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New MOTD give feedback Will not listen but might. (Have until Feb 5).
To contact staff in-game, put an @ symbol at the start of your chat message. To contact staff outside of the game, head to our discord ( or forums ( Do not argue excessively or flame staff if you don’t get your way.

TTT Rules
Do Not Random Deathmatch (RDM)
RDM is killing or damaging a player without a valid reason, as listed near the bottom of this page. Do not call false KOS (kill on sight) without valid reason as an innocent or detective. Do not shoot at other players to get them to shoot you in order to have a reason to kill them (AKA T-baiting).

20+ damage, or any amount of intentional damage at staff discretion, is reportable as RDM. You can report a player for RDM by typing !report. Lying in reports or making false reports may result in a warning.

If you receive slays for RDM, you must remain on the server until all of your slays are served unless you receive permission from staff to leave. Slays are considered to be served once the slay takes effect.

Be Respectful to Other Players
Do not flame, troll, or harass other players. Do not use slurs or other derogatory language. Respect others’ boundaries and do not try to intentionally make others upset or uncomfortable. Do not instigate or egg on arguments. Do not single out a player to repeatedly target, such as going out of your way to knife them every time you’re a traitor. Do not use props to trap or troll other players or to kill players pre-round, unless they consent to it.

Do Not Spam
Do not spam voice or text chat. This includes excessive yelling, singing, music, soundboards, voice changers, loud or annoying noises, or talking over others. Do not attempt to evade a mute or gag issued by staff. Do not repeatedly join to spam connecting messages.

Keep Topics Appropriate
Do not talk about overly sexual topics or overly offensive topics, such as sexual assault or pedophilia. Do not make sexual comments toward other players. Do not make sexual noises over mic. Do not bring up any sexual topics while underage players are on. Your steam name and avatar may not be overly sexual or offensive.

Do Not Ghost, Team, or Metagame
Do not reveal in-game information to living players while dead, whether by in-game or out of game means, or act in-game based on any such information1. Do not call out your fellow traitors. Do not team with or intentionally aid members of the opposite team, such as by giving traitor items to innos or reviving innos who then kill your fellow traitors. Do not metagame2, such as KOSing off of a player’s skin, usual playstyle, or being top player of the previous map.

1 You may tell a fellow traitor the location of your own body for the purposes of being revived, so long as you do not reveal any additional information (other players’ locations, traps, etc.)
2 You may deduce the number of traitors based on the number of alive players and dead traitors, though keep in mind players may have left mid-round or bodies may be unidentified.

Do Not Cheat, Hack, or Exploit
The use of any outside program, script, or macro with the purpose of cheating or automating an in-game action is not allowed. Do not abuse glitches or exploits to gain an unfair advantage, get out of the map’s bounds, lag/crash the server, or otherwise disrupt the game.

Do Not Abuse Commands
Do not abuse any in-game command that you have access to in order to gain an in-game advantage, bother other players, or otherwise disrupt the server. Detailed guidelines for the donor rank and its commands can be found at

No DDoSing/Doxing Jokes or Suspicious Links
Do not joke about DDoSing the server or other players. Do not joke about exposing private or sensitive information of other players, including their real name, location or IP address. Do not post suspicious links or links leading to suspicious websites, even as a joke. Actual DDoS/doxing threats or attempts or posting links found to contain malicious content will result in a permanent ban.

Do Not Disrupt the Game (Miscellaneous)
Do not do anything that disrupts the game or other players, including:

Delaying the round as traitor by not attempting to find and kill innocents
Making your name unpronounceable or untypeable in plaintext english
Copying the name of another player
Giving new players false information that may ruin their experience or cause trouble
Going AFK for long periods of time
Interfering with or damaging live players as a prop while dead
Offering points or rewards for killing a player (AKA bounties) regardless of role or KOSability
Baiting players to shoot you to reduce their karma (AKA karma baiting)
Changing your name mid-round (auto-kicks for 1 minute)

Reasons to Kill or Call KOS (Kill on Sight)
Below is a list of valid reasons to kill or KOS a player. However, this list may not cover every possible edge case, and staff may use discretion for anything not covered by this list. Killing someone who calls a legitimate KOS based on the below reasons, with reasonable cause for you to believe them (eg. player is proven, you saw it happen yourself, corroborated by other players, verifiable by info on body, etc.), may result in a slay.

You must give players a reasonable opportunity to identify the body of someone they kill if they attempt to do so and present no immediate threat; if they killed a traitor, you may not KOS them for it. If you don't know what happened or why someone was killed, do not open fire until you know what happened or who the traitor is, or are in danger yourself.

You may kill any player who calls KOS on you, but other players may still follow the KOS if it was valid and the player who called it was not a traitor.

You must be able to actually see a player for many of the below reasons to be valid; you may not KOS based on sound, location, cosmetics, or assumptions.
  • Killing, damaging, or shooting at innocents/detectives1 without a valid reason or KOS
  • Throwing incendiary grenades near or where they may damage non-KOSed players
  • Entering or exiting a traitor room, unless proven innocent2
  • Calling KOS on a player who is proven innocent1,2 (excluding detectives)
  • Calling KOS on a player who turns out to be innocent1 without a valid reason
  • Throwing discombobulators in areas where they can potentially cause damage
  • Throwing props near players fast enough to potentially deal damage, unless obviously accidental (eg because of a discombobulator)
  • Dealing 5+ damage with props at low speeds, or any damage with props at high speeds
  • Pushing/pulling players near ledges, or pushing/falling onto players far enough to cause damage
  • Destroying or otherwise rendering unusable detective equipment or map testers, unless it’s blocking the only entryway through an area
  • Breaking bridges or objects with players on them such that it causes damage
  • Walking past or otherwise failing to identify an unidentified body that is reasonably visible3
  • DNA from an innocent/detective1 or from traitor equipment
  • Holding explosive objects near players or blowing them up near players
  • Activating physical map traps near players (does not include invisibly activated traitor traps)
  • Shooting near players without valid reason, claiming to be a traitor, or otherwise T-baiting
  • Blocking a door or passage with no other alternate routes after a warning4
  • Using equipment or props to move, freeze, or block you after a warning4
  • Holding or using a traitor weapon, unless the player is proven and claimed the weapon in chat2
  • Not being targeted by traitor turrets or similar equipment within range and not targeting anyone else
  • Arming C4 or otherwise making traitor equipment deadly
  • Being revived after being identified as a traitor (name will appear in red on the scoreboard)
  • Following you after 3 consecutive warnings4
  • Knowingly contributing to any map-specific traitor objective
  • Knowingly destroying, sabotaging, or obstructing any map-specific innocent objective
  • Activating or contributing to any map event or object that can harm innos (eg rooftops dynamite)
  • Carrying any map-specific item near players that can damage, trap, or otherwise harm them
  • Being the only other person alive, or knowing everyone else alive is proven innocent
  • Hanging a body with the magneto stick
  • Entering a room that you validly claimed while you are in it in overtime5
  • Failing to respond to a live check in overtime5
  • Being the only person to respond to a live check if you see no one else alive in overtime5
  • Any valid suspicion reason in overtime5
  • Being AFK in overtime5

1 Unless you have reasonable cause to believe the innocent/detective was RDMing or otherwise KOSable
2 If you have reasonable cause to believe the player is proven
3 The body must be safely accessible and within reasonable distance, you must give ample time to identify it, the player must not be in an active fight or otherwise reasonably preoccupied, and they must be no farther from the body than you when you first see them near it
4 Warnings must be clear and concise, and you must give ample time between warnings
5 See the “Rule Changes in Overtime” section below

Examples of INVALID Reasons to KOS
These are just a few examples of things you may not kill or KOS a player for:
  • Having the type of gun that was used to kill someone
  • Being in a room where you heard someone die, a gun fired, or a T weapon used
  • Having the same player model as a disguised traitor or a traitor you could not see the name of
  • Not being shot at by a traitor, or being near a traitor while they’re killing others (no guilt by association/GBA)
  • Not destroying traitor equipment such as barnacles, turrets, etc.
  • Holding a non-explosive prop that does not damage, trap, or otherwise harm players
  • Activating a traitor trap via the hidden floating icons
  • Shooting at a wall, object, or into the air, not near anyone
  • Killing someone in self defense, after you saw that person RDM them first without valid reason
Reasons to Call Suspicion
Below is a list of valid reasons to call suspicion on a player. However, this list may not cover every possible edge case, and staff may use discretion for anything not covered by this list. Suspicion is only considered valid if the reason for the suspicion is given in chat or if you saw the reason for the suspicion yourself. Being proven innocent negates suspicion unless noted otherwise.
  • Turning off lights on any applicable map
  • Being near bodies of people who recently died
  • Being with an innocent shortly before they died
  • Refusing a detective’s order to test, even if proven1
  • Hindering a detective’s ability to gather DNA from a body, even if proven
  • Claiming to have killed someone they didn’t or falsely claiming to be proven
  • Claiming someone is innocent who turns out to be a traitor, or being claimed innocent by a traitor
  • Carrying the body of a traitor who is then revived shortly after (within roughly a minute)
  • Refusing to follow a valid KOS on someone who turns out to be a traitor, with reasonable opportunity to do so

1 The order must be clear and concise, include the name of the target, give reasonable time for the target to test, the tester area must be safely accessible, and the target must be within reasonable distance of the detective and the tester

Rule Changes in Overtime
Not to be confused with haste mode, overtime begins after 5 minutes have passed in a round. The following changes are made to the rules once overtime has started:

You can claim a small area in chat and kill anyone who enters while you are in it1
You can call a live check or KOS and kill anyone who doesn’t respond after a reasonable time2
You can kill for any valid suspicion reason, as listed in the previous section
You can kill AFKs

1 Your claim must be clear and concise, give an identifiable description of the area, there must be no other players in the area when you claim it, the area must not be an intersection needed to move through the map, and the area must be confined to a reasonably sized and clearly defined space; you can’t claim an entire building or the entire outside, but you can claim one room or a specific corner
2 If only one person responds to a live check or KOS after a reasonable amount of time and you see no one else alive, you may kill that person

Useful Links
You can find a detailed breakdown of each individual offense and their punishments in the staff guidelines at

If someone is hacking, mass RDMing, or otherwise doing something ban-worthy, you can make a ban request with evidence at

If you believe a donor or staff member is abusing their power, you can make an abuse report with evidence at

If you have 100+ hours, you can apply for staff at

You can find the list of current staff at


Owner (Dinkleberg)
Co-Owner (Everyjuan)
Test Moderator
Trusted (Can be applied for after reaching 100+ hours)

Donor+ (Generally former admins)
Donor (Can be purchased with !donate or at
Regular (100 hours of playtime)
Master (60 hours of playtime)
Member (25 hours of playtime)
Supporter (Generally demoted donors)

Dinkleberg's TTT complies with all server rules enforced by the Garry's Mod development team. If you are found to be in violation of any of their rules we reserve the right to punish accordingly.
I have no genuine regrets. You lot can go fuck yourselves, I'm done being treated like a piece of shit in your servers. Every day I'm on it's 1rdm after the other and then I'm called every slur and name in the fucking book. Tell the others to go fucking die in a fire cause I am fucking over it. And when I try to do something about it, I'm the "staff abuser". nah go fuck yourselves

Listen I only have two things to say tiefling lesbian your a piece of shit and tdawg you take your job way to seriously and maybe you should get out of your mom's basement and shave your 30 year neck beard if y'all need I'm staff at myraid which is 100x better than this pile of garbage so good bye and FUCK ALL OF YOU
It will be prettier all hyperlinks will work.

Going live next week or so

Give feedback on rules / changes. Probably wont listen to most suggestions before implementation but will be considering them and will be open to changing as it goes live/and after being live.

Also say if you like or don't like invalid names rule will be changed to prioritize "regular" "donor" and "staff" ranks. (still staff discretion for people changing their names to other peoples) blah blah blah or whatever you want it to be. +1 things you like.
I have no genuine regrets. You lot can go fuck yourselves, I'm done being treated like a piece of shit in your servers. Every day I'm on it's 1rdm after the other and then I'm called every slur and name in the fucking book. Tell the others to go fucking die in a fire cause I am fucking over it. And when I try to do something about it, I'm the "staff abuser". nah go fuck yourselves

Listen I only have two things to say tiefling lesbian your a piece of shit and tdawg you take your job way to seriously and maybe you should get out of your mom's basement and shave your 30 year neck beard if y'all need I'm staff at myraid which is 100x better than this pile of garbage so good bye and FUCK ALL OF YOU
[Image: b_560x95.png]
[Image: 440198-senior-thumbs-up-cool-man.jpg]
This section:
If you receive slays for RDM, you must remain on the server until all of your slays are served unless you receive permission from staff to leave.
Maybe clarify there what part of the round the slay is considered served? Like either start or end
[Image: b_560x95.png]
TTT Trusted - 11/14/2024
Web Mod - 12/29/2024
TTT Tmod - 1/29/2025
Join our Discord:
Also, credit to Tiefling for 99% of the update, I am just getting it over the finish line.
I have no genuine regrets. You lot can go fuck yourselves, I'm done being treated like a piece of shit in your servers. Every day I'm on it's 1rdm after the other and then I'm called every slur and name in the fucking book. Tell the others to go fucking die in a fire cause I am fucking over it. And when I try to do something about it, I'm the "staff abuser". nah go fuck yourselves

Listen I only have two things to say tiefling lesbian your a piece of shit and tdawg you take your job way to seriously and maybe you should get out of your mom's basement and shave your 30 year neck beard if y'all need I'm staff at myraid which is 100x better than this pile of garbage so good bye and FUCK ALL OF YOU
forgot the supporter rank
(01-26-2025, 08:37 PM)Virunas Wrote: This section:
If you receive slays for RDM, you must remain on the server until all of your slays are served unless you receive permission from staff to leave.
Maybe clarify there what part of the round the slay is considered served? Like either start or end
It's in the staff guidelines that slays are considered served as soon as you're slain but I forgot to put it in the motd
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
(01-26-2025, 09:39 PM)tiefling lesbian Wrote:
(01-26-2025, 08:37 PM)Virunas Wrote: This section:
If you receive slays for RDM, you must remain on the server until all of your slays are served unless you receive permission from staff to leave.
Maybe clarify there what part of the round the slay is considered served? Like either start or end
It's in the staff guidelines that slays are considered served as soon as you're slain but I forgot to put it in the motd
dw I know, I just think it might be useful for guests to know :)
[Image: b_560x95.png]
TTT Trusted - 11/14/2024
Web Mod - 12/29/2024
TTT Tmod - 1/29/2025
Join our Discord:
(01-26-2025, 09:39 PM)tiefling lesbian Wrote:
(01-26-2025, 08:37 PM)Virunas Wrote: This section:
If you receive slays for RDM, you must remain on the server until all of your slays are served unless you receive permission from staff to leave.
Maybe clarify there what part of the round the slay is considered served? Like either start or end
It's in the staff guidelines that slays are considered served as soon as you're slain but I forgot to put it in the motd
I couldn’t hurt to put it in the motd tho. Anyone who is checking when they can leave is probably newer and won’t know/bother to check the staff guidelines.
Spread Kindness, Not Hate.
Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.
I need to sit down and actually side by side the new and old version but I think changing prop rdm KOS to just flinging props around being KOS is massively lame and unnecessary, at MOST it should be sus.

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.