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From Donor TMod to Admin? Will I Evolve One Last Time???
Steam/Forum Name: (DEMON)Skullfire

Discord ID: 150278288055468032

Hours Played: 600

When did you first join the TTT Staff Team?: I became a staff member around 2017. I do not remember the exact date.

What do you plan to do as a TTT Admin?: 

As an Admin I want to continue to think about new ideas to make TTT and potentially other servers more interesting, as well as, continue thinking about quality of life features that would help staff and the player base. Many people do not know this but I am always thinking of new things to be added into the game. For example, I was thinking of a quality of life feature for staff as we have not been able to tell the difference between a report being kept or canceled as it would not tell us when someone has not selected an option. I brought this up to our amazing dev Chibill and we came up with a fix within the hour! This is just one example but this is something I want to bring to the server as an Admin and make my ideas come to life. (If they are good obviously lol) Also, I plan to do all my basic Admin duties in order to keep TTT and the community up and running as efficiently as possible. Another thing I would like to assist with is keeping documentation up-to-date as making documents is one of my strong suits and get into the deep end with the dev team to test new things (and potentially learning more about lua because I have a coding background) that could be coming to the server! I honestly just want to keep the community up and running as this place has given me so many memories and friends, I would like to return the favor even more than I am now.

How can you help the community beyond TTT as an Admin?: 

I plan to help the community by being a strong role model for future staff and members of the community. Also, I want to be someone anyone can come to with their problems. No matter what server you come from, what rank you are, or how long you have been with us, I want anyone to be able to come to me for assistance with anything. Another thing that I want to help the community with is engaging with each other. For example, I want staff members from different servers to talk more with each other either in Discord or even in-game. I did have an idea that would allow staff members from different servers to speak within Admin chat in order to increase staff engagement and communication. I feel very strongly about this and it is something I would like to push in the future considering that it is possible. Just getting that engagement up between the staffing teams would be great! I would love to find ways to do the same thing for community members as engagement is very important. I plan to put myself to work if I get this position!

What made you decide to apply?: 

I have been a part of this community for a very long time now. Coming from Donor TMod and attempting to become an Admin is a dream but I also would just like to give back and bring in my talents to assist the already amazing Admin teams! I enjoy the server and community very much and want to bring everyone together. These people have become very good friends and I am hoping that I can make everyone proud and be a successful Admin for the server!

Anything else you would like to add?: Thank you for reading my application and I hope that I can make a great Admin in the community!


skull deserves it fr he's really chill and funny and gets along with everyone, i wish him the best
don't staff unless you plan to hate playing garry's mod 
also known previously as "yeat"
I can't take an L, they just don't exist.
queue more yeat
Known this dude pretty much since I started playing on the server years ago. S tier specimen

gl man +1
[Image: WYrY1SK.png]
After reviewing the application from (DEMON)Skullfire for the position of TTT Admin, I regret to inform you that I cannot recommend this person for the role. While they have a significant amount of playtime and seem to be very enthusiastic about the position, there are some concerns that I would like to bring to your attention.

Firstly, (DEMON)Skullfire's application does not mention any prior experience in administration, apart from the fact that they joined the staff team around 2017. This raises a red flag as TTT administration requires significant experience and expertise in handling complex situations, such as dealing with problematic players and managing server issues. Without any clear evidence of prior experience, it is difficult to assess whether (DEMON)Skullfire would be able to perform these duties effectively.

Furthermore, while (DEMON)Skullfire does mention some potential ideas for improving the server, there is no concrete plan of action or clear understanding of the challenges that TTT admins face on a daily basis. Being an admin is not just about introducing new features, but also about dealing with difficult situations and ensuring the smooth operation of the server. (DEMON)Skullfire's application does not provide enough information to suggest that they have the necessary skills and experience to handle these tasks effectively.

Finally, while (DEMON)Skullfire does express a desire to help the community beyond TTT as an admin, their plans lack clarity and specificity. The ideas they mention, such as staff engagement and community interaction, are important but it is not clear how they would go about implementing these plans or what specific actions they would take to achieve their goals.

In conclusion, while (DEMON)Skullfire appears to be enthusiastic about the position and has a significant amount of playtime, their application does not demonstrate the necessary skills and experience to perform the duties of a TTT admin effectively. I would recommend continuing the search for a candidate with more relevant experience and a clearer plan of action for improving the server and supporting the community.


Why is it HD


Not only has he been staff since 2017, mind you that's 6 years now which is absolutely insane, but also the application is very well written & feels like he truly means everything he said.
                                   [Image: qFmo2rj.png]
(02-24-2023, 06:29 AM)Huro Wrote: snip
no WAY you got HD to come back and comment lmfao

Really though, pretty much everything you've listed can be done in your current position. Yeah, you've been staff since 2017 and you seem pretty committed to making the server a better place, but you don't have to be an Admin to do that. There's a lot more that comes with the Admin position than most people really think, especially with the bar raised thanks to Bryan actually doing stuff. 

You're a good mod, I'm just not convinced Admin is the right move for you at this time. If more than one person is given the position, then I could see it working out well for you. Of course, take my opinion with a grain of salt, since I don't play TTT much anymore.

-1 for now, but don't be discouraged. You're doing fine.
-1. I think it's way too soon. I appreciate and respect that you've been staff since 2017, that's a long time and dedication. Even if you take a few breaks, which is normal. I can see you have the dedication, motivation, and energy to want to be Admin.

You've only been Mod since November, so I still think you need time to prove yourself to a comfortable degree and stand out. You can still do many of the things you said you want to do as Admin in your current position as TTT Mod. You can be a role model for future staff members, help new staff members, help with problems, propose new ideas, and just be intimately involved in the community. Doing this will only help you grow and become a stellar candidate in the future.

Being Admin comes with A LOT of responsibility beyond just doing some of those things. You have to put in a lot of work to get stuff implemented, deal with major issues, work with other admins from across the community, help with community-wide issues/bans when they do happen, etc.

Here's another one of my concerns:
You mentioned
  • "For example, I want staff members from different servers to talk more with each other either in Discord or even in-game."
  • Also, I want to be someone anyone can come to with their problems. No matter what server you come from, what rank you are, or how long you have been with us, I want anyone to be able to come to me for assistance with anything."

My concern is that you yourself need to work on engaging with other aspects of the community first before you develop plans to have others do just that. Your last message in the main discord was on 2/2/23. Besides that, you only have 3 messages in total. Why would someone from another server want to come to you with their problem if they hardly know you or have never seen you speak? I think it'd be hard to have a majority of non-TTT players able to trust you to that level.  Just in general, that's something you gotta ask yourself.

So I'd highly recommend that you branch outside of the staff discord/ttt bubble. Being Admin is a community-wide position. That's one thing that's overlooked. You want the community to become familiar with you as a person and trust you. It's like how a lot of people know me despite not playing on any of the game servers anymore and mostly just chatting in the Discord/forums. You'd be dealing with some community issues as an Admin and would want to be somewhat familiar with some of the people/whatever substances those issues may involve that may not be ttt-related. Especially if you want people to trust you from other servers.

Talk in the main discord sometimes. Interact with people from other servers. You want to have that level of community engagement yourself first before you can go making plans to have others do the same thing. I'm sure with time people will become familiar with you if you chose to engage with discord more.
To me, a prospective admin should fulfill the following criteria:
• Are they an effective community leader? Are they generally respected, and can players and staff alike feel secure in seeking them for guidance or conflict resolution?
• Do they have trustworthy judgement? Will the decisions they make be fair, impartial, informed, and well-reasoned?
• Do they understand the community, the rules, and how they affect one another? Will the rules they change, add, or remove actively benefit the community?
• Do they understand what the community wants and enjoys from the game? Will the content they change, add, or remove create a fun experience for players?
• Are they dependable? Will they make adequate time to fulfill their responsibilities, and will they stick around when things are tough?

Now the question is, does Skullfire sufficiently fulfill these criteria? Personally, I would say not quite, primarily to the first three. I would not feel entirely confident going to him to resolve conflict, and I feel I might find myself second guessing his decisions. That's not to say he's incapable in those regards, but I don't think he's quite at the level that I would expect from an admin just yet. Admittedly I've only recently joined the staff team, but this is just my opinion based on what I've seen from both within and without.

I hope this comes across as more constructive than critical, but I think this position comes with a lot of important responsibility and influence over the community and needs serious consideration. I agree with Laced that a lot of what you've described can be achieved through your current position, and I hope to see and help contribute to continued improvements for the server, but I'm a -1 for red Skullfire at this time.

(02-24-2023, 08:31 AM)Gabe Wrote: It's like how a lot of people know me
i've literally never heard of you
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
(02-24-2023, 08:31 AM)Gabe Wrote: -snipples-
lol those AI generated answers are so dooope

It's a +1 from me for Skully to get Admin, bryanbyrr does good but he's handling everything by his lonesome, need more Admins, chibill got the skills and Skull got the experience and activity.
He's talked about going for Admin for a few months and getting people's ideas on what they'd like to see done or what they expect in a Admin, seems to me like he's put major thought and planning on becoming a Admin. Also as Moderator he's pretty much what you need in a Mod, does his job, gives vocal/pm warms, keeps the peace and you can have fun with. 

also he said he'd "look into it" about getting that mia khalifa playermodel +1 +1 +1 +1
[Image: Rmvvz8x.gif]
all love, but -1 echoing gabe tiefling and laced comments

i do not think you're fit for admin yet, starting with activity stuff like whoever said. you're a ghost in regular discord, even if you were active in staff discord, not quite sure how that was overlooked for the mod app
i like to think admins have to be comfortable with their moderator position, and unfortunately, i do not even think you've been comfortable with your mod position for long enough. you were active as tmod, and once you got mod, that's when you learned our alt checking etc. obviously we are past that point, but i believe that is stuff people should learn as trusted even. along this line, i've seen you use a lot of discretion where i believe its not necessary, and believe that you are not familiar with (or dont look at enough) the guidelines, which resulted in the situation that gave 9vis a ban for donor abuse, which the guidelines CLEARLY SAY 0 points. some blame can be shared with nicol there, but that could've been avoided with a simple read as well

i had more to say but i got distracted so i forgor, if i remember ill be back to add it

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