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Maris been demoted!
(12-28-2017, 03:07 PM)❤ Miss Mari ❤ Wrote: Offender's Name: Miss Mari

Offender's SteamID: Its not a specific person

Offender's Rank: good portion of the staff team

What They Did: demoted me for "sticking my nose in places it doesnt belong"

When They Did It: 12/28/2017

Potential Witnesses: good portion of the staff team


Other: So they've decided to demote me, reason saying im toxic. Why am i toxic towards staff? Maybe its because of the way they treat me / other players? Have you noticed how toxic they are towards the players, and the admins don't do anything about it. Turner once kicked me because i called foxka toxic. What happened to him? I don't think anything did, i even went to 2 admins about it. Maybe the way burrito acts towards the players? He seems to acts high and mighty quite a bit. But I got demoted for toxicity? The staff mentality is pretty mob like. If you try to do something about one staff, 20 more attack you. Well, I'll let everyone else be the judge of this. Was the demote deserved? or is it part of the mob mentality that goes on on the server. I really should'e come out with this sooner, but now that I've been demoted maybe more people will join me with their 50 cents on what they think. Please comment your true thoughts on it, doesn't matter if you're player or a staff. I've deserved the demote... but I'm going to give it 1 last shot to open peoples eyes to the staff and could use some backing...

Speak from your experience on the matter, I know I'm not getting my rank back, but maybe I can make 1 last change at least, or at least open peoples eyes...

censor it and youll have proven my point.

Not too sure if you realize..but other people have spoken out like this in the past, it always boils down to the same conclusion. I understand your frustration, but if you really want anything done, you need to go to Dinkleberg. No TTT admin is going to go against their own. Staff are meant to be like family, and I really don't get that feeling from TTT...but I still am not going to say something I shouldn't. I am only a trusted there, and over my years watching how things are handled I have my disagreements, but it isn't my place to say it. I do agree with you Mari in a sense...but at the same time if everyone only follows their leaders, and their leaders are a certain way..its a chain of command being followed..the lower staff wouldnt be at fault for only doing what is expected of them. It is also a video Through all the people coming to me saying shit about TTT I am sorry but I can't help you with how they run things it is not my place. I wont say their names due to promising I wouldn't. Just know I doubt anything will come of this no matter how much it should make a difference there.
yeah, this post probably isnt going to help... it just makes me come off as even more toxic tbh lol... regardless of my reason, i just felt like i wanted to give one more shot at least... maybe in the future this post will help... or maybe, itll change how things are looked at / run. maybe people will evaluate themselves more and think "maybe i shouldnt be acting this way" idk what the point is tbh... its probably mostly frustration... I really like your post starky.
Dont look so blue
I'm relatively new coming from the summer and I don't play other games with staff so I feel like it'd be appropriate to claim that 3rd party and not part of a group or 'mob'.
One, this is the first I've heard of this so it's not a general staff decision and rather by admins at most maybe some older mods. Which is how it should be, admins should make a decision like this.
Two, from the 6 months of staff discord I have seen you in the middle of many, maybe most, 'disputes' in some way. This can be your own disputes over something or, notably, anything you've brought back up. A lot of these tend to end because a higher staff hand to come end the argument after it reaches fighting or a 'toxic' level. No you aren't the only one and some you don't start but most you do participate in the fighting so idk. Not really a completely unfounded reason if I'm  being honest since I don't know past.
Ending bc boarding a flight forgive autocorrect I'll finish later but that's my main thought
Continue- you are by no means the only person who will start a fight and a full demotion is either sudden or a decision that's been brewing longer than I've been here I imagine.
Also never seen or read a demotion like this since I joined so dunno what to think of any past ones and how those went.
Also the link didn't lead me a a specific picture maybe just me on mobile

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
Oh boy. Can the staff have a mob mentality? Sure. Can the server have a mob mentality? Sure. I’d like to think of myself as someone who doesn’t blindly follow other staff members. Sometimes it makes me look foolish, but whatever. In your case, I don’t know all the details but I remember one incident when you called Foxka toxic and Turner kicked you for staff disrespect. I didn’t get involved because I didn’t know what was going on, but it did seem a little off. I didn’t see any staff disrespect, and I don’t think calling another staff member toxic is staff disrespect. You’ll be called a lot worse than that in the line of duty. I’m not sure if you have a history of starting things because I can’t be bothered to check the Discord, but if you do, you know why you’ve been demoted.

Since this is a thread about calling things out, why don’t I start. If the Admins decide to demote someone, let the player and staff know before you strip their rank from the player. Maybe if you let the player and staff know, we won’t have to go through this drama and we can talk it out before everyone in their mom posts their two cents. Admins need to stop making decisions in the dark because 8.5/10 times it comes back and starts a bunch of unwarranted drama...

Those are my two cents.
I agree with you epicguy the only time you'd know about an admin vote other than staff apps or unban requests is if you ask one directly and they decide to tell you. Some things shouldn't be out in the open and I understand that, but some things should also be announced so we can, as lower staff, understand why a decision was made and the outcomes of these decisions. Just a suggestion not me feeding flames.

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