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Dinkleberg's TTT Speedrun (Trusted to Mod%)
Ingame Name: 
Discord Tag: 
Time Played: 
3W 5D (624H total at the time of posting this)
When First Joined: 
May 11, 2021 (136 days ago at the time of posting)
Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): 
Available on weekends, typically available in the afternoons of weekdays from 2:00 to 9:00 PM EST
Rank Desired: 
Current Rank: 
What can you do to help the community: 
Since I first started becoming more invested in the community, I've helped staff to keep the servers to be a fun place to play and hang out on. I'd like to continue doing this in a greater fashion, being able to help keep the community at its best as a Moderator. Beyond that, as some might know, I've helped prepare and test future content after being kindly offered to join what is now the development team for TTT. This started out small, suggesting what weapons should be looked at and how, and eventually evolved into making and helping test those changes myself. It is my hope that I can continue helping prepare and test content to the best of my ability to ensure the server is an enjoyable, balanced experience with fresh and exciting content.
Why you want to help the community: 
If it wasn't obvious already, I have a genuine love for this community and the people in it (even if I whine and joke sometimes). Battons himself put it best back when I applied for Trusted when he said I hold a passion for the servers and for my friends here (yeah I looked my name up in staff chat like a nosy bitch, what are you gonna do about it), and this could not be truer now, even moreso than it was then. I'm still very passionate about this community; I care about it in a way more than just wanting it to be a fun, troll-free place for my friends and other members--I want to see it continue to succeed, and provide for others the same joy that it still brings me now.
Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): 
Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): 
Yes, twice
How did you find us?: 
Started playing GMod again out of boredom, joined once off of a friend since a server we both played died not that long ago, continued to play to occupy myself from a really emotionally painful situation, as well as enjoying the people I played with. Don't think I've ever told the full story behind this, but there it is. 
Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): 
Regarding my gap in activity some might bring up (and rightly so):
Now that I'm moved into my dorm and have adjusted to my schedule, I'm now able to consistently get on and make up for lost time (as seen by playing for nearly 7 hours in one day recently, 16 hours in total this week, and for at least 3-4 hours for the week before that).
My other attempt to make up for this anticipated gap in activity occurred before I left for college, submitting a lot of my best (most effort-filled) behind-the-scenes work in hopes to prepare future content while I was able to, as well as getting on the server and interacting with people as much as I could. 
Lastly regarding this, I've continued to stay active on discord and the forums even during this gap in activity, trying to continue to engage with the community I love by giving my insight into ban requests, staff applications, and the general happenings. 

Genuine thanks to everyone who's supported me throughout my relatively short time here. I've made a great deal of valuable friends here that I respect deeply. 

As always, no matter the outcome of this thread, I'll try my best to learn and continue helping the server as I always have done.

hi mr hanger im sure you expected to see me here
i have a few questions

do you plan to limit some of your very out of line joking/etc since mod is a bigger step up on the ladder and more important/needs to been seen as more professional?

and by very out of line im sure you know what i mean but for reference, posts like the one that was deleted on forums recently, about killing, racist/anti semitic that some admin tried to sweep and ignore :^ )

i wont ask if you CAN be professional bc you can and the times ive been with you on server you do handle stuff well and check on players when they bring up concerns. you didnt even know me or who i was etc and when i brought up needing help with something you jumped on it no issue. The issue is you're not always consistent in this off server and mods are more than in server faces, they are a big step on the out of community aspects as well, on any server.
you are pretty liked in the community thats for sure, but some of it is the wrong reasons imo. you can be one of those to go with the crowd, but you also have times to have your own voice. with mod you need to be able to have your own voice ALL the time.

also mod requirements, lets strike out what you got down to my knowledge
Moderator - High-level staff position. This rank gains access to additional commands, foremost being the ability to ban. This position is responsible for handling ban requests and in-game bans, along with previous responsibilities. The rank is also a senior position.
- Has an exceptional knowledge of the rules and guidelines of being a staff member, enough to thoroughly train intermediate staff members.
- Responses to scenarios.
- No mildly significant or major behavioral issues as of late. You have issues with warns and posting inappropriate stuff that you ACKNOWLEDGE is wrong.
- Ban requests are consistently made with all necessary information  on the lower side but they're there.
- Can think for themselves(sometimes you can), be confident in their decisions, and can objectively handle all situations(this one i question due to the going with the crowd and engaging in trolling or doing dumb stuff).
- Consistent activity in the community as a staff member for at least 3 months you gave proper reasoning in my opinion for server absences and you've been around consistently
- Has experience handling advanced staffing issues other than gameplay
- Strong, detailed community support Keep in mind some of this is for the wrong reason,but this is only IMO
- 400+ hours in server

That being said even without the answer for the time being my unwanted vote is -1 you need more time to show maturity and such qualities that are looked at for mods because at the time being you don't exuberate mod material in all honesty at this time. I do really want to see you grow you've become one of my favorite people to harass :^ )
+1 although not active lately (he has a good excuse for the temporary change in situation), he is generally active and an extremely fair and well rounded staff member. Also, I want to cradle his balls.
+1 one of the nicest people in the community. Hong is very patient and easy to get along with. I don't think I've ever verbally spoken to you but I'm sure you're nice through vc too.
Moderate issues will result in at minimum a warning and watch from the admins. A member who has a recent moderate breach may not be eligible for promotion. Admins may also discuss a rank demotion if the staff member repeats offenses.
- Minor issues that continue after warning(s) and/or arguing the issues
- Receiving a legitimate ban
- Actively trolling or flaming situations instead of solving them as a staff member. 
-***Indirect racism or use of terms***
- Abuse of powers

Given the recent discord/forum issue I would have concerns if it was deemed acceptable behavior by accepting the app immediately after. -1

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
Hi Hong, thank you for applying for the rank of Moderator.
Over the past few months, you have taken your role as a staff member by the horns and run with it. You have fought tooth and nail to make the server a better place by various weapon balancing, map/model testing, and assertive moderation of the server for it's benefit.

However, there have been three incidents, all within discord (two in main and one in staff) involving inappropriate jokes that give me strong pause. I won't recount them publicly and will add that these weren't by any means bannable offenses, but I feel they go well beyond an appropriate level of "gamer banter." None of the incidents I am recollecting involved racism/sexism/antisemitic humor, to make that point clear.
Now at least for one particular incident, you have apologized and acknowledged your wrongdoing, though after being called out on it. The other two, to my knowledge, you have not acknowledged - I hope you at least have reflected on the issue.
For the sake of privacy I will not share details of any of the incidents, though I will discuss in DM's with HONG or any of the TTT admins should he/they wish to know.

Due to this reason alone, I just don't think you are ready to move up to the moderator rank. I supported you strongly on the T-Mod app (and I stand by that support) because that app was prior to all 3 incidents. I think you will make a great Moderator some day, but for right now you are just too aggressive with some of the jokes.
Outside of these incidents, HONG's work ethics in the server exemplifies the ideal TTT Moderator

-1 promotion for right now.
In a month? Unless something else comes up probably a +1.

Best of luck in your application, HONG.
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
Join our discord:
(09-24-2021, 06:27 PM)Mother Nuru. Wrote: hi mr hanger im sure you expected to see me here
i have a few questions

do you plan to limit some of your very out of line joking/etc since mod is a bigger step up on the ladder and more important/needs to been seen as more professional?

and by very out of line im sure you know what i mean but for reference, posts like the one that was deleted on forums recently, about killing, racist/anti semitic that some admin tried to sweep and ignore :^ )

i wont ask if you CAN be professional bc you can and the times ive been with you on server you do handle stuff well and check on players when they bring up concerns. you didnt even know me or who i was etc and when i brought up needing help with something you jumped on it no issue. The issue is you're not always consistent in this off server and mods are more than in server faces, they are a big step on the out of community aspects as well, on any server.
you are pretty liked in the community thats for sure, but some of it is the wrong reasons imo. you can be one of those to go with the crowd, but you also have times to have your own voice. with mod you need to be able to have your own voice ALL the time.

also mod requirements, lets strike out what you got down to my knowledge
Moderator - High-level staff position. This rank gains access to additional commands, foremost being the ability to ban. This position is responsible for handling ban requests and in-game bans, along with previous responsibilities. The rank is also a senior position.
- Has an exceptional knowledge of the rules and guidelines of being a staff member, enough to thoroughly train intermediate staff members.
- Responses to scenarios.
- No mildly significant or major behavioral issues as of late. You have issues with warns and posting inappropriate stuff that you ACKNOWLEDGE is wrong.
- Ban requests are consistently made with all necessary information  on the lower side but they're there.
- Can think for themselves(sometimes you can), be confident in their decisions, and can objectively handle all situations(this one i question due to the going with the crowd and engaging in trolling or doing dumb stuff).
- Consistent activity in the community as a staff member for at least 3 months you gave proper reasoning in my opinion for server absences and you've been around consistently
- Has experience handling advanced staffing issues other than gameplay
- Strong, detailed community support Keep in mind some of this is for the wrong reason,but this is only IMO
- 400+ hours in server

That being said even without the answer for the time being my unwanted vote is -1 you need more time to show maturity and such qualities that are looked at for mods because at the time being you don't exuberate mod material in all honesty at this time. I do really want to see you grow you've become one of my favorite people to harass :^ )
uhhh man how do i format stuff like this god i hate the forums

Hi, thanks for taking time to respond with such a well-thought out and detailed reply. It's only fair that I respond in kind to each of your points.

-do you plan to limit some of your very out of line joking/etc since mod is a bigger step up on the ladder and more important/needs to been seen as more professional?
Yes and no. Since becoming staff, I've tried not to become uptight, pompous, or otherwise someone who sits on their high horse, since I've always wanted to stay connected with the people in this community, rather than becoming a changed person who isn't fun to be around and generally creates distance from the spirit of the community--which would go against my desire to keep the server and community as a fun place to be. As for out of line joking? I try to leave well enough alone and never cross the line that separates the responsibilities of a staff member, and role model, and the out-of-control "all for fun" behavior of a regular player (more on that later).
-and by very out of line im sure you know what i mean but for reference, posts like the one that was deleted on forums recently, about killing, racist/anti semitic that some admin tried to sweep and ignore :^ )
What I posted as a reply to a pretty awful and uncomfortable thread was a shitpost copy pasted straight from discord. Was it dumb? Yeah, definitely, it was a shitpost on a shitpost of a thread. Was it "racist/anti semitic"? I can kind of see where the "racist" part came from, but anti semitic? That particularly confuses me. Definitely not. It's "racist" when you express or harbor prejudice towards a race. It's not racist when you say something jokingly like, "I hate Americans" because Americans aren't a race nor an ethnic group, and that specific sentence has been said by multiple staff, recently. I'm not in the habit of judging what I think of people based on who they are, or what they identify as. That's not what staff stand for, and that's definitely not what I stand for. I try to demonstrate that every time I punish someone for being racist or prejudiced (you could probably find a sizeable list of how many people I've warned for racism), and when I say things like "I hate British people," I'm very careful about who I say it to, and to make sure its clearly done jokingly. That being said, my reply to that thread was still dumb. 
-Can think for themselves(sometimes you can), be confident in their decisions, and can objectively handle all situations(this one i question due to the going with the crowd and engaging in trolling or doing dumb stuff).
This one definitely does surprise me. Maybe you just haven't been on the server much, but I'm jokingly seen as a contrarian on occasion since I don't tend to hide in a crowd when it comes to voicing my opinions. I stand by my decisions, and my opinions, and although I do like joking around with my friends, I have not once in being staff shown bias towards them when it comes time to make decisions, like punishments. I like my friends. They're a big part of why I've stayed in this community. They're also not above the rules just because I like them.
- Strong, detailed community support Keep in mind some of this is for the wrong reason,but this is only IMO
I'm really not sure what this one's supposed to mean. I'm generally supported by my friends and the rest of the community for listening to people's feedback, concerns, etc. and then doing something with what they've given me. Part of it is also that I also just try to be fun to be around-- it's pretty much just that simple.

Hopefully this helps clear some things up to you and others. I'm not actually a hateful or spiteful person that lets my friends do whatever they want. I make jokes, and they sometimes miss the mark, so I think I'll keep trying to chill out as I have for a bit now.
Someone post a comment so I can copy and paste their +1 and then reword it to my own so I can make it sound like I didn't use plagiarism
[Image: wiiu-destruction.gif][Image: wiiu-destruction.gif]

I haven't known you very long/don't remember you from my past romp here, however i do like you. There are some good aspects to you being a non-serious staff member that makes me think you would be a great fit to move on up.

However, I have also seen you take things too far, or in some cases ignore issues that should be addressed. While nonserious, i would still like to see a little bit more initiative from you going on in the future.

I think you know what you need to work on, and believe that you can do just that.

(09-24-2021, 06:44 PM)matt_st3 (Strongrule) Wrote: Given the recent discord/forum issue I would have concerns if it was deemed acceptable behavior by accepting the app immediately after. -1
This is well said. I too have concerns with HONG's recent behavior in the discord. Specifically a meme that was not ok. Being a moderator is a pretty high staff rank, before advancing to the next rank I think behavior should definitely improve. -1
[Image: 955ef7a32696f2e506ea3319fcb5017a.png][Image: Banned-Gravity-Small.jpg]
Resigned prop hunt trusted 4/16/2021 - 1/1/2022 <3

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.