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I want Light Blue instead of Green
I personally like Damien so far in my short time knowing him, however I think it might be best to wait just a little bit longer before a promotion with the interactions I've seen.
Easy +1
other then taking all the reports damien is good staff i think he would make a good tmod +1. i dont see a need for more trusted time however i do think you need to chill with how active you are. burnout is a very common thing ive only just got back from my like almost 6 month burnout
[Image: 4kcofo.jpg]thx fish[Image: Salsa_UwU.jpg]
From what I've seen, Damien has been a really good trusted +1 on promotion
I trained him well.

I was originally hesitant against Damien becoming staff, but I think he's really proven that he has what it takes to succeed as staff. He handles reports well, and from what I can tell, has a positive relationship with the community. Yes, he's 15(?), but so was I when I became T-Mod, and he's much more mature than I was at that age. It would be hypocritical for me to not support this app.

I think you're pretty good staff, extremely active, and have an immense amount of ban requests.
My worry and concern lies with, pushing too hard too fast, and burnout. I'd personally prefer you wait another month, find a good balance between gmod, and anything thats not gmod, so this doesn't happen. I'd had to see you hate this place like most do after going ham forever.
Also, it's only been a month and people have pointed out they're not ENTIRELY sure you can handle a whole new set of responsibilities. I also believe a months wait is best after the blowup from your trusted app. For yourself, and the admins both.
-1 but you will get it for sure next time. Or I'll beat up bryan specifically.
+1 damien seems to handle being trusted with no issues. and with the gap between tmod and mod being bigger now, that eliminates my small concerns of him getting burnt out or finding difficulty balancing the responsibilities of higher staff.
Gonna be neutral on this but I personally do believe you should stay another month as trusted. You haven’t done anything that bad per se I just believe you need another month of experience so it would prove to us you can handle stuff properly.
Realistically I think you've surprised many people if not everyone with how serious you've taken your role since becoming Trusted over in TTT. I'm genuinely shocked because to be fair, you're doing a good job as far as I'm concerned. You gobble up all the reports and generally deal with some of the trolls relatively well. 

Personally I'm Neutral because I don't think a little more time could hurt. However if you are moved forward so soon then I also think that would be fine. 

Good luck.
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[Image: 6jCIuUl.gif]

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