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Looking For Community Input pt. 2 ft. Dong
(08-15-2021, 01:24 PM)Prince Nicky De Lay Ley Wrote:
(08-15-2021, 01:19 PM)dong Wrote: @"Prince Nicky De Lay Ley" if you read what you’ve said to me this entire thread it was quite condescending and an attack in some way shape or form onto me. Your opinion is your opinion, but you didn’t have to be rude to me dude

I have attempted to provide the community with my feedback and assessment of your tenure as an admin. Much of my assessment was negative. I don't consider providing my opinion to be an "attack in some way shape or form onto me." I would expect an admin to be able to handle legitimate criticism without interpreting it as a personal attack on their character. I have repeatedly stated that I like you as a person and want to see you succeed.

I find it amusing that you are taking my criticism so negatively, considering this post that you wrote upon your resignation. I'm just trying to have my voice heard here, even though it is a voice that you may not want to hear.
Statements like the ones I highlighted in blue are what he is talking about. Saying things like: "I would expect an admin to be able to handle legitimate criticism" or "I find it amusing that you are taking my criticism so negatively" are attacks. Disregarding the argument about them being attacks on his character they are extremely condescending and you trying to pretend they are not is just another layer into what you are trying to do.

I'll make a quick list of all the quotes from your posts that are condescending or just an outright attack:
"If you or others can't see the difference between the personal and "professional," then I don't know what else I can do" (gaslighting people who disagree with you by saying they do not have the capacity to understand your words)
"That statement was either untrue or showed that you had failed to properly recognize several instances of your staff members commenting on and even posting evidence of inappropriate behavior." (Implying in the first part of this quote that he was lying)
"Maybe you should have properly fixed the system, rather than try to blame it later." (Gaslighting Dong by intentionally disregarding the work he did to try and fix the system)
"No one wants to ban a regular because often they are our friend or we will take a beating in an unban request. But some of us do it anyways." (The use of the word "us" is placing yourself on a pedestal so you can talk down to others)
"So in the 5 months that you were admin, you accumulated no more than 114 hours of additional experience." (Gaslighting through the use of the phrase "no more" implies that it was an insufficient amount of time, when in reality it fell well within and even surpassed the time requirements for admin)
"You cite this as one of your achievements or positive things that you did as a staff member. These were quickly deleted after you resigned. Not much of a legacy there, especially considering you have oft criticized them." (This is just an outright attack, blaming him for something that you admitted was done after he resigned. The phrase "not much of a legacy there" contributes nothing to your point except to attack Dong)

"I will cite my legacy as the PH Admin as a comparison and to see if you can provide me with something similar." (Gaslighting Dong is a pointless show of one-upmanship, to again put yourself above him so you can talk down to him)
"And comparing Murder Admin isn't exactly appropriate." (Saying that comparisons are inappropriate while you just did exactly that)
"I am not blaming Dong for inaction, because I too was guilty of that. I am, however, saying that he either lied or failed to do his job as admin and stay apprised of a deteriorating situation." (Saying you are not blaming him for inaction while blaming him for inaction in other parts of the thread. Not to mention how you accuse him of either lying or being a failure)
"I'm just genuinely confused how people, especially those that never staff under him as a Moderator, are praising how great of an admin Dong was. I don't think there really is anything to show for his less than 114 hours and 5 months of being an admin" (Again saying he was a useless Admin and criticizing those who you claim never staffed under him while you yourself admitted later on to only staffing under him while he "was on his way out")

edit: In reference to the comment about his playtime, you acknowledged that the "definition of an active admin was a 10 hour per every 2 week gameplay, if I remember correctly", but later on you claim that as an admin he fell into the category of inactive even though he fell into the definition of an active admin that you, yourself, provided.

These are just on pages 4, 5, and 6. You have been attacking him or attempting to bait him this entire time, if you want I can comb through the previous 3 pages to find instances of it there as well. Do not try to act high and mighty now while in all of your responses you have taken a tone that attempts to place yourself on a pedestal while bringing down those who disagree with you.
Stop. I'm at work. If I have to stop my doing my paid job to handle this I will be upset. Continue to criticize but we've moved from critical analysis to attacking others characters. We upper staff ex or not represent our community, act like it.
I’ve yet to read it all as I am out of the house but it was brought up that this has devolved from any civil debate to jumping individuals. Several of you have made your point to say the least. For those who have additional comments for the original point of this thread please keep it civil.

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
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What would be some of your immediate focus points for server improvement upon gaining admin rank?
(08-15-2021, 10:35 PM)Mother Nuru. Wrote: What would be some of your immediate  focus points for server improvement upon gaining admin rank?
If given the chance, my first priority would be to redo the rules revisions that I had (most, if not all are still in my head) and present them to the rest of the team. It would be in our best interest to make up new drafts regarding ear rape queues, and other things that aren’t concrete. Next thing would be to make an official post or something regarding donors doing things that staff should. Would take multiple opinions into account and see what we could all come up with. Examples would be that it’s okay if staff online have their hands too full and they say go for it. Maybe even not allowing it at all. Handing out strikes if it gets too much into the overstepping area, etc. such a weird area that needs to be addressed/worked on towards the future. Anything other than seems like it would be an issue to issue basis, that’s the only stuff I could think of doing right now as there doesn’t appear to be any major gsme breaking things. Nothing gun or player model wise needs to be addressed by me as the “dev” team is well on top of that. Best I could do for that is hop in and help when needed.
I've been very delayed in responding to this and my apologies for doing so.
Overall I think dong would make for a fine TTT admin, given his previous experience. Most of my concerns have already been addressed by multiple people, in particular your activity in game and length of time since your resignation.

That being said, the only thing I would reflect further on is ensuring that, if dong is added to the TTT admin team, that this not restrict the possibilities for up and coming staff members who would also make for good admins. Right now it makes sense, as we don't really have anyone who would fit that role. But we don't want to shut down opportunities for newer staff to be able to take these mantles when they are better qualified.

I think someone else mentioned this earlier, so I credit them for bringing up this concern, but looking at our current TTT staff, we have several new staff members who are working hard as hell to improve our game balance, map selection, rule sets, and in-game moderation.

So this goes for both you and Nicol - I think you both wrre good admins when I worked under you, despite how inactive you guys may be at times, but I encourage you, if you come back, to make sure that you are not shutting the door behind someone else.
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@Jammin thank you for the reply and to answer your concern, I would not be shutting the door on other potential future candidates. I’m actually advocating for a larger admin team because we used to always have 5-6. As I said previously only “needing” 2-3 admins is a very new concept from the era of Nicol and I. More admins would help because we all have different schedules and newer people would bring new ideas to the table.
The more the merrier as long as it doesn't exceed too many. But the more you guys have working on different areas BUT as a team, the better. When I was pH admin fish and I would work together, but on different areas that needed attention and that still was a lot on two. I can only see benefits from this. My only concern as stated before is mental well being. If you can promise to take breaks or to stay in touch with current admins on when you need to step back some then I see no wrong here.
i HATE staff

but who cares, if he's inactive just bar him from staffing again
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world record resignation champion

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