Unban Request.
Ingame Name: Granny Anal Compilation #18

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:193406006

Who Banned You: Kizzy something I think

Reason For Ban: they said slur usage even though it wasn't

Length of Ban: says Never on unban

Reason for Admins to Unban: Because the moderator seems unfit for their position and lets their emotions interfere with their judgement. 
There was a user that kept trying to troll me I can't remember the name but I asked if they were Transgender (Honestly wasn't trying to be offensive, I was wanting to know so I could refer to them with the right pronouns). That user kept flaming me so I was needing a mods assistance. I kept asking for a mod and each mod kept ignoring my requests (3 online and afk i guess). Kizzy decides instead of replying to me to gag for im guessing mic spam? When I was literally just trying to talk over the other players so the mods could hear me. He then gets smart with me while I couldn't respond back (as gmod mods usually do) then ungags me. I try to tell him I was needing assistance and I was asking for a mod and he gags again. 
By then I realize the mods are not here to help so I go on about my game. The (Transgender?) User then proceeds to start back up knowing kizzy was unfit for the position and wouldn't stop them and I tell them to stop. I can't remember fully what I said but it was something like "you are transgender you need to stop trolling me" and kizzy took it upon himself to ban me for a slur? 
I never knew Transgender was a slur on this server and no one gave me a warn for that. And a permaban for saying a slur that isn't actually a slur is kinda stupid in my opinion. Personally I don't think there is anything negative about being Transgender to make it a slur. 
I could understand a week or 2 ban but permaban seems kinda excessive for the offence (which wasn't even an offence). Even with my one other ban I don't think a permaban is really needed.

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): I have been banned once for saying a joke about a mod being fat (another stupid ban lmao) and the mod literally taking that way too serious lol.
@Kizzy care to share evidence justifying the ban?

I doubt Kizzy would have banned you unless there was a really significant reason as he is technically no longer staff, but I'll refrain from judgement until he provides his evidence.
We have a very limited scope for what is considered a slur - f word and n word accounts for 99% of all slur punishments. So there is likely more to the story than what you are providing here.

Also noting user was previously banned for 1 week, appeal is located here: https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/sho...#pid119790
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
Join our discord: discord.gg/dinks
Unfortunately as I was on, I didn't have my shadow play on. You were not only spamming admin chat over the fact Foxka gagging you over eating your mic. You proceeded to be obnoxious and troll around by harassing one of the players in-game while I was attempting to answer whatever stupid question you were having.
Bro, I'm not gonna lie. You're just generally a minge who's unfunny. I'm surprised you didn't get banned sooner.

I'm gonna bring up a couple of points that I feel like you're embellishing or just saying to make yourself sound better.

" Because the moderator seems unfit for their position and lets their emotions interfere with their judgement. "

I have never known Kizzy as someone who lets their emotions interfere with their judgement, and when they were staff they have always been more than "fit" for their position. So, Automatically I don't believe you.

" There was a user that kept trying to troll me I can't remember the name but I asked if they were Transgender "

Why would this matter? It's much easier to ask for their pronouns rather than their sex/gender.

"Honestly wasn't trying to be offensive"

You are very obviously trying to be offensive by asking a question like that. Don't try to mix things up.

Kizzy decides instead of replying to me to gag for im guessing mic spam? When I was literally just trying to talk over the other players so the mods could hear me.

This is not the way to go to get the mods attention and you know it. Being loud in your mic and talking excessively are micspam so this sounds like a warranted gag from YOUR point of view already.

 "He then gets smart with me while I couldn't respond back (as gmod mods usually do) "

What's the point of adding this? A jab at the people you're asking to unban you? That's very idiotic.

"you are transgender you need to stop trolling me" and kizzy took it upon himself to ban me for a slur? 

That's transphobic as fuck, if you can't see why then you're ignorant.

Basically, this ban boils down to Mr. Granny Anal Compilation #18 being an unfunny troll and getting caught, getting mad at the mods, and complaining and whining. And with that, I give a -1 to your unban request and seriously suggest you fuck off and find another server, we don't need more people who think they're funny by being transphobic.

Also: Don't forget this.
Seen you on couple times ive been on, you just cause problems
[Image: D6E0C93A-D285-4C99-B7AB-C616869240B2.jpg...2d0fbf6a9&][Image: 86DBE62D-5EE5-47F0-9E4C-DE5FA0541D5B.jpg...d2ef8e0e3&]
Ex- TTT Mod
Dong's Favorite Tmod
"I have been banned once for saying a joke about a mod being fat (another stupid ban lmao) and the mod literally taking that way too serious lol."

The correct term is harassment in that specific case. Don't downplay your previous ban like it didn't matter. Harassment is taken seriously.

This is your ban reason: "Nice way to keep trolling into the new year/Multiple slur usage and harassment reports"

If there is proof of even more harassment after already having a previous harassment ban, I'd have to say you need to stay banned. 

Considering the "Transgender slur" assuming that you're not filling us in on everything (shocking) I'm sure you used the word associated with that, that is shorter. That would indeed be a slur. 

Would like some sort of proof rather than voting but your history as it stands doesn't really speak well to me. Won't be voting till I see anything of course but just talking about a few key points that should be brought up. 
[Image: wattson-apex-legends.gif]
[Image: 6jCIuUl.gif]
this guys an ear raping, racist, homophobic and transphobic troll

-1 stay gone, thanks
Looking at your old ban request you clearly haven't learned anything and let alone won't even own up to the fact that you're just a troll who wants to cause problems. You haven't seemed to learn anything. -1
Retired gay boy
Yes I still play!!
[Image: image.png]
(01-01-2022, 03:01 AM)Wrom Wrote: Seen you on couple times ive been on, you just cause problems
Never seen you before and I don't just cause problems. Post is irrelevant to the topic.

(01-01-2022, 04:38 AM)Ryzif Wrote: "I have been banned once for saying a joke about a mod being fat (another stupid ban lmao) and the mod literally taking that way too serious lol."

The correct term is harassment in that specific case. Don't downplay your previous ban like it didn't matter. Harassment is taken seriously.

This is your ban reason: "Nice way to keep trolling into the new year/Multiple slur usage and harassment reports"

If there is proof of even more harassment after already having a previous harassment ban, I'd have to say you need to stay banned. 

Considering the "Transgender slur" assuming that you're not filling us in on everything (shocking) I'm sure you used the word associated with that, that is shorter. That would indeed be a slur. 

Would like some sort of proof rather than voting but your history as it stands doesn't really speak well to me. Won't be voting till I see anything of course but just talking about a few key points that should be brought up. 
The point I was trying to make about my previous ban was that is was not that serious but the mod at the time was probably having a bad day that influenced their decision. Plenty of people make jokes about other users/mods that are far worse than a fat joke and don't get gagged/banned.

And I was asking if they were Tansgender so I would know what their pronouns were. Like I said before.

I was not trying to be offensive in ANY way. I think maybe because I don't have many hours on the server many of the "regulars" feel like anyone trying to join their server is automatically just trying to troll. I've seen that happen on a lot of different servers and it makes it hard for new players to want to play there.
Also Transgender is the only thing I said. There was no "other slur" because I don't go around saying slurs on GMod. So that was reaching.

And I do agree that I probably did need a gag for how I was trying to get the mods attention for being loud. I didn't know any other way though because they were ignoring Admin chat, and there were a LOT of people talking on VC.
(01-01-2022, 01:55 PM)Foxka Wrote: this guys an ear raping, racist, homophobic and transphobic troll

-1 stay gone, thanks
I have never "Ear raped" on here. I'm assuming you are talking about me talking louder to try getting a mod to actually respond?
Also I am not racist/homophobic/transphobic and have NEVER said a slur on this server. So that was a flat out lie on your end probably because you are letting your emotions get to you.
If you are wanting to be a moderator here you definitely need to work on that. That's like a mentally ill person becoming a police officer, and you see what happens with that. Taking out their problems on the people they are supposed to "serve and protect".

You are better than this bro.
(01-01-2022, 02:31 PM)Nazu(s) Wrote: Looking at your old ban request you clearly haven't learned anything and let alone won't even own up to the fact that you're just a troll who wants to cause problems. You haven't seemed to learn anything. -1

There is literally 0 correlation to that ban and this one.
First ban was because I mad a fat joke to a mod (that was having a bad day and decided to take that out on me). Which was my bad, I didn't know they were mentally unstable. So I knew not to make jokes like that anymore on this server. And I haven't.

This ban was definitely excessive for pretty much just asking if someone was transgender and permaban. Like I know now to just avoid anything that could possibly be offensive by reaching.
Dude the fact that you have 4 people talking about the fact that you've caused problems should be enough. Take a break and try making an unban request later, you're clearly here solely to cause problems. You shouldn't be let back period, but that's just my take.
Retired gay boy
Yes I still play!!
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