread of consistency/severity of punishment. I had jabbed at the thread due to the staff abuse thread that was made during the time, chibill, epicguy, and I were on and had missed the issue which sparked a lot of members making fair criticisms, but on the other hand, other comments bashing staff that didn't progress the discussion. I had stated that the new warn system is a upgrade, but it would not be perfect and would have flaws as not everything is perfect. I had also helped to show that it's a team collaboration rather than a 1 person opinion that would weigh in on an individual. 

For ban appeals, recently to Jawa's and Goose's appeals, I had put in my two cents on both matters in being able to keep them on topic and state what was correct/what could be worked. I had helped to deal with the matter and be able to focus on the main points while also keeping it civil without scrutinizing other members. Discord matters I have not had much issues with, but I have taken apart of in the discussion to put my thoughts in on the matter. 

(03-05-2023, 06:53 PM)slater Wrote:
(03-03-2023, 12:38 PM)chibill Wrote: -snip-

4) Personally i feel as server Admin positions can require a certain level of experience and skill to handle effectively. It's important to take the time to develop those skills and gain the necessary experience before stepping into such a role. Most staff members do joke around and do funny's, i guess time and place and who and how all player factors in this. I dont think the skullfire issue is a big deal at all and shouldnt really play a apart in any decision. As much as you are confident and comfortable in your position as a Mod i would like to see some more time under your belt and longer periods of times without the little shit (such as chibill mentioned) before you become an admin. 

4)That's understandable. Depending on the matter after this thread, I am currently working on these issues that are presented. I had mentioned to Icey as well what the other recommendations were that weren't established to apply. While it may be a short time that I could work on it, I am currently and hoping to fix this issues that are at hand. 

5) It sounds like you have a lot of great ideas for how to help the community once become a TTT Admin. Not to say what ive already said but it would be nice to see some of the stuff you talk about now. There are alot of things in here that you have talked about that you can achieve whist being a TTT Mod / Discord staff.

A few suggestions if i may for how you can put those ideas into action now while you are a mod / discord staff:

Talk to the other admins: If you want to be a primary leader and discuss community-wide issues, it's important to have open communication with the other admins. Reach out to us and discuss your plans and ideas to improve the community.

 Plan community events: As you mentioned, community events are a great way to get people involved and excited about the server. Start doing stuff now, you dont have to be an admin to do this. Pitch ideas for events that would be fun and engaging for everyone to the community, and then work with the admin team to make them happen.

What would you flesh out the staff zone with? Im pretty sure all staff can make threads there so im wondering as to your plans for it.

5) Suggestions/Implementations have been stated in my first statement! I do agree that I am lacking in the aspect of planning community events as I have been busy or have not had the time to establish it. While I have thrown maybe 1 or 2 ideas around with other members of the community, I haven't established an event that is fully set in motion. 

As for the staff zone, I want to be able to have similar aspects as to what our staff/main discord have. Aspects as in suggestions for ttt related features/maps/guns/models/etc. Other aspects would be just for watchlist/a-warn threshold requests. While we utilize discord more, I had thought of fleshing the staff zone out and it's super dead. 

6) How would being an admin make you able to create this environment that you cant already do in your current position?

6) I currently work on/suggest on ideas that could be implemented to ttt, but as well as other servers that they can utilize it on. I had suggested a(n) UI improvement to the RDM Manager to chibill to be able to update it to a more modern UI that we can utilize, similar to the aspects of our Awarn3 UI. I currently engage with other members of the community from different servers, and help to be able to deal with these issues on the forums/discord to make the environment better. 

7) Overall I do not think you are a bad candidate for TTT Admin, I just think that you need more time and experience. A lot of this thread read as "these are the things I can / will do if I am made admin" without much evidence or prior experience to back it up, not doubting that you could, id just like to see a lil more as you put all of this as reasoning for becoming an admin, hence my angle with this response. Definitely can see you as a future admin candidate, for now, id like to see you work on some of the items you have listed. 

You are a good TTT mod and I enjoy staffing with you. If you would like any more feedback or would like to chat and discuss things further you can either here or on discord. 

7) Thank you for the feedback! I had not covered every aspect of what I currently do/have done as you can tell, it's a lot of reading. What I had mentioned were future plans for the server/servers, but also what I can/am able to do with community wide issues/changes and be able to continue down this track as I believe it's heading down a right path. Problems mentioned by other's are currently being worked on and dealt with. You are an amazing man and I definitely enjoy playing/staffing with you in and out of the community/server.  Heart
Hi Les! Thank you for the comment/criticism. My responses are black. 
Edit: fixed the highlighting issue.

Messages In This Thread
What's your real name...? - by slater - 03-03-2023, 12:50 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by yeat - 03-03-2023, 12:59 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by PandaInPants - 03-03-2023, 01:11 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by dong - 03-03-2023, 01:14 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by voidzz - 03-03-2023, 01:17 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by slater - 03-03-2023, 01:21 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by Mana - 03-03-2023, 01:20 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by squid - 03-03-2023, 01:24 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by Castilleja - 03-03-2023, 01:45 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by Icey - 03-03-2023, 08:12 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by slater - 03-03-2023, 10:22 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by chibill - 03-03-2023, 12:38 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by slater - 03-03-2023, 02:18 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by slater - 03-05-2023, 06:53 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by LemonTiara - 03-03-2023, 06:00 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by slater - 03-05-2023, 04:22 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by Misstie6731 - 03-08-2023, 12:08 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by Grump - 03-08-2023, 01:57 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by Goose - 03-08-2023, 06:37 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by Ellie Mae - 03-08-2023, 07:30 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by Icey - 03-09-2023, 11:31 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by slater - 03-09-2023, 11:39 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by dong - 03-10-2023, 12:42 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by slater - 03-10-2023, 01:40 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by yeat - 03-10-2023, 03:49 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by KaptainLes - 03-10-2023, 10:13 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by slater - 03-10-2023, 03:09 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by ⚡Nash - 03-10-2023, 03:51 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by Widsquard - 03-10-2023, 11:45 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by sad_ti84 - 03-11-2023, 04:41 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by Nicol Bolas - 03-11-2023, 02:42 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by voidzz - 03-11-2023, 04:23 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by slater - 03-11-2023, 04:51 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by Nazu(s) - 03-11-2023, 10:33 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by yeat - 03-16-2023, 03:48 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by slater - 03-19-2023, 03:45 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by Wrom - 03-20-2023, 07:57 AM
RE: What's your real name...? - by reinaberg - 03-22-2023, 10:51 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by euphoria - 03-27-2023, 07:50 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by Damien - 04-07-2023, 01:41 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by super sucker 9 - 04-21-2023, 03:32 PM
RE: What's your real name...? - by bryanbrr - 04-21-2023, 09:02 PM

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