08-30-2024, 06:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2024, 06:19 PM by Insatiable CockGobbler. Edited 2 times in total.)
Ingame Name: Gape Hunter
Other: I just don't like when at the end of the night the trolls join with their friends just to call everyone slurs and RDM the hell out of the server. I know I don't have much of a presence on Discord but I have found it to be the least efficient way to get important messages out to the people they're meant for. If necessary, I will make my presence more known.
SteamID: 76561198046066780
Discord Tag: .rubberrobber
Time Played: 100+ hourz
When First Joined: July 27, 2023
Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Usually after 10 PM CST most nights
Rank Desired: Trusted
Current Rank: Donor/Regular
What can you do to help the community: Mute racists/homophobes/transphobes, report racists/homophobes/transphobes, kick racists/homophobes/transphobes, and DESTROY the evil trolls.
Why you want to help the community: I value the Dink community and the friends I have made when gaming. I don't appreciate when losers come in and disrespect the diverse community that has been cultivated.
Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): Nu uh
Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): Maybe
How did you find us?: Chillin out, looking for cool TTT servers to game on one night I was bored.
Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): Yes
Other: I just don't like when at the end of the night the trolls join with their friends just to call everyone slurs and RDM the hell out of the server. I know I don't have much of a presence on Discord but I have found it to be the least efficient way to get important messages out to the people they're meant for. If necessary, I will make my presence more known.