Birddog6 Permagag Appeal
(08-22-2022, 07:54 PM)dong Wrote: I suppose you cannot read, but what everyone else is claiming + you harassing me at the same time = I ended up gagging you

Okay, well now there are 4 different versions of what I supposedly was saying at the time and you can't confirm or even verbatim tell me what it is I said to make you permagagging me. 

How did I harass you? 

What was I saying that was offensive? 

Not a person here has yet to bring anything specific as to what I said, including you, the person who did it.
At the end of the day this is likely going to be a case of circumstantial evidence based on testimony. Obviously none of us remember the toxic shit a random troll says from a month ago. If we did, we would obviously had posted it by now. And if that means you get ungagged, then it. Lack of hard evidence doesn't mean I have to support your ungag. The circumstantial evidence is all over the place, and If you really want me to find hard evidence of you acting in a similar fashion to how you were accused of acting in this case, I am happy to provide reason as to why you were banned on discord. I don't think that's necessary, but if you continued refuse to acknowledge that you are a toxic and abrasive troll, then I'll be happy to do so to assist the TTT admin team in making their final decision.

You might get ungagged. Normal precident would suggest you should be. You were gagged by somebody who is no longer an admin, who probably didn't have the authority to issue that gag, and who didn't record evidence or give reason at the time for why that gag was issued. No one else could provide evidence, and yes your argument is a good one. If the TTT admins ungag you, they would have proper reason to do so.

I get what you were saying by not being able to defend yourself against direct quotes or videos, and that is a legitimate argument, but given testimony from multiple people, I think it's pretty clear that what you are being accused of, namely being toxic and harassing others, is something that happened.
This is a behavior you've demonstrated in the past, I have no doubt this is what happened.

Ultimately my opinion doesn't matter anymore than anyone else is here. I'm not a TTT admin, my influence only comes from my established reputation in this community. You're asking earlier about how someone would know that I didn't start making pronazi comments? Well, I've never done so in the past, and the community knows that that is not something I support nor is that something I've ever done. In your case, you have demonstrated multiple times toxic behavior in this community, and there is a much larger likelihood that this behavior you are accused of, which is similar in nature to past behavior, actually occurred.

I may not be able to stop the admins from ungagging you, but I am not under any obligation to support you. -1

If you want me to pull receipts from Discord let me know
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
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also...I don't know if you're just lacking social awareness or what but being toxic during a town hall and making people feel bad about themselves for posting in the pictures thread (and also posting people's pictures to the town hall channel in an attempt at harassment) is a good way to alienate yourself from the community and is probably part of the reason nobody really wants to take your side. Roasting, banter, etc. is one thing but when nobody knows who you are you just come off as a jerk who nobody wants to interact with.
coming out of the grave to say you were a disgusting homophobic/transphobic troll, also a disgusting person in general, provable via discord messages, your comments at town hall, and regarding homophobia/transphobia, evidence can be found via noire if he still has my old chats on discord :) warns dont go for no reason idiot
First thing this guy did (with their buddy) on the server was try to revenge rdm me (poorly)(noob) and harassed me over a single report I made on one of them (I FORGET WHICH OK)
-1 idiotly bad
-1 bump
[Image: unknown.png]
Since you can't take a hint and continue to lie about your behavior and toxicity I found a short video to explain what you should do next in your attempt at an ungag appeal:

Seriously, lying about it is gonna make this an instant no from almost anyone. Just own up to it and apologize and maybe you can try again next time.
this was a good read, thank you.

I think that birddog should get another chance at an appeal at a later undisclosed date if no further issues arise, but at this time it would not be a good idea.
(08-23-2022, 06:38 PM)Foxka Wrote: Since you can't take a hint and continue to lie about your behavior and toxicity I found a short video to explain what you should do next in your attempt at an ungag appeal:

Seriously, lying about it is gonna make this an instant no from almost anyone. Just own up to it and apologize and maybe you can try again next time.

What am I owning up to? I got punished for the other things and haven't done and won't do anything like that since, or said anything bad since. In fact all of the toxicity in this entire thread came from staff or former staff or people I do not know personally or have played with frequently in a while, including you. I'm not lying about anything, if I said something offensive since then, I apologize, but I can't apologize for what I'm not aware of or remembering.
-1 go away

lay down with the dog, get up with the fleas.
Incepimus, Nunc et semper.
This means that "we begin, now and forever", and translates as "always we begin again"
What this actually means is that we should always strive to better ourselves, because tomorrow is a new day.
I hope you take it to heart. Remember, an improvement, no matter how small, is improvement.


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