October 24th, 02:41:17/ Swagdaddy69
Ingame Name: SwagDaddy69

SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198111224084/

Who Banned You: teifling lesbian

Reason For Ban: 10 point warn threshold

Length of Ban: 24 hours

Reason for Admins to Unban: Non-break of terms of service for so-called "8 point ban"

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): I have never been banned for Dinkleberg's gmod servers.

I was banned for 24 hours on October 24th due to "10 point warn threshold" by "teifling lesbian". I was told in the discord "trick or traitors" text-chat that i was banned for "i was on when you got banned so i did hear your joke about the ip logger" at 02:12 AM by 3mbr3y. Once i again read the TOS rule for the TTT Gmod servers, i appears i still did not violate any rule by joking about Doxxing, or ip loggers; in rule 6 of the TOS in line 5 of the rule, the following sentence is listed; "Do not participate in anything that may be questionably legal, this includes things such as actual violence, actual crimes, exploitation of minors (including "jokes" and suggestive comments,) and doxxing." The terms "including "jokes: and suggestive comments" is listed for the portion inside the quotation marks and that portion is "things such as actual violence, actual crimes, exploitation of minors" the quotation marks than end and the rule lists finally, "and doxxing." this not only after the entire rest of the rule but also is not indcluded in the quotation marks discussing the entire rest of that part of the rule. So due to my understanding of english grammar, jokes about doxxing are not listed in the Terms of Service where "teifling lesbian" cited i broke a rule.  I believe the 6-8 points should be appealed/ removed from my steam ID and i be reinstated into the server as soon as possible. To clarify jokes about "actual violence, actual crimes, exploitation of minors" were covered and clearly outlined in the Terms of service. However Doxxing is only listed plainly, and by itself. This lead my to believe only legitimate doxxing was a violation of the terms of service. No, this continues to lead me to believe that. I do wish anyone reading this forum post check the second one i made to quickly and easily solve the issue which did not work as intended, that forum post is the 2nd link listed in this post. The first link listed in this post is a screenshot of the ban from the Gmod server.



Messages In This Thread
October 24th, 02:41:17/ Swagdaddy69 - by SwagDaddy69 - 10-24-2023, 04:26 AM
RE: October 24th, 02:41:17/ Swagdaddy69 - by Gabe - 10-24-2023, 10:00 AM

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