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A Burnt Potato Applies for Test Moderator

In-game Name: 

Steam ID: 

Time Played: 
716 hours (at the time of posting).

When First Joined: 
February 14, 2021 07:00PM  CST.

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): 
I am available Monday-Thursday 5:30PM-11:30PM, Friday 5:30PM-11:59PM/Saturday 1200AM-2:00AM/11:00AM-11:59AM, and Sunday 11:00AM-11:30PM Central time zone.

Rank Desired: 
I am desiring Tmod.

Current Rank: 
I am currently a Trusted.

What can you do to help the community?: 
I post a lot of ban requests, and for first timer bannable offenses (i.e. excessive mic spammers, ghosters, etc.), can be solved with a Tmod on. I could even temp-ban hackers and other various rule-breakers until an Admin is able to take a look at the ban request for a ban longer than 24 hours. I'm on very often, and me earning Tmod it would help with quicker actions on specific situations that may potentially occur in the Dinkleberg's Prop Hunt server. 

Why do you want to help the community?: 
I play a lot (most will argue I play tooooo much lol), and I absolutely love playing Prop Hunt. Most of my gaming free-time is spent on the Prop Hunt server. And I want to do everything I can to ensure that Dinkleberg's Prop Hunt is a safe place and fun place for everyone that legitimately wants to play Prop Hunt. I have had the upmost great time here, and I want to continue my efforts to make sure everyone else has the same fun experience as I have!
Have you previously been banned?: 
Yes, once for time-farming for 24 hours. Wasn't truly time-farming, I just had a problem of getting too tired late in the night and going to bed without disconnecting, whoops lol. This hasn't happened in almost year though. (No relevant ban post).

Have you previously applied for staff?: 
Yes, Denied Approved.

Do you have a way to record video or take screenshots?: 
Yes, I currently use NVIDIA ShadowPlay for recording, and Windows Snipping Tool to capture screenshots.

How did you find us?: 
Friend had suggested this server to play prop hunt one day, and I just stuck around unfortunately lol.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • At least 1-2 months depending on the person with forum activity(8+ threads): 
    I have 2 months as Trusted, and a decent thread activity of 58 threads (52 ban requests).
  • Active membership in the discord: 
    I pretty much am on the Discord everyday.
Other: Some potential FAQ:
  • I'm worried about you burning out, how do we know you won't burnout?: 
    I am nowhere near burning out. I love Prop Hunt and the community around it. I love being part of this amazing community!
  • Why do you deserve Tmod?: 
    I've been staffing for 2 months now as a Trusted, I feel as if I've done a great job so far and I just want to increase my responsibilities as staff. I truly love this community, and I want to help as much as I can!
  • What makes you stand above other current Trusteds?: 
    I play a lot more than the other Trusteds, Garro probably has me beat though lol. I create a ton a ban requests, and I hop on almost all of the staff pings to do what I can do currently to resolve the situation. This is not a diss towards other Trusteds, y'all are great, keep up what you're doing!! 
Thank you for taking the time to read my app! I most likely won't get approved at this time around, but why not try! I meant to originally post this in 2 days, but after editing this draft so many times, I just want to submit it already lol.

I would also like to receive some feedback on how I have been staffing currently, areas to improve, and other various things anyone would like to say. I am definitely not perfect, but I can always strive to be so. Thank you in advance!
???????? ??????
+1 this guy is everywhere all the time for no reason at all and always for some reason working on server stuff. (I don't look at prophunt stuff or play prophunt)
+1 Potato WILL bring the hurt 
[Image: anime-potato-gif-1.gif]
[Image: ?]
+1 this guy potatos
Retired gay boy
Yes I still play!!
[Image: image.png]
+1 to the best potato!
Except for giving out too many warnings imo, you do great.
[Image: image.png]
please give actual feed back ya nerds. more than just POTATE IS GRATE.

doesnt have to be an essay. just something that would actually help potato and us with any thoughts you have on him going further with staff.

thank for coming to my ted talk.
[Image: drunk-possum.jpg]

Look into gametracker because I thought your hours would be much more since I thought that potential burnout would be a future issue but it seems you take breaks from time to time.

You have been performing great as staff so my vote is a +1
Just like Possum said, am I able to give further sorta in-depth feedback on my performance so far as staff, and some suggestions? I am not perfect, but I would also like to know on what areas I could improve on from others from the community. Thanks in advance!  :)

(03-08-2023, 03:36 PM)Carson Wrote: Except for giving out too many warnings imo, you do great.
Thanks for some feedback! 

I am sorta lenient when it comes to minor stuff, but I will be more proactive to issuing out punishments accordingly.
???????? ??????
Without question a +1. I've seen more of Harmless than any other staff member. He's always helped the server out when its a complete mad house. Never seen him rude with rule breakers, and is always fair. Hope to see ya rank up my dude!
Are you ready for the mosh pit, shaka brah? 

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.