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wat da tuna??

you DO have past bad history

but the past is the past. And you have definitely changed (at least on the Dinks facing side of things), which leads me to believe that the past has truly been left behind

as for the here and now, heck yeah. We cant rewind to the past but we can fix the present and thus alter the future.

good luck laced.

Incepimus, Nunc et semper.
This means that "we begin, now and forever", and translates as "always we begin again"
What this actually means is that we should always strive to better ourselves, because tomorrow is a new day.
I hope you take it to heart. Remember, an improvement, no matter how small, is improvement.

I can't speak for myself about past actions/indications since I haven't been with the community for a LONG time; however I am one to always look forward and past bad habits and past bad actions.

We can't fix or change what we've done in the past; but they do serve a purpose to remind us to become a better version of our past selves.

That being said, with the past interactions I've had with you, they were all positive. I wish you the best at your web app.

+1 from the VR Dancer.
[Image: EtVvJkX.jpeg][Image: nvOLgbD.jpeg]
I hate it here. | 알았어 | Anak ng kamote
Find my elsewhere by clicking here!
I don't think I'll ever fully trust you again. From my perspective a lot of things you do aren't for the benefit of anyone unless it benefits you first, and currently those two things just happen to line up. -1.
The local Sega & Sonic fanatic.
[Image: JCMB8GH.jpeg]
+1 everything u do benefits more than just u and ur very trustworrthy and actually good at job
[Image: TWQlDjL.png] 
-courtesy of a sarcastic fish

[Image: t2X0SiD.png]
-courtesy of milk(2)
lil bump for some more attention? c:
plus 2 for staffer, he does the things the role requires him to do I think.
lanced xanax very good at job even better if promotion.+1
[Image: kirby.gif]
+1 hes grown up
I wasn't really sure if i was going to give a serious public response, but I decided I might as well get a word in before this closes. I have to say, I'm really impressed with how far you've come. It's been awesome to witness your growth over the past year, and I genuinely believe there's even more potential in you.

You've been doing a fantastic job of making yourself known and becoming a familiar face in the community. Kudos to you for putting yourself out there. Keep up the great work c:

Now, let's talk about your application. I wanted to give you some feedback, even though I won't be formally voting since I've already shared my thoughts with the other admins. One thing I'd love to see from you is to let your real personality show through even more on the Discord server. You've got a good sense of humor and a unique charm, so don't be afraid to break character and show that off.

I also want to acknowledge the progress you've made in leaving any negativity behind. It takes strength to reflect on the past and work towards being a better person. Your commitment to personal growth is admirable, and it's something that I believe will positively impact the community.

As you continue on your path towards improvement, stay true to who you are. Embrace your strengths, bring your own perspective to the table, and keep being the awesome person you are. 

Sorry if this made you cringe.
After much consideration, I have decided not to accept your application at this time. I want to emphasize that you are a strong candidate, and I am proud of the positive changes you have made recently and over time. Your efforts in improving yourself and your interactions within the community have been commendable so we want to STRONGLY acknowledge that (and I think my fellow admins would agree).

However, I believe that you would benefit from a little more time before taking on the role of a community admin. While you excel in your current position, we feel that you need further adjustment in engaging with the community in a productive manner. I encourage you to continue showcasing your commitment to personal growth and emphasizing your true character, ensuring that the positive changes you've made remain at the forefront of your actions.

You are encouraged to actively pursue the tasks outlined in your application, as this will help fulfill what was said above. Assisting other admins with testing and implementing new features, planning community events(or even hosting your own!), and contributing to web-related matters(which you already do extensively so continuing mostly) are all areas where your involvement is valued. The admin team have been encouraged to reach out to you when assistance is needed, as I recognize that you can't help with tasks unless you are aware of them. Additionally, we would appreciate if you could elaborate more on your motivations for wanting to become a community admin next time.

Please understand that this decision is not a reflection of mistrust or doubt in your abilities. Rather, it is simply a belief that more time is needed to fulfill the mentioned expectations. We really do thing you are a great candidate and would be a great admin. We encourage you not to be discouraged and to consider applying again in the near future. The earliest date for reapplying will be September 12, adhering to our standard two-month period for admin applications. So I'm looking forward to seeing that hopefully!

I look forward to your future application, as we genuinely believe that you have the potential to become a good admin if you continue your positive trajectory, maintain your commitment to improvement, and demonstrate the qualities mentioned above. Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have

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