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Hostility in the community.
(12-12-2020, 09:50 PM)JesseTheUndeadCowboy Wrote:
(12-12-2020, 09:48 PM)Gabeolo Wrote: -deleted-
What now?
I posted this before I saw your response to Nicol and I wrote it because I felt like most people in this thread were just kinda complaining without any solution other than "HELP ME STAFF MAN PLEASE HELP" (while they were ragging on them for not doing anything) and I Couldn't find a version of Emplemon's all you ever do is complain that satisfied me.
"Why is fake Gabe back?" -Prince Nicky
Whenever I think of a response to post I think of all the ways it gets twisted and contorted by others so instead of making any statements I just choose not to. I think a lot of my fellow staff will agree with that sentiment. Just like this post I made here, tried to think of a way to be nice but defend the staff team and I could only think of how people would take it negatively.
I've been playing on and off on the TTT server for several years now and it's easy to say that yeah, toxicity has been a long standing issue as it is with most other online communities especially gmod. Not to say I haven't been culpable of being toxic myself, I definitely have and I encourage anyone to call me out when I'm behaving do. Hostility/toxicity has no permanent fix in an online community, unfortunately it's just one of the worse parts of human nature to act out at the cost of other people.

That is not to say that it isn't being addressed in this community, it sure has. Aggressively toxic players in the community eventually get weeded out, I've seen a fair few toxic cliques rise and fall in these years.

Really in all we just have to be vigilant and patient, don't turn a blind eye to what can be perceived as harassing/toxic behavior from other members in the community. Please understand that this isn't something being ignored by upper staff, stir enough shit and eventually somethings bound to happen.

Just be chill and vibe.
(12-12-2020, 11:19 PM)i Battons Wrote: Whenever I think of a response to post I think of all the ways it gets twisted and contorted by others so instead of making any statements I just choose not to. I think a lot of my fellow staff will agree with that sentiment. Just like this post I made here, tried to think of a way to be nice but defend the staff team and I could only think of how people would take it negatively.

i can agree with this comment. especially during the Price incident. 
one comment can change everyone’s perspective, they’ll ignore all good just because of one bad.

anyways, i do apologize for not assisting on stopping toxicity as much as i should have during my staffing months. 

overall, please do remember that this is a GMOD Community, a game. what’s important is you, your health, and wellbeing. we’re all human, take care yourself first mentally and physically

ps. to gabe, sorry that you feel ignored. i’ll be honest i do ignore you a lot in game, mostly because you throw shade at me, when im tryna vibe to music. lol. but other than that, i do understand where you’re coming from when you do it.
I think a major contributing factor as to why the hostility has increased is peoples inability to escape or do what they want to. Yes the internet is great and all, but being able to spend time with friends or loved ones is a way to recharge for some. COVID has taken more of a mental toll on people than a physical toll from what I've seen. 
I'm not saying this as an excuse for peoples hostile behavior, just something I've noticed. Like caging a wild animal, and yes some of you are straight up animals. (Not intended as an insult more like you're just OP when you play)

<Side note, I didn't read everyone else's responses so if this is just a repeat of someone else than just ignore mine lawl>
Remember what I told you in vc literally hours before you left?
That’s one reason I left cuh
Anyone saying the old staff team (where I was admin) wouldn't be afraid of dishing out punishments to trolls without fear of abuse reports are so completely ignorant to what I had to deal with up until I got demoted from dealing with my (at the time) harasser. Old staff was hard yes, but more toxic as well. You can't have both fun staff and good staff, you gotta pick one.
I mean to be honest I haven't really seen staff abuse their powers. The most I've seen is gagging and ungagging everyone and that wasn't even for more than 1 second. Also as others have said what a person views as "toxic" may not be "toxic" to them. I also have seen other players complain in game about players prop killing, mic spamming, etc and for the most part those issues are handled very fast. But there were some cases where I was being prop killed by someone for over 3 rounds in a row and 3 staff members were on but nothing was done. But all the blame cannot be put on staff for theses issues. I see people complaining in game, yet only a small majority recording an encounter and posting it on the forums. In my opinion I think the staff so far in my experience has done a good job. I think people forget that outside of the game staff have real life priorities. Because of trying to balance real life and staffing in a virtual game they may not pick up on everything going on. So it is the player's best interest to always open your mouth about issues you see going on.
I haven't really been on for a month or so except for a few pop ins here and there. Idk. There are fun people on the server but the toxic people ruined it for me with just blatant harassment cause I messed up with my donor powers or some bs. I get yelled at for being upset at someone for being a total douche. It got really old and the server just wasn't worth playing on anymore. If someone is on that I just don't like I leave cause no point. My only activity in the community is posting in shit posting on discord. I don't even bother posting in general cause a few of the regulars are just assholes and blocking is useless on discord. Also I see a lot of bigotry on the server as well. And I know I'm no saint but I've been working on it cause I know its not right and it hurts people and I don't like hurting people cause I want to be a decent human being. I've seen racism, Transphobia and homophobia and it just bothers me and I want to speak up about it but I know if I do I'll be called a snowflake or some overused bs like that. I've seen regulars get away with a lot of shit that newbies would be obliterated for which is not really fair at all but again I just stay silent cause why bother. Also a few mods can't slay on time for shit which shouldn't be a thing cause its really easy to do it like reading a report watching a death scene and coming up with a conclusion shouldn't take 2 rounds for most reports. Anyways I'm mostly venting.

ps. If you don't have a thick skin don't become a mod.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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