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A Couple of Rule Changes
Hey Guys, I just wanted to make a couple of suggestions to the rules. Feel free to add your own ideas or improve mine. 

I propose the punishment goes to 3 slays instead of a 1-day ban.  It allows the player to rejoin and chose to serve the punishment rather than just swapping servers and coming back tomorrow to possibly do the same. So a person can join like 2hrs later, and just sit out their slays. So if they do want to be a part of the community and play on the server they have to sit through like 3 rounds to play. So it kinda lets the people who want to be on dinks, stay on dinks but still have to serve a punishment, rather than just being banned for a day. Because most people who do that will just come back at another time to do the same thing. Plus instant punishment, rather than having to do a forum post and then later the person getting a day ban. And it gets rid of that issue of when you post the ban request for an RDM and leave and they come back 20 mins after you post it and serve their slay because their internet dropped out.

2) Punishments for Gag/Mute Evade (Disco Reco)
Too many people disconnect and reconnect to get out of their Gags and Mutes. I reckon there should be punishments for people that do this. Whether that being Extra rounds of being Muted/Gaged then onto Slays if they keep doing it. I'm keen to see what your suggestions are for punishments. 

3) Trusted Members get !bring
A lot of people have got stuck and haven't been able to get out of places (With turrets being the main cause). I think that this command is essential to staffing on any server for all levels of staff. It helps a lot. And for an entry-level staff position, they can't do too much harm with it. 

4) Map Cooldown
We are consistanly playing the same maps over and over. Map Cooldown should stop this 

5) Door Blocking Warnings 
People have been trying to bend the rules saying you dont need to Warn for door block and killing people within .5seconds of Door Blocking
Kaptain Les
Discord Admin
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Murder Hater
[Image: otzEX]
Fuck G-Cubed
[Image: he-man-background-1.gif]
1. +1. I can get behind just giving more slays instead of a day ban. It makes it easier on staff to not make a crap ton of forum posts just for RDM and Leave.

2. -1. The punishment for gag/mute evasion is a ban. You need to collect evidence and make a forum post to have them banned. The length of the ban usually is determined by a mod/admin based on how the player acted in-game. 

3. +0. I don't know how I feel about this. I'm neutral so if it's deemed necessary so be it lol.

4. +1. I'm down for this. Here's our current map rotation: Casino, 67th, MC Dolls, Inno Motel, Dimmsdale v1, Bikini Bottom.

[Image: Bry-Donor-2.gif]
Murder trusted have it i think so i don't think it'd hurt ttt trusted to have it or some other form of tp
[Image: J6yUs0g]
I definitely agree with suggestion #3. This has been a problem for at least a few years now and resulted in a staff abuse report against me back in 2017. In that case, the map was on casino and I didn't have the easiest tool necessary to prevent someone from exploiting - the !bring or !tp power. I don't see a reason why to not add it to trusteds. The key would be to just emphasize that they can't abuse the power. 

With suggestion #2, my policy is to just regag/remute them when they return after trying to evade. It depends on what gag/mute and how disruptive they have been in determining how long I keep them gagged/muted for thereafter. This one I think can remain a judgment call for the staff member. 

With regard to suggestion #1, I think I've made it clear that I'm not a big fan of RDM and leave bans, at least for a single RDM and leave.  I'm not sure we necessarily need to add in additional slays because I think that just adds a logistical problem - the staff member will need to not only remain aware that the person has left, but also to add in the additional slays. I can imagine that dury a hectic time on the server, a single staff member might get distracted and forget to do so. Also, the person may leave during a map change and easily be missed. This, in turn, creates the problem of arbitrary and unequal punishments. When the server is relatively calm and has more than one staff member on, the staff may have no issue switching the one slay to three slays. But in the other situation I described, a person might get away with just the one slay. That's not fair and I can certainly imagine it happening.
I usually don't ban or submit ban requests for rdm and leave i usually just add the appropriate amount of slays. Shit comes up and people tab out not paying attention so I like to give the benefit of the doubt unless it was mass rdm.
Why do we ban for rdm and leave when we have an autoslay system now anyways, the whole reason for it being a ban was because we didn't have a system that was automatic, and you had to use ulx_slay every time someone was to be slain manually.
+1 to removing single rdm and leave as a ban. Personally I feel it's to much work to get on and clutter the forums for such a small infraction. I also +1 enabling trusted to have the bring command. Even it was abused, it is a command that would be easy to prove abuse. This would help cut down a lot of future frustration.
[Image: rdm-corp-squarelogo-1446787792629.png]
(10-26-2020, 08:22 AM)bryan go boooo Wrote: 1. +1. I can get behind just giving more slays instead of a day ban. It makes it easier on staff to not make a crap ton of forum posts just for RDM and Leave.
^^Agree with the first suggestion for the same reasons Bryan said. 
(10-26-2020, 08:25 AM)Happy Wrote: Murder trusted have it i think so i don't think it'd hurt ttt trusted to have it or some other form of tp
^^Agree with the third suggestion because I know murder trusted do have !bring and !tp and I dont think ttt trusteds will do any harm with the addition of those commands.
(10-26-2020, 11:23 AM)Kapitan BillyBob Wrote: +1 to removing single rdm and leave as a ban. Personally I feel it's to much work to get on and clutter the forums for such a small infraction. I also +1 enabling trusted to have the bring command. Even it was abused, it is a command that would be easy to prove abuse. This would help cut down a lot of future frustration.

Says this right as his trusted abilities get granted in-game  :-/ :-/ :-/

Agree with the crowd on granting 3 and removing 1's rule.
#2 i agree with Bryan that any kind of evasion of staff punishment should be handled accordingly - I'm not sure a warning is warranted. In my opinion a slay or ban of any length up to 24 hours would be acceptable for a first time offense. Serial evaders should be punished in kind, and staff discretion
However, this isn't exactly made clear in the motd. There is a statement on not arguing with staff, but nothing (that I saw) about punishment evasion (also didn't see anything about ban evasion in there).
While I'm all for common sense, this is a GMod server. Spelling out a specific rule that mute/gag/ban/punishment evasion is not allowed would (hopefully) make things clear to those under 14. If you spell it out and make it clear, then making this a quick ban is easy (also under staff discretion, if it's someone with KaptainLes levels of ping, maybe message them that gag/mute evasion is unacceptable.
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
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I think x2 the slays for rdm and leave is a fine amount, a single rdm tends to not be a huge deal until consistency is established

punisments do b existing for people who evade punishments

i disagree as that's a big thing to give an entry level position

[Image: TWQlDjL.png] 
-courtesy of a sarcastic fish

[Image: t2X0SiD.png]
-courtesy of milk(2)

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