Hillrop Unban/Ban reduction appeal
Ingame Name: Hillrop

SteamID: 76561198104333774

Who Banned You: Scoovie

Reason For Ban: Ban Evading, Trolling

Length of Ban: Perma

Reason for Mods to Unban:
  • What I did was wrong. I am not here to defend my actions but to just try to explain to you why I think I have changed for the better. I Ban Evaded and that was stupid, dumb, and wrong. The Admins banned me, rightfully, for what I did. I have spent the last month reflecting on my mistakes and going over the what-ifs and what I could have dont differently. There were so many things I could have done differently that day. The day I was perma-banned was a major wake-up call to how I was acting and interacting with the community.

  • I was shitty towards staff. During the entire debacle where I was banned I lashed out at some staff members. Awesome and great members of the community like Dakota, Prince Nicky La Flama Blanca, Everyjuan, and more. I have tried to reach out and make amends with those people because of the way I acted and treated them. I acted incredibly immature and was a complete ass to the entire prop-hunt community.What I did was incredibly abhorrent but I believe I can confidently say that it has caused me to have some major self-reflection.

  • I have changed the way I behave and treat other people in the community. I believe that I have changed the way I treat other people in the community since my ban. The way I have behaved on the discord and forums since my perma has been nothing but positive and constructive. I have to tried to reach out and have dialogs with members of the community I never would have talked to. I have become good friends with so many people since the ban. If unbanned I can promise you that I would be a very positive force on the server.

  • I have been on the server since 2016 without a single ban. I have played on this server without a single ban since 2016. I have been a good model player without incident since 2016. The only ban Ive had since then was a joke ban. The only time ive gotten a ban request was once and it was by Rethink. Since that ban request Rethink and I have become good friends. I was a model player before April 27th and if you guys unban me I promise you will never have a problem with me again.

  • I have given back to the community. Im not a terrible person, I just really really love this community. If I disliked this community I would'nt have created 2 maps for the community. I created ttt_gamerpark and ttt_dimmsdale out of love and passion for this community. There arent many maps on DinklebergsTTT that have been created with input by the community that plays on the server. That is incredible and amazing and even if my mapisnt on the server. I am just happy that I got to experience that level of cooperation. One of my favorite experiences on this server was playing on ttt_gamerpark for the first time on the server. Giving hints for secrets and getting feedback and criticism from members of the community was AMAZING. I havent had a similar experience on any other community. 

  • I feel like you guys dont really know my character. I feel like if you guys allowed me to have a discussion with you that you see that im not that bad. I really think you guys are great but I havent ever interacted with any of you guys on the server and It just feels really weird that people who have never played with me are deciding my future on the server. If you guys would talk to any of the people that has ever played with me on the server 9 times out of 10 they would talk of positive experiences with me. If you end up denying this appeal can you please allow me to speak to one of you in person.

  • This is the part where I ask for forgiveness and hope you give me a second chance. The last month has been extremely weird and hard for me and was a huge wake-up call. I was very used to hopping on the server in the afternoon that it felt weird to no longer launch garrys mod. Please please for the love of god unban me. I would be on my best behavior. I would do almost anything to be unbanned from the server. I love this community.

  • If you have any concerns or problems with unbanning me please voice them.
Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads):
Other: This is an accurate representation of my constant mistakes and stupid decisions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z10VCw9Cp48
My Maps
been here since September 2016
+1 for unban.

The man got permabanned, then decided to put his time into making a map for the community while he was unable to play. He has made a continuing effort to remain a part of this community. If even half of what he's said about changing and apologizing to staff is correct, then this is a no brainer: Let this man play again.
Hillrop should not have been banned in the first place. The initial ban seemed like a joke.

While he did bypass the ban through alts, he did it because he enjoys playing on the server and not to cause trouble.

I stand by my post on his first unban request, except now he has served time so I believe he should be unbanned.
Okay, well I'm going to start from where this all started from and give my take on it.

While I think this case from the start has been a little bit bizarre and blown out of proportion at times, I do think that what Hillrop did in the aftermath of getting the 1 week ban for saying "gamer" was a little bit excessive and deserves some form of punishment and should not be excused under any circumstance, but I also think that a perma ban for this is a little excessive as well given the circumstances of this whole thing. There was also a little bit of confusion surrounding this case to people who didn't have knowledge of what was actually going on and why someone would get banned for saying the word "gamer" in the first place and therefore created a lot of chaos and leading to the aftermath which then lead to this ban. There was also some fault on both sides of the table and it could've been handled a bit differently as far as clarification and a few other things go.

I do believe that Hillrop is being sincere and genuinely wants to come back to this community and try not to cause anymore problems in the foreseeable future. I think Hillrop has learned his lesson from the month he has been banned so far and should be given a second chance under the condition that if he ever does anything like this again that he will be community banned with little or no chance to ever coming back.

I also personally enjoy playing with Hillrop and so do a lot of others, while at times he can get on peoples nerves, he was still a member of this community that chose to involve himself in it to the point where he went out of his way to make a map and edited another map for this server alone. He's also been working on a new ttt_dinkleberg which people have attempted to do in the past but haven't gotten as far as he has. He also took this in a serious and passionate way that he decided to make a thread dedicated to suggestions/changes the community wanted for his maps and actually implemented some of them in the newest version. Even while being banned, he still to this day chooses to involve himself in the community via the forums. I believe that shows some kind of dedication.

+1 for unban let this man play again :)
+1 for unban or reduction, I know for a fact he has changed for the better and he still loves this community even though he was perma banned, and that should at least quench your pathos.
+1 Let this man play again.
+1 for unban, the whole situation was unfathomably stupid in the first place.
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+1 for unban, only one way to find out
It all just came down to some trolling and the situation has since settled

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
I got pretty upset at Hillrop after he trolled the PH community but I can surely forgive. 2 years of playing on the server and only 1 or 2 weeks of really shitty behavior. At this point, he's part of our online family. And you always give family a second chance. Hillrop apologized profusely to me and I think he was very genuine in his attempt to make amends with me. This is definitely a sign that he is self-aware. I think we ought to give him a second chance.
I have a genuine dislike for hillrop based off the interactions I had with him while playing with him, although I am willing to give him another shot, supposing all the "gamer" nonsense stays away.

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