Posts: 1,247
Threads: 79
Joined: Jan 2017
This is a yearly post, dedicated to Sugam, who worked on back-end coding and website development for this server for many years. He tragically passed away in 2019.
Today he would've turned 41, he was an amazing programmer, a great staff member, and most importantly: an amazing friend.
Rest in Peace, Sugam.
glub glub
former admin2
Posts: 1,037
Threads: 60
Joined: Jan 2017
RIP Sugam glub glub.
I have no genuine regrets. You lot can go fuck yourselves, I'm done being treated like a piece of shit in your servers. Every day I'm on it's 1rdm after the other and then I'm called every slur and name in the fucking book. Tell the others to go fucking die in a fire cause I am fucking over it. And when I try to do something about it, I'm the "staff abuser". nah go fuck yourselves
Listen I only have two things to say tiefling lesbian your a piece of shit and tdawg you take your job way to seriously and maybe you should get out of your mom's basement and shave your 30 year neck beard if y'all need I'm staff at myraid which is 100x better than this pile of garbage so good bye and FUCK ALL OF YOU
Posts: 24
Threads: 3
Joined: Nov 2024
Glub glub, never knew sugam well but its always sad to see someone die by suicide. For anyone who struggles with thoughts like these dont be afraid to reach out to anyone, family/friends. Suicide may leave behind more pain then you realize. Stay strong people.