Ingame Name: veL
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:115442601
Who Banned You: Battons
Reason For Ban: alt of nae nae baby
Length of Ban: perm
Reason for Admins to Unban: I dont remember ever joining on my old asf original steam account on dinklebergs, or even just in general on any of my steam accounts. Was active on SGM and AHG, thats about it, never played any other ttt servers. This ban is dated 10/29/2021 (steam id of that alt is STEAM_0:1:66721751), truly cant remember what happened that day. Was wanting to get back into TTT and every other server is utter dogshit, so here I am appealing. Original ban from the alt says "Banned by: Hani, Reason: Hacking, Date Banned: 03/05/2019 @ 2:31:08". I never meant to bypass the ban via alting, this veL account just became my new main account that I'd play on every day, and I just never remembered that I was banned on that other account, so I guess I tried joining dinks one day to check it out and im guessing i was insta banned, dont recall actually playing.
Have you been banned before: Technically ya from that original account I guess, but no i dont have an extensive ban history
Other: A lotta players and staff on dinks can vouch for me I guess, I mean no harm!
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:115442601
Who Banned You: Battons
Reason For Ban: alt of nae nae baby
Length of Ban: perm
Reason for Admins to Unban: I dont remember ever joining on my old asf original steam account on dinklebergs, or even just in general on any of my steam accounts. Was active on SGM and AHG, thats about it, never played any other ttt servers. This ban is dated 10/29/2021 (steam id of that alt is STEAM_0:1:66721751), truly cant remember what happened that day. Was wanting to get back into TTT and every other server is utter dogshit, so here I am appealing. Original ban from the alt says "Banned by: Hani, Reason: Hacking, Date Banned: 03/05/2019 @ 2:31:08". I never meant to bypass the ban via alting, this veL account just became my new main account that I'd play on every day, and I just never remembered that I was banned on that other account, so I guess I tried joining dinks one day to check it out and im guessing i was insta banned, dont recall actually playing.
Have you been banned before: Technically ya from that original account I guess, but no i dont have an extensive ban history
Other: A lotta players and staff on dinks can vouch for me I guess, I mean no harm!