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1st ever Tmod app
Ingame Name: Deadpool

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:95491176

Time Played: 8w 1d 21h*

When First Joined: November 21st, 2015

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): 12pm-3am

Rank Desired: Test Mod

Current Rank: Trusted

What can you do to help the community: I was test mod for a good portion of my time as staff. When I was learning the ropes I was a test mod. I feel comfortable at the position and I know I can be a big help in dealing with more problems than I could as a trusted. I will continue helping out with other issues and doing ban requests. On the commands side, I can help with the !bring command and change the map if it ever breaks again.

Why you want to help the community: When I got staff back I was unsure if I'd enjoy it as much as when I was staff years ago, but I do. The past couple of nights recently were pretty enjoyable as staff. Overall, I've invested a lot of time on this server and community. I've been here for over 4 years. For that reason I want to continue helping in every way I can.

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): Joke bans.

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): 

How did you find us?: Looked for non mine craft servers after I got CSS.

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): Yes

Other: *Not 100% sure if time is accurate. It keeps resetting on me, so this is just a educated guess.
former admin2
good activity i dont play much with you but from what i have seen you are good staff not a shock +1
[Image: 4kcofo.jpg]thx fish[Image: Salsa_UwU.jpg]
Hey I remember this guy good guy or girl whatever it is I like u +1
Ahhh [Image: tenor.gif?itemid=5327720]
+1 again. Like I said in your trusted app, you're helpful, you know how to be a good staff member, and you're fun to play with. Should be an easy decision to let you keep moving up the corporate ladder
Deadpool Applying for Tmod Response:

Hello Deadpool! You've done REALLY well as a former trusted and really worked your way up from what you were.

  • Knows policy + enforces it.
  • Can handle trolls.
  • Consistent Activity.
  • Active on ban request. Discord somewhat active.
I still stick with my previous ground and I believe you can be an acceptable Tmod. Good luck.

[Image: OGC.83a4f535e160188cc3ef3e7914124591?pid...n%2fbGQ%3d]
O̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶t̶r̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶s̶e̶l̶f̶
It's a +1 for me. I remember you from back in the day, and I've never seen you do anything wrong. You know the rules a lot, and when I'm staffing a server with you, you process RDM reports efficiently and don't act punitively. I think you'd make a good tmod.
[Image: source.gif]
+1 of course, you deserve this man ;(
-1 cant Ahri jungle 

but nah you are a former admin you do your job well and have a good understanding of how things work you def can move up to t-mod +1
[Image: 46713d688f8087b1f2d3b92a79d7afea.png]

Future owner  :D
+1 from me as well. Ever since his return he's been a great Trusted that handles reports efficiently, is able to defuse certain heated situations, and handles trolls very well. To add onto this, he was also a former admin, so I believe that he is more than capable of being a good Test Mod once again. Good luck
good staff plus one

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.