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Nothing Happened.
[Image: cd47d8851e5f911a1bd79b7565a1444d.jpg]

Ingame Name: Foxka

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:20327192
Discord Tag: Foxka#1960
Time Played: ~1250 hours
When First Joined: 2015
Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Most nights after 5PM
Rank Desired: Trusted
Current Rank: Donor
What can you do to help the community: I'm lowkey going to repeat what was said on my previous app, but basically help out with reports and such while I'm on. I've mellowed out over the years significantly now that I've graduated dental school and got a real job and am not as stressed about life. I think it's important to be a positive force moving forward and would be happy to do what i can to be that for the community once more. I would also like to add that I would be a great boon to be able to help other staff managing problems that they aren't quite confident enough to handle on their own. I bring a lot of Ideas to make staffing easier as well as the server more fun for everyone.

Why you want to help the community: I like this place and want to be a positive force and a person that others can come to for help no matter how big or small.

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): Self inflicted community ban, nothing bad happened and this was several years ago otherwise I have never been punished or anything like that
Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): I'm going to link my previous app here, since that is most relevant

How did you find us?: Server browser after my old community died (:NxS: and ECG)
Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): Yes
Other: My previous app was denied due to a misunderstanding with changes to the staff guidelines in  2023 (Crossfire being changed to not being slayable), otherwise I've got a great understanding of the rules and guidelines as they are currently with the revisions recently made. Other than that I have been a good noodle and staying out of trouble :)
I cannot say anything about your current behavior on server as I don't play TTT regularly anymore, but from my experience working on the staff team with you in the past, I do genuinely believe that you are more than capable of doing it again.

It's just a matter of whether or not the team trusts you, which I feel that the reason you got denied (although was a little confusing at the time since no criticism was publicly provided until the denial), was worked on and I think you deserve this opportunity!

+1; best of luck to you Foxka.
smh my head
To repeat from last app, he was great staff when he was staff previously under another admin team and I don’t see anything about that changing if he gets accepted this time around. +1
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
It’s gonna be a -1 from me this time around man. I +1’d your last app a month ago but since then I’ve noticed some changes. To sum things up, I’ve seen you spam admin chat, spam hackusations, lie in reports, gag a dude you were accusing of mic spam even though they had received a verbal and had stopped (he claimed they were spamming in dead chat but the player he gagged was mid-convo with me if I’m remembering things correctly), just to name a few things. I understand you want to help staff out but spamming and taking actions into your own hands just makes things more chaotic
[Image: FZxEbKr.gif]
(03-12-2024, 10:51 PM)Saylor Twift Wrote: It’s gonna be a -1 from me this time around man. I +1’d your last app a month ago but since then I’ve noticed some changes. To sum things up, I’ve seen you spam admin chat, spam hackusations, lie in reports, gag a dude you were accusing of mic spam even though they had received a verbal and had stopped (he claimed they were spamming in dead chat but the player he gagged was mid-convo with me if I’m remembering things correctly), just to name a few things. I understand you want to help staff out but spamming and taking actions into your own hands just makes things more chaotic
did you use a typewriter to write this

foxka, i havent played enough with you to have a proper vote, +0, good luck to you
[Image: Pwm9lAm.jpeg]
I can't take an L, they just don't exist.
queue more yeat
(03-12-2024, 10:51 PM)Saylor Twift Wrote: It’s gonna be a -1 from me this time around man. I +1’d your last app a month ago but since then I’ve noticed some changes. To sum things up, I’ve seen you spam admin chat, spam hackusations, lie in reports, gag a dude you were accusing of mic spam even though they had received a verbal and had stopped (he claimed they were spamming in dead chat but the player he gagged was mid-convo with me if I’m remembering things correctly), just to name a few things. I understand you want to help staff out but spamming and taking actions into your own hands just makes things more chaotic
I understand your sentiments, however I think calling anything I've done "spam" is being quite dishonest. I can count the amount of times I've had to gag anyone on one hand in the last year. I have said "x player has sus aim" a few times sure, but that is not spam especially since some of those players did in fact get banned for hacking... I've also made it a very clear point to not donor staff as well (not just in your situation, but in some others as well).  I don't typically reply to posts like this, but felt that I should at least try and defend myself here.

Thank you for your reply though, it has been noted and I will think about your concerns.
foxka is obviously dedicated and is, in my experience, a positive presence on the server. even as donor he's good at diffusing situations where topics that shouldn't be being discussed are being discussed. i personally haven't seen anything that saylor mentioned, not saying he's lying or anything I just personally haven't experienced any of that with foxka, and I can only base my response off of what I've seen so +1 from me :)
[Image: kirby.gif]
I've played a decent amount with Foxka over the last month and I haven't seen most of the behavior that has been mentioned.

- I've not seen Foxka spam admin chat. I have seen Foxka providing insight as a former staff member
- Foxka was a little heavy-handed with the hackusations on Friday, March 8th, but there were only 2 players he was accusing (at least when I was on), and one of the two players that he accused was banned for cheating (plaze)
- I have not seen Foxka lie in reports
- I can't comment on the gagging of the particular player that was referenced, but I have not seen him abuse his power

To be consistent with the other apps, I am not going to rate Foxka's app. But I feel as though it would be unfair to Foxka if I didn't comment on the things that I am (and am not) seeing.
The only time I can think of foxka excessively using staff chat is when he disagreed with a decision that was made and the staff started openly dismissing and making fun of him in staff chat. So not sure where that complaint is coming from.
(03-12-2024, 10:51 PM)Saylor Twift Wrote: It’s gonna be a -1 from me this time around man. I +1’d your last app a month ago but since then I’ve noticed some changes. To sum things up, I’ve seen you spam admin chat, spam hackusations, lie in reports, gag a dude you were accusing of mic spam even though they had received a verbal and had stopped (he claimed they were spamming in dead chat but the player he gagged was mid-convo with me if I’m remembering things correctly), just to name a few things. I understand you want to help staff out but spamming and taking actions into your own hands just makes things more chaotic
Those are some pretty heavy accusations that from what I know, he's have had no warnings/awarns/donor abuse reports for (which some of those claims would fall under punishment in the staff guidelines), so I would hope there's substantial proof for these claims.  I haven't seen any of these behaviors when I've played with Foxka on the server either or any other behaviors that would be cause for concern.

(03-13-2024, 10:15 AM)Battons Wrote: The only time I can think of foxka excessively using staff chat is when he disagreed with a decision that was made and the staff started openly dismissing and making fun of him in staff chat. So not sure where that complaint is coming from.
This was especially disappointing to see from staff members, to have them tell me to ignore what Foxka was saying while also berating him in staff chat on the server.  Foxka was right about a rule in the MOTD and it was overall mishandled by staff.  This situation was also not spam so I hope that doesn't have any weight in the decision on this staff app. 

Overall, Foxka has a strong understanding of the rules, has prior staffing experience, and should be able to handle trusted just fine.  +1
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~

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