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Remove or Significantly Nerf the Locomotive
A GUN SHOULD NOT BE DIFFICULT TO OPTAIN *AND* BE OP. That is the worst model that can be used. All guns should be comparable. You want it so that everyone can choose a gun based on there preference. All shotguns are hard to fight in close range, which shotguns should be. But you shouldnt be able to one shot body shot. This basically allows a T to "Knife" someone, although loudly. Plenty of times i am having fun doing something then bam dead. That should only be doable with a knife. Or an accurate well placed skill shot with a deagle or sniper. Not getting bodyshot by someone who cant use another gun since the shotgun dominates everyother gun. There really isnt much you can do with the shotguns without removal of them do to the overall close quarter combat 90% of TTT maps mainly occur in. A shotgun should be good at close range, yet you should be at risk of getting caught in the open or out gunned by a rifle or even an SMG at longer ranges. But with how both TTT maps and the design of the shotguns, there is no risk. There is no reason you use another gun. Except a sniper rifle at extreme distances for a small amount of maps. Even then a shotgun can easily be used to good effect. Too many times someone kills everyone as T with a shotgun, mainly the locomotive. The locomotive, being how it is, should do more damage then a normal shotgun at super close differences, but be nearly useless past the distance of a section of the main underground hallway in 67th way. While the normal shotguns should beable to do ok at a longer range, maybe down to the water T drowning trap if you are in main ladder entrance area. The pump maybe could have a bit longer range or more ammo since it fires slower. Now, do to the nature of the game, most engagements are at close range, since you cant shoot someone unless they start the conflict. So you again, 9 times outta 10 a T will be close to someone and start shooting, making rifles and smg's near useless on most maps. Even a group of people can be taken out from a suprise shotgun attack. Which makes doing changes to the shotgun near impossible without straight up removing it or making it near useless.
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RE: Remove or Significantly Nerf the Locomotive - by ~$$~ BlackCatTheGreat ♣♣ - 10-21-2017, 06:30 PM

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