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5 months later.
I have considered making this thread for sometime, but got caught up with college life and wasn't able to be on the server as much, and it didn't seem reasonable to make at a time where any result would be significantly relevant for me. I also wanted to take some time for myself along with other members of the community to "cool off" in a sense and get to a point where most of the actual hard feelings are in the past. For me they are. 

The main point of this is that I would like to rerecieve D-tmod. If this was a normal staff rank i would just wait and apply for trusted, however, this was a purchased donor rank and whether or not the purchasing option still exist I personally viewed it and still view it as more of a donor rank than real applied and accepted staff rank. (Which is one of the reasons I applied for trusted after purchasing D-tmod back in 2017.) 

If nothing else I want to have a real discussion about what got me specifically "demoted" I really enjoy playing with people in this community and have never really had ill will even to the people that I was "toxic" towards. I still feel like the one thing that I did do wrong was no where near toxicity and was more of a misunderstanding. That is just my end. I really hope the admins will look back and compare this to other staff and donors that have been demoted (rightfully so) because I see a big discrepancy. Until this point my record has been relatively flawless, and I just want the opportunity mainly for some direct communication and possibly a reinstatement. 

Side note. I do appreciate me being allowed to retain the normal donor rank, for a normal ban situation that would probably not happen.
Drunk on my newfound ascension!
The best advice I can give is to bring this up directly with Dink. Ranks are at the end of the day approved by him, especially decisions involving donor type ranks. Otherwise, talking with the admins may prove useful but they will by default talk to dink anyways. Any other discussion will not yield a result, only the opinions of others. Although, it would spark a conversation for the future on how donor staff ranks should be treated.

I don't mean to bash the decision to make this a thread by any means, I just remember how touchy the ban subject was and personally feel if the subject is revisited on an open forums it may only hinder the chance to regain your rank. It will already be a rough discussion as gaining your rank back will by default make you a staff member again, even knowing that it was a bought donor rank.

Up to what you want to do ultimately.

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
Like Matt said, it would be best to bring the DTmod rank side of this up with Dink. 
(DTmod is no longer purchasable)

The whole situation around the massive community bans was indeed a series of unfortunate events, not only for those who were banned/demoted but also those who performed the action. 

I think it would be best to inquire about your demotion/ban in DM's to those responsible for you being demoted/banned if you wish to inquire about it more. IF brought here, I can see many issues arising and a lot of unnecessary questions/conflicts arise due to the conversation being had here as well. 

Best of Luck TDawg
If you get Tmod back then I should too since I paid for it. Sorry, issa dumb argument I think you should work on trying to get staff back the old fashioned way. All this does is set a precedence for every ban/demoted staff member who bought Tmod to try to return.
(01-10-2020, 02:56 PM)Burrito Bowl Wrote: If you get Tmod back then I should too since I paid for it. Sorry, issa dumb argument I think you should work on trying to get staff back the old fashioned way. All this does is set a precedence for every ban/demoted staff member who bought Tmod to try to return.

Considering the conditions under which TDawg was banned, I don't think this argument is very fair or reasonable.

TDawg did nothing to warrant a demotion or ban. You, on the other hand? I won't get into that because that's not the point here. 

One thing I applaud TDawg for is holding no hard feelings against anyone and actually still wanting to continue helping the server, which is the entire reason this thread was made in the first place. As for the topic of the ban itself, I think I've already made my position quite well known.

Also, most DTmods who are banned/demoted are punished this way for a good reason. Don't do your job, abuse your power, whatever it may be, and that's what happens. This situation, I believe, deserves to be looked over by Dink and the Admins. Whether that'll happen sooner or later is an entirely different discussion. 

Good luck on getting your rank back, TDawg.
(01-10-2020, 03:34 PM)MAKEOUTHILL Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 02:56 PM)Burrito Bowl Wrote: If you get Tmod back then I should too since I paid for it. Sorry, issa dumb argument I think you should work on trying to get staff back the old fashioned way. All this does is set a precedence for every ban/demoted staff member who bought Tmod to try to return.

Considering the conditions under which TDawg was banned, I don't think this argument is very fair or reasonable.

TDawg did nothing to warrant a demotion or ban. You, on the other hand? I won't get into that because that's not the point here. 

One thing I applaud TDawg for is holding no hard feelings against anyone and actually still wanting to continue helping the server, which is the entire reason this thread was made in the first place. As for the topic of the ban itself, I think I've already made my position quite well known.

Also, most DTmods who are banned/demoted are punished this way for a good reason. Don't do your job, abuse your power, whatever it may be, and that's what happens. This situation, I believe, deserves to be looked over by Dink and the Admins. Whether that'll happen sooner or later is an entirely different discussion. 

Burrito is responding to the main point tdawg made which is "The main point of this is that I would like to rerecieve D-tmod. If this was a normal staff rank i would just wait and apply for trusted, however, this was a purchased donor rank and whether or not the purchasing option still exist I personally viewed it and still view it as more of a donor rank than real applied and accepted staff rank. (Which is one of the reasons I applied for trusted after purchasing D-tmod back in 2017.) "
Burrito is right about this argument, it's a dumb argument you shouldn't be given a rank back because you see it as a donor. Now if yall wanna say he was demoted unfairly and should receive tmod sure you have an argument but from what it looks like that's not what burrito's post was directed at.

now for my opinion on the situation I think tdwag should be given his rank back since yall have let so much shit slide with other staff and players but demoted and permabanned him because he disagreed with someone once lol
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(01-10-2020, 03:34 PM)MAKEOUTHILL Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 02:56 PM)Burrito Bowl Wrote: If you get Tmod back then I should too since I paid for it. Sorry, issa dumb argument I think you should work on trying to get staff back the old fashioned way. All this does is set a precedence for every ban/demoted staff member who bought Tmod to try to return.

Considering the conditions under which TDawg was banned, I don't think this argument is very fair or reasonable.

TDawg did nothing to warrant a demotion or ban. You, on the other hand? I won't get into that because that's not the point here. 

One thing I applaud TDawg for is holding no hard feelings against anyone and actually still wanting to continue helping the server, which is the entire reason this thread was made in the first place. As for the topic of the ban itself, I think I've already made my position quite well known.

Also, most DTmods who are banned/demoted are punished this way for a good reason. Don't do your job, abuse your power, whatever it may be, and that's what happens. This situation, I believe, deserves to be looked over by Dink and the Admins. Whether that'll happen sooner or later is an entirely different discussion. 

Good luck on getting your rank back, TDawg.

So everyone who’s been banned/demoted as DTmod should be able to go case to case & see if they should have it returned in this case. Or should we just be showing TDawg special privilege? Your biased so I wouldn’t expect you to understand. But giving Tdawg back Tmod opens up a can of worms when he should just take 2-3 months and work his way back up.
(01-10-2020, 06:32 PM)Burrito Bowl Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 03:34 PM)MAKEOUTHILL Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 02:56 PM)Burrito Bowl Wrote: If you get Tmod back then I should too since I paid for it. Sorry, issa dumb argument I think you should work on trying to get staff back the old fashioned way. All this does is set a precedence for every ban/demoted staff member who bought Tmod to try to return.

Considering the conditions under which TDawg was banned, I don't think this argument is very fair or reasonable.

TDawg did nothing to warrant a demotion or ban. You, on the other hand? I won't get into that because that's not the point here. 

One thing I applaud TDawg for is holding no hard feelings against anyone and actually still wanting to continue helping the server, which is the entire reason this thread was made in the first place. As for the topic of the ban itself, I think I've already made my position quite well known.

Also, most DTmods who are banned/demoted are punished this way for a good reason. Don't do your job, abuse your power, whatever it may be, and that's what happens. This situation, I believe, deserves to be looked over by Dink and the Admins. Whether that'll happen sooner or later is an entirely different discussion. 

Good luck on getting your rank back, TDawg.

So everyone who’s been banned/demoted as DTmod should be able to go case to case & see if they should have it returned in this case. Or should we just be showing TDawg special privilege? Your biased so I wouldn’t expect you to understand. But giving Tdawg back Tmod opens up a can of worms when he should just take 2-3 months and work his way back up.

Considering TDawg shouldn't have been banned in the first place, I think we should do the decent thing as human beings and try to right our wrongs. I wouldn't expect you to understand.
(01-10-2020, 06:34 PM)MAKEOUTHILL Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 06:32 PM)Burrito Bowl Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 03:34 PM)MAKEOUTHILL Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 02:56 PM)Burrito Bowl Wrote: If you get Tmod back then I should too since I paid for it. Sorry, issa dumb argument I think you should work on trying to get staff back the old fashioned way. All this does is set a precedence for every ban/demoted staff member who bought Tmod to try to return.

Considering the conditions under which TDawg was banned, I don't think this argument is very fair or reasonable.

TDawg did nothing to warrant a demotion or ban. You, on the other hand? I won't get into that because that's not the point here. 

One thing I applaud TDawg for is holding no hard feelings against anyone and actually still wanting to continue helping the server, which is the entire reason this thread was made in the first place. As for the topic of the ban itself, I think I've already made my position quite well known.

Also, most DTmods who are banned/demoted are punished this way for a good reason. Don't do your job, abuse your power, whatever it may be, and that's what happens. This situation, I believe, deserves to be looked over by Dink and the Admins. Whether that'll happen sooner or later is an entirely different discussion. 

Good luck on getting your rank back, TDawg.

So everyone who’s been banned/demoted as DTmod should be able to go case to case & see if they should have it returned in this case. Or should we just be showing TDawg special privilege? Your biased so I wouldn’t expect you to understand. But giving Tdawg back Tmod opens up a can of worms when he should just take 2-3 months and work his way back up.

Considering TDawg shouldn't have been banned in the first place, I think we should do the decent thing as human beings and try to right our wrongs. I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Damn personal attacks, absolutely hate to see it.
(01-10-2020, 06:38 PM)Burrito Bowl Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 06:34 PM)MAKEOUTHILL Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 06:32 PM)Burrito Bowl Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 03:34 PM)MAKEOUTHILL Wrote:
(01-10-2020, 02:56 PM)Burrito Bowl Wrote: If you get Tmod back then I should too since I paid for it. Sorry, issa dumb argument I think you should work on trying to get staff back the old fashioned way. All this does is set a precedence for every ban/demoted staff member who bought Tmod to try to return.

Considering the conditions under which TDawg was banned, I don't think this argument is very fair or reasonable.

TDawg did nothing to warrant a demotion or ban. You, on the other hand? I won't get into that because that's not the point here. 

One thing I applaud TDawg for is holding no hard feelings against anyone and actually still wanting to continue helping the server, which is the entire reason this thread was made in the first place. As for the topic of the ban itself, I think I've already made my position quite well known.

Also, most DTmods who are banned/demoted are punished this way for a good reason. Don't do your job, abuse your power, whatever it may be, and that's what happens. This situation, I believe, deserves to be looked over by Dink and the Admins. Whether that'll happen sooner or later is an entirely different discussion. 

Good luck on getting your rank back, TDawg.

So everyone who’s been banned/demoted as DTmod should be able to go case to case & see if they should have it returned in this case. Or should we just be showing TDawg special privilege? Your biased so I wouldn’t expect you to understand. But giving Tdawg back Tmod opens up a can of worms when he should just take 2-3 months and work his way back up.

Considering TDawg shouldn't have been banned in the first place, I think we should do the decent thing as human beings and try to right our wrongs. I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Damn personal attacks, absolutely hate to see it.


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