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things to avoid: posting staff app after ostracizing yourself more from staff team
(11-04-2021, 07:37 PM)bunniey Wrote: nono he's fine he wasn't saying i am like that irl just saying if that is a trait i exhibit irl, it can be very toxic, its ok
This is exactly what I was saying. I'm also not trying to attack you, just giving you advice from my own perspective.
I'm going to give a -1 on this. I like you rand but the way you went about things was actually pretty sad. Yes, what you did may have resulted in a good outcome, but a couple aspects of it really rub me the wrong way. You posted some things that Quantum sent you, (and gave you permission to post), and turned it into one of the grossest threads I have seen. Yes, it may have resulted in a good outcome, but you also turned it into something it shouldn't have been. I consider Quantum a very good friend of mine, and try my hardest to help him, but things should have been handled different.

For example, I'm going to try to provide a response to @Damien as well. Yes he may have gotten a "pedophile" banned, but was that even the intention of post? As much as I wish it was, I disagree. Pulled from the thread itself, "So yeah. This is more or less a call-out post for the community towards the TTT adminship."

Seriously? You're going to post Quantum being harassed by a member and use it to call out TTT adminship? The evidence should have been brought up to the admins IMMEDIATELY, not posted on some thread used to call out admins who did not know the full story. I believe that you have good intentions, and I know that you want the best for the server, but the way you went about it really rubbed me the wrong way. I do hope that you apply again the future, but as of right now, I hope that you do not get it.

Another thing, you included little cross out things in your post such as this: "give a slap on the wrists to a person making pedophillic comments towards its staff members". If you truly cared for the outcome, and cared that our underage players in the server feel comfortable playing, you would not have included attention seeking jabs like this. I'm glad the phoenix was banned, and I hope that what happened doesn't dwell with some of our underage players, but you are an adult and they are not. This should have been handled different.
what you did was needed and look it worked to get him away ill admit that but i wont trust you yes you did the right thing this time however its hard enough to know what staff to trust now with the clearly still quite bad leaks coming out how can i trust someone who causes so much shit -1
[Image: 4kcofo.jpg]thx fish[Image: Salsa_UwU.jpg]
Dont derail it gents. ATM im not going to go back and ding those but keep it on track

My thoughts remain the same - youre either trusted or you arent.

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
You just backed a couple of admins in the community into a corner by weaponizing your friend group and purposefully misapplying the word "pedophile" and "grooming" to a situation in order to virtue signal so that you could manipulate the situation into "TTT Admins protect pedophiles!"

...and now you're applying for staff?

Is Ashton Kutcher about to crawl out of under my bed with a camera crew?

Obviously -1. You've completely fucked over several staff members recently.
I'm going to ignore the comments regarding the recency bias of the phoenix situation, as I supported Rand making the decision to further push for something more. So i will admit i also have a bias towards Rand even though I do not claim to be a part of his friend group.

That being said, I think Rand truly cares about this community more than a majority of current staff, and he's not afraid to speak his mind, though sometimes he should speak it a little more elegantly haha. I think there's no harm in giving him Trusted back, however with the current distrust, My suggestion would be a probation period where, if accepted, he is not allowed into the staff discord for a short time. That way, he can handle server problems (which we all know he does effectively and rationally) while maintaining a seperation from staff disc to rebuild whatever trust the team feels he broke.

+1, I hope yall can look at the bigger picture without the last situation that caused more than just Rand to be divisive. It was a total shit show.

plz no hate me for my thoughts
I've been debating for a few hours now whether or not to make this post.  I have very little interaction with the TTT community, and therefore my knowledge of this past week's events is limited.  However, I think more good can come from this than harm.

From an outsider's perspective (after reading Scoovie's comment), it's clear to me that you felt you were backed into a corner (so to speak) and had no other option but to make the post you did.  It's clear that there is a divide amongst the staff as to whether that was the right decision.  I feel that this divide primarily stems from the way the contents of the post were presented, not the fact that you made the post.  In your app, you state that you believe you handled the situation to the best of your ability and therein lies the problem: you lack practice with argument (and this is not your fault).

There is a great book (relatively short, like 200 pages) called "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie that I believe is the most important book you could ever read.  If you'd like a copy, I can send you a PDF copy.  It goes into detail how simply rephrasing the contents of your message changes how others perceive it, talks about arguing from states of heightened emotion, dealing with sensitive topics in argument, etc.  I think you should give this book a try.  The contents of your message to the TTT admins could have been completely restructured to be more constructive and definitely less divisive.  I don't fault you for the way you wrote your community message: you were clearly frustrated, annoyed, possibly even angry.  This clearly leaked into your message.

Remember, it's always a good idea to address others from a state of CCC: calm, cool, and collected.  Personally, if I feel I need to write a, I write it and revisit it later when I'm in a different emotional state.  Another thing you could do is ask others to review your message before you send/post it.

In short:
I don't think you posted your message with the intention to cause drama.  You saw what you thought was unjust occur, and sought to rectify the situation in the best way you thought you could.  However, you clearly did so in not the best mental state, which is where your mistake lies.

Should you feel you need to make such a post in the future, you are always welcome to message me to look at it first.

Message to others that want to post:
Let's avoid rehashing the same comments over and over.  Either provide something constructive, or put your +/- and leave it at that.  Too many apps devolve into personal attacks without any constructive value, and I don't want that to start here.
I really agree with what Foxka said. Rand, albeit it might not have been the best way to handle it, expressed frustration and put people on blast. This is a good trait, because Rand is not afraid to say shit to your face if he has an issue with what's going on; however it also is a weakness because as ceebeast said, it can sometimes come across as egotistical.

I think immediately diminishing and shooting down rand's chances of staff aren't really fair; you all holding the leaking against him are one thing because there was a certain admin who casually would show discord messages on the forums and nothing was done about that (then again that said admin is now gone, but I digress). 

I think the idea of him being on probation from the staff discord is actually a solid strategy. It gives rand a shot to prove that he is legitimate about improving this community, but it also helps keep the integrity of the staff discord that you all fear he would threaten. You might say well what the hell is the point of bringing him on? You all aren't even giving him a chance to prove himself because he expressed frustration that staff members resigned over and also had issues with. That's kind of asinine if you ask me, but you are free to make your own opinions on the matter.

+1 for trusted with a discord probation time of at least 2-3 weeks.

Best of luck to you Rand.
i'm bias +1 Rand does care for the community and i don't think it's right for people to chalk that up to him enjoying edrama. He wants to help the server and he can maintain a serious but fun demeanor as staff. He's one of if not the least problematic members in our friend group regarding being on server. I'm on board with Foxka and david +1 trusted with discord probation
[Image: J6yUs0g]
My opinion on whether Rand should get staff matters very little so I'll give you the facts.


-Very Clearly Cares About The Community

-Was a Great Staff Member

-Is Very Active

-Knows The Rules.

I'm all for rand getting staff, but again my opinion doesn't matter.

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