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Not voting, but if this gets denied wait longer than a month to make a new one. It takes time to convince people you've changed or to show you've changed to a point they are willing to support you
[Image: J6yUs0g]
From what I can tell, you've actually made some improvements since your last application. I also see that a lot of people don't want you to be staff, so +1 if for no other reason than to spite them.
Heya Tiefling. I'm hopeful our little discord conversation explained my opinions well for you! Like i said i think you'll be great staff in t he future but just not quite ready for it yet. For now i want you not to take what people here are saying too deeply, and pay attention most to the good responses that aren't inflammatory or rude. Despite what some are saying here you absolutely have made many improvements in the problem areas brought up last app, and I'm sure you'll be welcomed in some day! for now, -1.
I am a -1 at this time.
My reasons are more or less covered above, a staff member needs to act with a positive attitude and bring up the spirit of the server. I feel like your actions and attitude overall tend to be self serving at times.

Granted these issues are relatively minor, as was the discord mute a few months ago, but I don't see you as a good fit to be staff.
It would probably take 3-4 months of an improved attitude/etc before I'd be ready to support you, but frankly id encourage you to just have fun being a player. I'm not sure you'd like being a staff member, and I'm not sure you have the best temperament to be one

I do want to acknowledge that you are willing to step up and help, as this is what your third app now? I appreciate you wanting to help. But I think it's best that you simply enjoy the game for now. If no staff are on and minge's are about, that's a good opportunity to prove yourself as a capable staff member via evidence collection and ban request making.

Best of luck with your application, but I cannot support you at this time and probably won't be in a position to do so anytime soon.
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
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(12-23-2022, 08:10 PM)Jammin Wrote: I'm not sure you'd like being a staff member, and I'm not sure you have the best temperament to be one

I do want to acknowledge that you are willing to step up and help, as this is what your third app now? I appreciate you wanting to help. But I think it's best that you simply enjoy the game for now. If no staff are on and minge's are about, that's a good opportunity to prove yourself as a capable staff member via evidence collection and ban request making.
I've staffed in similar positions before, and I enjoyed the experience and have already learned some important lessons and made the basic mistakes that one might expect and learned from them. That's not to say I'll never make mistakes or that I'll always have the perfect answer, but I'm not applying haphazardly; I've had experience with this, I've learned what to watch out for and how to conduct myself when staffing, and I overall felt and feel that it's a good fit for me.

I like being able to directly help and resolve issues as they're happening, without relying only on action to be taken retroactively. I agree that ban requests are one way to help out, and I have and do look to collect evidence to make or contribute to them when the need arises, but they don't do much in the moment. Of course there will still be issues that are too big for just me to handle, but there are often times when I know I would have been able to handle an issue and prevented people's fun from being ruined when there were no other staff available to do so, or times when staff were overwhelmed with many issues happening at once that I could have helped handle.

I've mentioned it before in a past thread, but there have been plenty of times when I could have very well blown up and escalated the situation with people antagonizing me or egging me on or things that I just didn't like, and a younger me maybe would have, but I was able to avoid major conflict without much issue in spite of what one might expect from how some people describe me. There have been two notable incidents in the past that were to some degree exceptions to this, both of which I'm sure are known, and both of which were isolated incidents which were ultimately resolved and learned from. I'm far from perfect, but real substantial conflicts have been few and far between, and we've seen that staff can still be accepted and capable despite their past or current mistakes.

I know I won't change your opinion with just this post, I know there is still room for improvement, and I appreciate your insight, but I feel that I'm capable of more than some give me credit for, and ultimately I'm hoping to be able to prove that.
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
(12-23-2022, 09:47 PM)tiefling lesbian Wrote:
(12-23-2022, 08:10 PM)Jammin Wrote: I'm not sure you'd like being a staff member, and I'm not sure you have the best temperament to be one

I do want to acknowledge that you are willing to step up and help, as this is what your third app now? I appreciate you wanting to help. But I think it's best that you simply enjoy the game for now. If no staff are on and minge's are about, that's a good opportunity to prove yourself as a capable staff member via evidence collection and ban request making.

Reading this discussion I do have a constructive criticism that I think would really go a long way. The one big thing I think you lack in terms of truly being able to be trusted by more people, whether they’re friends or adversaries in the community of yours, is patience. I know a month is the minimum amount of time between applications. Instead of applying every month, take a bit longer to really take the valid criticisms to heart and give some time to apply them while also continuing to solidify the positive aspects people point out. And then there’s the patience in terms of patience with other people and not acting on impulsive reaction, particularly those with disagreements and things that could offend. You’ll get a lot more of it as staff than you would a player. This is not encouragement to let poor behavior happen, but you have to know to pick your battles as well. The Minime thread (as a concept, not the events per se) comes across as a poor choice of battle. If someone says something that offends you as staff and someone else is wreaking havoc on a lot more people simultaneously to more people at once, you may need to put aside what is hurtful to you for the better of the whole. And assess the severity of things to really consider whether a big to do about something is worth the battle. The thread there comes across as an impulsive reaction to something that hurt you to be told rather than something that was approached with a calm and level demeanor. Impulse has its place in human nature and psyche, but control of your own impulse is needed when trying to do what is basically mitigate other people’s impulse.
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
Would be a great mod, super interactive, kind and well respected, we need this one as a mod!
[Image: 76561197993157530.png]

At this time, your application has been DENIED. There are a few reasons for this denial. One of the reasons we are denying this application is due to the distrust the staff team currently has with you. This distrust comes from comments made throughout the forums and discord. Another reason comes from difficulty accepting feedback. You are not shy to go on the defense when others do try and give you constructive feedback. I will acknowledge that some of the "feedback" that was posted on this application was baseless and you rightfully should defend yourself in those situations but, in other instances where the feedback is honest and true, own it and move on.

Here are a few things that can be worked on between now and hopefully your next application because I do think you would be great for our team. 
  • Less Argumentative
  • Positive Interactions 
  • Trust
[Image: Bry-Donor-2.gif]

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