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Trusted application 3, back 4 more
-1 common sense not to exploit staff shouldn't have to tell you not to...
[Image: J6yUs0g]
(11-13-2022, 11:01 AM)voidzz Wrote: im a -1, watched you go into elevator exploit spot all 6 rounds on floodlights even after being told to chill and any time you were gonna die you asked the staff to bring you lol (they actually did once)
Where have you been ya cutie patootie

+1 I know nobody wants my opinion but I genuinely think once he is given the chance to be staff he will do just fine. As for the exploits I personally haven't seen him doing it alot recently. I know he's genuine and wants to be an excellent staff member and given the opportunity I feel he would serve as a role model and prove himself.
[Image: its-vodka-vodka.gif]
+0.5 you've been more active and no issues come to mind that i've seen but i also haven't seen many major efforts to be involved in community discussions or ban requests, i don't think you would be problematic as staff but i also don't think staff should just be regular+ so i hope to see a little more active involvement if you are accepted
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
an obvious -1 because he got it before me

actually though +1 cimag has been trying for this for a while and I think he deserves it, he's chill and doesn't take things personally, I think he'd be a great addition for staff and to trusteds.
don't staff unless you plan to hate playing garry's mod 
also known previously as "yeat"
I can't take an L, they just don't exist.
queue more yeat
Neutral because of no ban requests and the exploiting issue.
I've actually seen you on server recently so I can verify you are active. I've also seen you about on forums and on discord.

While ban requests aren't a requirement, having at least a few shows effort you put in. That along with the exploiting issues gives me pause as to how serious you would treat staffing.

But I'm all for giving the right people a chance. Best of luck with your application.
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
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Hi Cimag,

So… considering the whole exploit situation. I wasn’t aware of you being warned beforehand. I wasn’t sure if that you were verbally warned during the map of floodlights or not but I did bring you since you were blocking the elevator one of the rounds. I’m sure I didn’t warn you since I got on but I didn’t see you continue it after. Nonetheless, that is only one issue that I see pop up and you weren’t warned (that I know of when I got on) but it’s not a big deal. Other than that, I haven’t sent major issues from you and you do poke around the discord and forums but not much. Same thing as always, ban requests make your app look good but are not a necessity. You have been playing recently on the server and I’m sure you know the rules by now so I think you would be ready. I say just watch breaking the exploit tule and you should be fine.

+1, Good Luck on your App!


Going above the elevator on floodlights is fun. In all seriousness though it sounds like it was a one-off thing--it wasn't continued and it didn't end with an awarn, so seems like a non-issue.

I do like to see ban requests from Trusted applicants, but I recognize if there are staff on the server (or nobody is doing anything that warrants making a ban request), you can spend a fair amount of time on the server without the need even arising.

Overall I'm down to give you a shot. You've been friendly and active on the server and are clearly interested in helping out. Good luck :)
[Image: b_560x95.png]
+1, I think you truly will be good staff. Even though you have been known to "exploit" and troll a bit, its something everyone does. The trick is to not cross the line, I think in terms of the exploiting, its a good thing to test around and see if things are broken or breaking, however if you continue to exploit to ruin the game for other players, then that's where the line gets crossed. Try not to step over the line.
[Image: JU8CD1n.png]
[Image: 73MD1Yf.gif]
I am going to stick to +0 for now as I wouldn’t mind giving you a chance at trusted but still on the fence!
+1 Level-headed and charismatic.

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