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TTT Rules
TTT Rules:

Note that the punishments for these offenses are listed in the staff guidelines, but staff may issue punishment with some discretion depending on the context of a situation. The staff guidelines can be located Here. Staff always reserve the right to make punishments based on their discretion within reason.

You can find all server commands Here.

1. Do Not Random Deathmatch
RDM is killing a player without a legitimate reason. Some examples of RDM are prop killing, goomba stomping, pushing players off edges, killing provens or detectives, and killing AFKs before overtime.  A full list of reasons to KOS can be found near the bottom of this page.  Do not KOS people that clearly are consenting to fight each other.

RDM Types and Punishments:
Normal RDM: 1 slay
Attempted RDM(20+ damage): 1 slay
Intentional T-On-T RDM: 2 slays
Mass RDM: Permaban
Consistent RDM: Permaban

2. Do Not False KOS
Calling a KOS for a reason other than those shown at the bottom of this page is a false KOS. Traitors may call a false KOS to get innocents to kill each other. Any other player who calls a false KOS may be reported.

3. Do Not Call Bounties
Do not offer points for killing another player regardless of whether it would be RDM or not.

4. Do Not Spam
Chat and mic spam are never allowed. Singing, yelling, voice changers, and excessive speaking are all mic spam. Arguments that prevent others from enjoying the game are also prohibited.

5. Do Not Exploit, Hack, Metagame or Otherwise Avoid the Game's Intended Limits
This includes ghosting*, metagaming, hacking, and exploiting maps. Ghosting includes sharing any type of information with someone from the grave that could affect the outcome of a round, including staff. 
  • Do not try to escape the map bounds or exploit map/server bugs. 
  • Do not team, which is aiding people you know are not on your team. For what is and isn't teaming click here --> Teaming Rules. 
  • Do not put your client into 3rd person mode. 
  • Do not intentionally attempt to crash the server. 
  • Do not abuse console commands to exploit the way ingame items work. 
An exception to the metagaming rule is that you may use the number of remaining living players to deduce the number of living traitors, but only once the game has reached a point where there are so few traitors or players remaining that you cannot be wrong.

* Telling your T-Buddies where your body is (so you can be defibbed) is not considered ghosting unless you are giving extra information such as location of innocents, traps, etc.

Moderate Ghosting Includes:

-psay message to another player on the server with game-related information
-New players who may not be familiar with rules talking to friends in Voice or Text Chat outside of gmod
-Anything accidental.

Severe Ghosting Includes:

-Intentional/Malicious sharing of game-related information through voice or text chat.
example: Experienced player (member+) psaying a friend on the server telling them who the traitor was who killed them

6. Do Not Flame, Harass, Or Troll Players
Flaming, harassing, trolling, or targeting other players is prohibited. Spamming, trolling with, or using any offensive language (racism, sexism, etc) towards other people is NOT allowed. Repeatedly doing amounts of damage that are not  reportable can also be considered trolling (10 dmg to someone every round as an example). Targeting is specifically singling out a player to act against across multiple maps or days. For example, if every time you are a traitor you knife a specific person this could be considered targeting. Another example would be following the same player every round. Do not randomly prop kill people during pre-round unless they consent. Do not attempt to “Karma Bait” IE: Baiting someone into KOSing or shooting you for the sole purpose of killing them. Do not participate in anything that may be questionably legal, this includes things such as actual violence, actual crimes, exploitation of minors (including "jokes" and suggestive comments,) and doxxing.

Karma Baiting Punishment:
-1st Offence: Warning
-2nd Offence: Warning+Slay
-3rd Offence: 1 Day Ban
-4th Offence: 1 Week Ban

7. Do Not Lie in Reports
Do not knowingly present false information in reports to get another player slain or to get out of your own slay. 

8. Do Not Argue with Staff
Do not excessively argue with staff members on the server as it hinders other players' ability to play the game. If you’re unsatisfied with a staff member’s decision, please collect any relevant evidence and present it either on the forums or to a higher ranking staff member. Use !forums in chat to reach the forums.

9. Do Not Abuse Commands
Do not abuse any in-game commands that you have access to. Specific guidelines for the donor rank and it's commands can be found by clicking here

  • Do not delay (Running out of time as a traitor unless actively looking for innocents or failing to kill/significantly damage anyone for 3 minutes as the last traitor OR hiding in a location that is unreachable or where you cannot be attacked within normal means of movement in the map (without having to prop surf or grapple) for an extended period of time)
  • Have a name that is pronounceable, readable and typable in english ASCII  characters. Do not have a name similar to any other players.
  • Do not mislead new players with information that might ruin their experience.
  • Do not sit Idle / AFK in Spectator if you're not playing. Do not time farm. You will be kicked for sitting AFK for any more than 4 rounds.
    *This excludes Staff actively watching other players / handling RDM reports.

  • Do not interfere mid-round by possessing props to either cause damage/death to players, or try to break map doors.
Reasons to call a Kill-on-Sight(KOS):

The below lists of reasons to KOS and sus are for reference, and cover the most common issues. However, these are not complete lists and do not necessarily cover all edge cases. If anything comes up that is not covered by what is shown below, it is to be handled at staff discretion. Killing someone who called a legitimate kos based on the below reasons may yield a slay.
  • Killing Detectives, except when they are RDMing.
  • Throwing incendiary grenades near non-kosed players.
  • Entering traitor room while unproven.
  • Calling a KOS on someone who is proven Innocent and not a Detective.
  • Throwing discombobulators such that they can push people off ledges, causing damage.
  • Prop killing.
  • Causing damage by falling onto players.
  • Damaging/Destroying/Rendering Useless a tester or detective equipment. This also applies to destructible map testers.
  • Breaking a bridge with players on it such that it causes damage.
  • Killing or injuring someone with explosive barrels.
  • Holding explosive barrels near players.
  • Activating map traps with the intent to kill someone. 
  • Having DNA of an Innocent or Detective on you 1.
  • Knowingly walking past or failing to identify a reasonably visible unidentified body 2.
  • Failing to respond to a live check in overtime 3.
  • Entering a room that was validly claimed.
  • T-baiting 4.
  • Door Blocking 5.
  • Keeping players grappled after a warning+ample time is given.
  • Trapping players with the shield gun after a warning+ample time is given.
  • Continuing to throw props at a player after a warning+ample time is given.
  • Door Spamming after a warning+ample time is given.
  • Damaging Innocents for a reason not stated above 6.
  • Having a traitor item while unproven.This includes Secret Objective Knives on Maps applicable. You can find the full List of Traitor / Non Traitor Items here: Click Here
  • Following after 3 consecutive warnings 7.
  • Knowingly contributing to the traitor objective on applicable objective maps.
  • Carrying any map-specific item that can damage, trap, or harm players, whether they be a T trap or prop weapon.
1. Unless the Detective or Innocent was RDMing.
2. Player is KOSable only if the body is reasonably visible, e.g. not under a bench or in a dark corner. Whether this is RDM is largely to staff discretion
3. If only one player responds to a live check, that player can be KOSed.
4. This includes saying that you are a T, shooting at other players, throwing props with high velocity at you or another player, sniping on a sniper map (i.e. Rooftops) close to other players without calling out why you are shooting, etc. This does NOT include shooting randomly, like at a wall or the sky.
5. When no alternate path to the other side exists and a warning was provided with reasonable amount of time.
6. ANY amount of damage with a gun is kosable. 5+ damage with a prop is kosable. 20+ damage by any means is reportable.
7. The warnings must be clear and concise and there must be ample time between the warnings(You cannot just spam warnings in 2 seconds).

Note: A KOS works both ways, if you KOS someone they have every right to kill you. You should not KOS someone acting in self defense (they got attacked first and returned fire).

Map Specific Reasons to KOS:
Rooftops 2016: Sticking the dynamite to the collapsible building.
School / Plaza: Locking players in the freezer
Bank: Putting the battery into the SWAT radio
Richland / Crummy Cradle: Activating the map traps
Dog: Firing the cannon

Rule changes in Overtime:
  • KOS can be called for one of the suspicion reasons below.
  • Detectives may call "test or kos" 1.
  • Traitors purposely avoiding confrontation for extended time may be slain.
  • You can kill AFKs.
  • Innocents may claim rooms 2.
  • Owners of a claim may kill any non-detectives that tries to enter or open the door to the claim.
  • You can call: live check or KOS (You may call live check during the round, but not live check or KOS.)

1 To call a "test or kos" the detective must give the name of the target, sufficient time for the target to test, and the target must be fairly close the detective and the tester, avoid "test or kosing" someone in chat if there is a lot of chat spam.
2 A valid claim requires that the room not be an intersection needed to move through the map, and the claim must be called out with a description of the space being claimed. The claim is in effect only while the claimer is within its bounds.

Reasons to Call Suspicion:
  • Turning off lights on any applicable map.
  • Being near the bodies of people who recently died.
  • Refusing to test for a detective's "test or sus" even if proven 1.
  • Claiming to have killed someone that you didn't.
  • Placing the "wedge" in the basement of the gun store on 67th way.
  • Carrying the body of a T who later gets revived 2.
  • Refusing to follow a kos 3.
  • Being AFK at overtime 4.
  • Refusing to allow or otherwise hindering a detective's ability to gather DNA from a body. 5

1. To call a "test or sus" the detective must give the name of the target, sufficient time for the target to test, and the target must be fairly close the detective and the tester, avoid "test or susing" someone in chat if there is a lot of chat spam.
2. If they get revived relatively soon (1ish minute) after the person was carrying their body.
3. If the kosed person is then killed and identified as a T and the refuser was given reasonable time to act on the kos.
4. Players who get proven and then go AFK are exempt, as well as detectives for obvious reasons.
5. This includes running away with a body, destroying a body, or otherwise placing it in an unreachable location.

Note: You may KOS based on 2nd-hand suspicion only if you also know the reason behind the original sus

Chain of Command:
  • Owner
  • Co-Owner
  • Admin
  • Moderator(Mod)
  • Test Moderator(TMod, Donor TMod)
  • Trusted Applied for after acquiring Regular
  • Donor
  • Regular Requires 100 hours of play time
  • Master Requires 60 hours of play time
  • Member Requires 25 hours of play time
  • Guest
Dinkleberg's TTT complies with all server rules enforced by the Garry's Mod development team. If you are found to be in violation of any of their rules we reserve the right to punish accordingly.
Changes 1/4/17
- Added Teaming
- Added Teaming Punishment
- Better Definitions on Rule 5
- Fixed Formatting a Bit
- Added Battery on Bank as KOSable
[Image: iOq71ag.jpg]
Changes 1/10/17
- Added Rooftops 2016 map specific KOS.
- Added Activating traps with the intent to kill. Under Reasons to call a KOS
           - Added examples for this ^
[Image: Untitled-1.jpg]
Changes 1/14/2017
- Added under Reasons to KOS ----- 9. ANY amount of damage with a gun is kosable. 5+ damage with a prop is kosable. 20+ damage by any means is reportable.
[Image: Untitled-1.jpg]
Changes 1/15/17

 - Added addendum to Door Spamming
 - Added minor text to Door Blocking
[Image: JU8CD1n.png]
[Image: 73MD1Yf.gif]
CHANGES 1/17/17

- Added TonT RDM under Do Not Random Deathmatch
         - Added punishments for TonT RDM
         - Added examples for each

- Under Reasons to call a kos -  Refusing to test for a detective’s “test or kos” even if proven
  - Added  2. Avoid "test or kosing" someone in chat if there is alot of chat spam.
[Image: Untitled-1.jpg]
Changes 1/19/17
-  Added onto Tbaiting 6 - sniping on a sniper map (i.e. Rooftops) close to other players without calling out why you are shooting
[Image: Untitled-1.jpg]
Changes 1/28/17
- "Ghosting includes sharing information with someone would not otherwise know it" to "Ghosting includes sharing information with someone who would not otherwise know it"
: )
[Image: iOq71ag.jpg]
Changes 3/27/17
Map specific reasons to KOS:
- Added Dog: Firing the cannon
Changes 3/29/17
Rule changes in OT

-Added Live check or KOS rules.

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.