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A B0T Generated T-Mod App #BotsRising
Ingame Name: §3B0T.ikillyou752 #TTV, B0T.ikillyou #NoMonitor, §3B0T.ikillyou

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:22494696 (76561198005255121)

Time Played: 301 Hours

When First Joined: July 20, 2020 

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): My play time is still all over the place but typically I would get on between 5PM and 5AM EST. I am on earlier as well during the day depending on work. Weekends are free as well except if I get called in for work or if I have family commitments. I make sure to keep people in the loop if I can't be on for a few days as always.   

Rank Desired: T-Mod

Current Rank: Trusted

What can you do to help the community?: There has been a lot of times where we have had trolls/hackers that have gotten on late at night and it is hard sometimes for our T-Mods and Mods to be on constantly to take care of these situations. I hope that I can help out fill some of the gaps where we might need a ban or two on players that has been causing problems. I think that I have pretty solid evidence when it comes to situations that require bans. I also believe with my previous experiences with having the extra responsibilities that I would be a good fit for this position.

Why do you want to help the community?: I believe that being a trusted so far has taught me a lot about the community. I think of the staff team as a family and I think I have fit in pretty well. I attempt to get on when the server has no staff on and I am always willing to help in situations if fellow staff members need a hand. My end goal is always to keep a good playing experience as well as to keep the trolls and hackers out. I have been dedicated and I am always working my best to uphold our rules. I know that having staff on at times when these situations arise can for sure help keep the server going. I have gotten the hang of handling all sorts of situations on the server and I am always eager to help!

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): Nope

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): 
Trusted App -

Do you have a way to record video or take screenshots?: Yes. GeForce Instant Replays as well as Snagit for screenshots. I also have Vegas/Premier for cropping videos. 

How did you find us?: Found on the GMod server listing one night while I was looking for a server to play. Was greeted with open arms :)

Other: I am always open for criticism. Anything that you guys respond here I will work on and improve. I always love hearing what people think about me including anything negative or positive. This will help me grow as a staff member! Thank you for reading this and I am looking forward for the responses!
[Image: s1bMrsR.png]
[Image: l4704yy.png]
Bot, this has GOT to be the fastest I will ever respond to a staff application.

Throughout your time on the server, you have shown, at least to me, to be one of the most valuable additions to the staff team. You're always eager to help, and I see you on the server all the time. You work hard to make the community overall a better place. You're quick to handle trolls and know the procedure very well. Even whenever you're not on the server, you're still doing things to help Dink's (i.e. fixing maps, helping out the discord, etc.) You're like a storm that nobody saw coming, and that's a good thing haha.

I'm gonna slap you with a huge +1. Good luck, man! I'm rooting for you.
[Image: image0_2.jpg]
Hey nerd,

I mean - duh you'd make a great t-mod; but of course the only 'bad' thing I have to say is sometimes the communication gets lost - but you and I have spoke about that and we were able to meet in the middle and I am very glad we did, I hope that the communication is something you continue to work on.

At the end of the day, I see no reason as to why you shouldn't be a t-mod. You've done so much in the community already, you're insanely active and quick to respond to emergencies and you are always double checking the rules and guidelines.

I give you a big fat +1 my man.

Best of luck <3
Go away
I normally shy away from PH apps, but you are by far one of the best Trusteds I have ever seen. You do your job well and aren’t afraid to ask questions when you need to. Your competence level is off the charts and you’ve been doing well as discord staff. Our talks we’ve had really have shown me that you mean to do well in this community and for that I will +1 this promotion
-1, what a terrible PH moment.

Where do I even start? Your arrogance, your absolute inability to handle criticism by saying things like "if you have a problem with what I'm doing, take it to the forums." You also, just being  honest, are a massive dick, especially to me. You're the major problem with staff in this community, you incompetent moron.


You're a FANTASTIC staff member, from what my experiences from interaction with you. You always ask questions and you have confidence that someone who is in a staffing position NEEDS. I am heavily in favor of a promotion, so here's your +1 from me!
Hey Bot! Thanks for applying! I know you know what you are doing, you've had lots of past experience. You're always down to help everyone and you are always up to follows the rules and regs and are not scared to challenge or ask questions. While I do think you have all the necessary knowledge and requirements, I do not want you to burn out.
You just recently joined our staff and you have been killing it. I hope this come across correctly that I dont want you to feel the need to climb too fast just to end up burned out or lose the fun of the game and the server. I know you know what you are doing but I just want you to take your time and enjoy it and dont put too many things on your plate. No need to rush and have additional stress in your already very busy life.

I will give you a healthy +0.
[Image: drunk-possum.jpg]

-1 from me, made fun of my shark body! :(

Jokinggg, maybe. For the brief time I played PH, Bot is always on top of things. He one of my most helpful/joyful people on PH. Looking through his threads, you can tell he knows the rule by heart, and how to collect evidence. He's very active throughout the community and tries his best to assist everyone he can. Without a doubt he would make a good TMOD.

Overall, I believe he deserves it. +1.5 from me c: -0.5 for body shaming me
Hey B0T, Thanks for applying!

As far as I can see, you are killing it. You are active, have contributed much to people who ghost and hack, as well as the basic mic spam. You carry that previous torch of previous staffing so you know exactly what you're doing. I've never seen you being problematic anywhere and youre a mega good boi. You're new and fresh towards trusted. I see you being in your prime time of staffing and you excel in doing your tasks. Of course everyone deserves a break from time to time and that's fine whenever that day comes. I always see you on at times where staff isn't on and you can only do so much when things escalate beyond the abilities of a trusted. I want to give you this chance to prove yourself with a alittle more responsibility, show us whatcha got. 

Its a +1 from me. Keep doing us proud and keep moving forward bud. Thanks for all your dedication to the community.
Not gonna repeat what everyone above me has said as I largely agree - you know how to perform the Trusted role well and I do think the TMod role would suit you well too - just maybe not right this very second?

You haven't been Trusted for too long and, like Possum said, I'm concerned about you burning yourself out. You just got Discord Helper too and I'm sure you are able to manage real life & gaming life well but I don't want you to take too much on too quickly.

I'll stick to a neutral 0 for now, but give it another month and I'll be more than happy to welcome you to the TMod nerd squad.

[Image: tumblr_n89ahcgfam1qisovzo1_400.gif]

Bot, its not been long since you join us and you have overachieve what Trusted can do.

Now its the time for you to become a Tmod because I seen how much you involved yourself in Prop hunt catching ghoster/hackers and communication with other staff member situation that not everyone can handle by themselves.

The road ahead may become difficult since now you be monitoring/ babysitting not just Prop Hunt but also the discord for any rule breakers, however I know you will be able to succeed. From earlier comments above you not just impress most of the Prop Hunt staff but also other Staff member from other gamemode which is a big deal since usually they tend to focus on their own sides, so it is a first for me seeing this occur, but it is a welcoming site to see the results of your hardwork from helping maintaining the discord and Prop Hunt to be more enjoyable and not combust into toxic hell.

I believe that you are really to become a Tmod, so my answer will be a +1
[Image: sukuna-evil-laugh.gif]
[Image: YWj4Wn.gif]

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.