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New Position Proposal
(05-17-2020, 05:04 PM)bryanbrr Wrote:
(05-17-2020, 05:02 PM)The Triangle Wrote: Change the donor name to Helper.

Allow people to apply for Helper (donor) or they can purchase it.

That's my suggestion to get this to work in any degree.
That sounds good to me!
It doesn't really, this will basically rename the already known donor abusers to people that help the server in name. It wouldn't fix anything.
I think things need reworked so that trusted becomes this exact role as that was its original intended purpose. We give trusted to those that we see fit for staff. But it has to go through many levels on considerations. Like is this someone who is responsible and can actually be TRUSTED aka the role name. I say we fix the roles to be like they were intended but the issue being nobody can put the time or effort into that until some other issues are addressed. But thats for another post later. After getting trusted, if you handle well depending on the admins and mods voting together i think, tmod could be placed upon same after applications. Showing devotion etc to the role and servers.

I worded some of this funny but basically, fix the roles to be like they were intended and like literally every other server. We can still be unique with the same roles set up. Its a simple fix that would take time to do. I dont think right now is the time for it though. Give it a bit.
Staff ranks should not be purchasable. Ranks with powers over the players in the server should only ever be by application. I’m not even a fan of donors having the powers overall after a few years of watching. But it exists, they have powers, and the rank is *not* a staff role meaning they both don’t have the responsibility or any real authority. A weird concept but it’s true as staff are allowed to overrule even at the base level. Which is acceptable enough, as a buyable rank with power but no real responsibility to use it should be restricted.
That being said, so long as a situation is handled correctly when I was on I didn’t particularly care who handled it, even if it was a donor. But these situations were minor at most with only gags and muted most of the time. It’s not very often that donors get as far as a kick. However, the donors have no expectation to do this as they are not staff.
The closest thing that exists is donor+ which is given to admins who retire. It’s basically donor that can read staff chat. It has been limited to admins as a bar which I agree with. If we cherry picked which resigned staff or member got this, it would devolve immediately into favoritism because it would be a subjective system of picking. This helper ranks sounds like a trusted rank who gets the free pass of not having to staff when they feel like it at any time. I have a hard time trusting that kind of special privilege. This guy gets trusted and we expect him to staff but the next guy can have a free pass trusted just because. No thanks. I have yet to see an idea for this as it keeps cropping up that isn’t basically free donor, a subjectively selected set of powers without responsibility, or just flat out trusted.

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
(05-17-2020, 04:54 PM)POG MONKEY Wrote: at that point, somebody will already have the hours and experience they need to apply for trusted so this rank is basically worthless
(05-17-2020, 03:10 PM)RussEfarmer Wrote: Donors are in a special place between players and staff; they don't hold the explicit position in the staff tree, and thus aren't at all responsible for people breaking rules on the server. They can interject if they feel the need to, but unlike staff, they aren't obligated to.
To me I don't see why this is any different than trusted. Those who have trusted are given access to the staff discord and on there they interact with other staff and they have a list of people who have lists of people to watch for. This is asking for trusted but with worse communication. This rank would also be almost useless because of discord. If someone has that much time they could get higher ranking people by just doing @On-Call Staff. This would be just tedious to even apply for. Trusted is what this is but a seemingly higher barrier that you would have to jump through more hoops for. Being staff and not being obligated to staff isn't something that should be a thing either. Personally I don't see any tangible benefit of applying for this rank rather than applying for trusted. It's as others have said, just trusted with more steps.

I agree that staff ranks should not be purchasable... This shouldn't be exclusive to just donors if it becomes a thing.

The "helper" role should be awarded to players by staff in recognition of helping the server. Like a staff position minimum requirements should be should be met, I would keep these the same as for trusted. Staff can nominate a player once they meet the requirements and apon majority vote apply the helper title to the player if they choose to accept. These players will be recognised as staff and have the cmds "kick, mute, gag, and friends" and aid the other staff in low level trusted duties.

It wouldn't be something you could buy or apply for, you have to be chosen by staff for one reason or another.
Was told to come look at something and saw this O_O. I just wanted to jump onto the "buying staff is bad" train. Despite my situation I was and am very much in support of the decision to remove purchasable staff. It makes the rank worth less to the server and the individual, and I even asked to be demoted to trusted because personally I felt like I did not deserve my rank.
-Purchasable staff is bad for everyone involved-
Drunk on my newfound ascension!
(05-17-2020, 05:02 PM)The Triangle Wrote: Change the donor name to Helper.

Allow people to apply for Helper (donor) or they can purchase it.

That's my suggestion to get this to work in any degree.

so dtmod with less power
Let me just say that I'm not a big fan of adding another title, seems like it will cause more issues than solve issues. I'm always willing to play with an idea though. 

Originally I was going to use this post to show that the Trusted Rank could use some work as far as qualification. However, after looking over all the staff application requirements it looks pretty reasonable to me. 

Requirements for Staff App TTT
  • Check out the How To: Promotion Thread for requirements for the respective rank you are applying for
  • Have 100+ hours of server time to apply for Trusted, 200+ hours for Tmod, and 400+ for Moderator
  • Be part of the community for at least one month
  • Fill out Scenarios for the respective rank you are applying forModeratorTModTrusted  
  • Follow the format below
Minimum Qualifications for Any Staff Position on PH
  • 85 Hours of Active Playtime on the Server
  • 1 Month in the Community
  • An Introduction Thread on the Forums
  • A Waiting Period of One Month Between Applications.
  • Recording Software or the Ability to Screenshot - Check Out This Guide For Help
    Trusted Recommended Server Time for a Trusted is 85 hours or More Along With Forum Activity (An Introduction Thread on the Forums at the Very Minimum).

Requirements for Murder Staff App
Have 50 hours of server time
Follow the format below
Requirements For DR Staff App
  • Have 40 hours of server time
  • Be part of the community for at least week, this includes time on the forums
  • Have an Introduction on the fourms
  • Follow the format below

I don't see a reason to add a Helper rank or whatever you want to call it. If you really want to do staff things but not be staff, scrounge up the 15$ USD and buy donor. Personally, I bought donor because I wanted to be able to help within the community. Yes I did it for the commands, but as you can see that led me to becoming staff on multiple servers. 

It honestly looks easier just to apply for Trusted if you're gonna be on all the time anyways, why not help the community. If you honestly get tired of being staff, resign and go back to being a Regular. 

This whole thing has been getting more and more complicated for no real reason. 

 Yes, I did suggest changing Donor to Helper in which case the point was brought up about "known donor abuser"; if they're so known why hasn't evidence been brought up to remove their powers? and if their powers have been removed then whats the harm in changing the title? There wouldn't be. If their powers aren't removed, then get the evidence to support your claim of them being "known abusers" and have their powers removed. 

I don't see a new rank being added. The idea was nice but I don't see it.
I've never seen people blow something so little out of proportion. He's not asking for Regulars to have the power to ban, do reports, kick, mute, gag, ETC.

All he's saying is that regulars should have the ability to !mute !gag and/or !votekick. You guys act like we have over 20 people on each day with more than 200+ hours, no that's not the case. I see few people with that amount of hours and who are even consistent. So +1 I see zero issues with giving people who don't want the FULL role of a staff but want to help in someway they can powers such as these. None of these powers can be heavily abused(Note I said heavily) and setting the requirement to 200+ hours is a great idea to keep from being abused. I also think that said person needs to have at least 2-3 Legit ban requests under their name.

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