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Here's my first shitpost
Nice FUCKING meme you fucking SPERGLORD FAGSHIT. Holy FUCK it pisses me off when some unoriginal, retarded assholish dickweed decides it would just be FUCKING HILARIOUS to post the SAME. OVERUSED. JOKE. What do you even fucking hope to gain out of this? Karma? Well you're certainly getting that, cause it seems like a lot of other inbred shitface fucking retarded autistic fuckshits are thinking you're just FUCKING HILARIOUS and that this joke HASN'T BEEN MADE A BILLION FUCKING TIMES. FUCK you.

Messages In This Thread
Here's my first shitpost - by JustKuono - 01-28-2019, 12:06 AM
RE: Here's my first shitpost - by Smurfmin - 01-28-2019, 12:07 AM
RE: Here's my first shitpost - by Lycan - 01-28-2019, 12:07 AM
RE: Here's my first shitpost - by Burrito Bowl - 01-28-2019, 01:09 AM
RE: Here's my first shitpost - by Yeezy Jeezy - 01-28-2019, 12:08 AM
RE: Here's my first shitpost - by HalfDemonLink - 01-28-2019, 12:11 AM
RE: Here's my first shitpost - by queef commando - 01-28-2019, 01:24 AM
RE: Here's my first shitpost - by JustKuono - 01-28-2019, 02:19 AM
RE: Here's my first shitpost - by Kasumi - 01-28-2019, 01:37 AM
RE: Here's my first shitpost - by reed1103 - 01-28-2019, 03:58 PM
RE: Here's my first shitpost - by Laced Xanax - 01-28-2019, 04:00 PM
RE: Here's my first shitpost - by ding - 01-28-2019, 05:51 PM
RE: Here's my first shitpost - by Mr.Potato - 01-28-2019, 08:08 PM

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