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the trusted shitter - Printable Version

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the trusted shitter - poop MANIAC(fecal frenzy!!!!!!!! - 03-13-2021

Name:  the mad shitter

Identification: STEAM_0:1:43140995
Discord Tag:penis fart weiner cock dick ass#8299

Time Played: Over 100 hours

When First Joined: Sometime in 2019

Availability: 4pm to 11am EST

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Regular

What can you do to help the community: I have two years of full time professional management experience with Consolidated Burger Holdings, LLC under my belt, as well as five years experience as a group leader for my boy scouts troop during campouts. This translates into experience handling large groups of people with wildly varying motivations. I have handled irate customers, psychotic coworkers and employees, frustrated peers dealing with unfamiliar emotions, unsettling gutter people with bulges through visible underwear and inconsistent ability to speak, creepy customers hitting on underage cashiers, creepy coworkers massaging underage cashiers in the break room, and many many more. In summary, I feel that my professional record gives me adequate affluence with the management side of the position which will help me bear the stresses which have broken past applicants. In addition, I have well over a decade's worth of background on the recieving end of disciplinary action in Garry's Mod; I am well oriented with every variety of rulebreaking, in spirit and in letter. I am very familiar with the processes and standards of administrative action in this regard. I intend to use this experience not only to destroy cheaters which sometimes stalk the late late night and early morning lobby, but also to eliminate the need for ad-hoc vigilante posses which are necessary for annihilating Random Death Match perpetrators. Judicial responsibilities aside, I also intend to use the status to help not only plead the case for player involvement in determining which rules work for the community and which do not, but in the development and implementation of that system as part of my responsibilities. Failing that, I hope the experience can give me insight into why this is an impractical idea, as some staff members have assured me is the case.

Why you want to help the community: I have traipsed among the gamers of Dinkleberg's for some time now, and I have seen much of what ails not only them but the bureaucracy of the forums and associated administrative and executive attatchments. My friends, I seek the path of peace between the peoples of our lands. So many gamers whom I have come to know and appreciate have either cast the server aside or been banned and cast away themselves; tender touches and soft careless whispers lost indefinitely from the passionate embrace of Dinkleberg's.

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts):  Yes

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): No

How did you find us?:  Garry's Mod

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? : Yes

Other: In addition to my previously stated qualifications, I am not, nor have I ever been, sexually attracted to children or women. I understand how important it is for the upper circle to keep a close eye out for predators which may prowl these digital lands; captain Price and Neko are the most immediate to come to mind. Rest assured that you have nothing to fear in this regard from myself. In addition, I would like to take this moment to answer some of the allegations which have made it to my ear before they may become an issue. I am not certain how widespread they are in the wider Dinkleberg's community, but they are fairly common in certain circles formed around the server and I have recieved more than a trifle amount of private messages regarding them.
⦁ I have never evaded my punishment by using an alternate account
⦁ I am not, nor have I ever been, associated with the account 'h1tlergamer1488' or 'xXgrease_and_oilXx'. This is my only account, and my only digital copy of Garry's Mod
⦁ I have not beaten up Salty in real life
⦁ I do not now nor have I ever used a hack client
⦁ I am not racist, and do not condone the actions of Anders Brevik or Christopher Dorner

I will be working tonight, so forgive me if I cannot immediately respond to criticisms or concerns following my upload. That is why I have included certain pieces of information in this application.

RE: the trusted shitter - Damien1579 - 03-13-2021

I cannot +1 or -1 this because you're my friend and that would be a biased +1 but good luck!

RE: the trusted shitter - David - 03-13-2021


Fix the system. I believe in shitter.

RE: the trusted shitter - Jammin - 03-13-2021

Hi Shitter,
Thank you for applying to join the staff team as Trusted.
Besides the obvious issues involving your previous ban for a high amount of slurs, your general discussions that you continue to propogate - including the one I wintessed the other day with you and another player demeaning women - I feel that you would not do well to represent the staff team on an ethical stand-point.

That being said, I also feel that your general disregard for the rules - both past and present (including wishing to hold a referendum to eliminate punishments for toxicity) also do not bode well for you joining the staff team. Staff are expected to uphold the rules themselves, and ensure enforcement of the rules across the server.

Finally, while your general trollish attitude in the server makes you a fun person to play with in-game, it does not give a good example of what staff should do. All of us, staff included, like to have fun. This fun can be had by many more when the staff member enforcing the rules isn't fully engaged in trolling.

I do note some positives. You are well liked by the community, including many staff members who enjoy playing with you. You can really brighten up a server, and I always hope for one of your "RTV, baby!" to hit on the last round of a map. You have plenty of in-game hours and experience to staff, and you generally don't RDM or break in-game rules. From that perspective alone, you would make a good trusted. But, from the ethical standpoint of trolling and demeaning language, I dont think i can support your application this time around.

Additionally, you have no ban requests on file. If you are serious about becoming trusted, having more forum activity (other than unban requests for yourself) and engaging with the community discord would help. Filing some ban requests whenever trolls mass rdm, rdm and leave, break other rules, etc. would be useful in helping your staff app next time around.

I do believe that anyone could become staff someday. To do so I would recommend you change course with regards to demeaning certain humans for being who they are, and let up on the trolling some. Don't stop being fun, just make sure you aren't having fun yourself at the expense of others.
I have noticed a significant change since your unban, compared to how you were before your ban. You don't slur anymore, and the trolling is already mellowed down. I respect you for that. But it isn't changed enough to welcome you as staff.

Overall my vote is:

RE: the trusted shitter - synthray - 03-13-2021

[Image: 1476379789518.gif]

[Image: 20210311213848-1.jpg]

[Image: 20210311214353-1.jpg]

[Image: 1487656496977.gif]

RE: the trusted shitter - Battons - 03-13-2021

I have no confidence in recommending a +1 and suggest you work on your in game behavior if you would like to move up the chain. Show us how dedicated you are by making yourself better and applying again later down the line.

RE: the trusted shitter - thunderwalrusinnthebar - 03-13-2021

If this is serious then I'll give you some advice. I was closer to being banned, for some of the same reasons as you, than I was to being trusted when I first applied. What I had to change was the way I talked to people on the server. Take the feedback here and clean up your act with slurs and general toxicity while also making ban requests and you should be in the running for staff. Right now its a minus one

RE: the trusted shitter - Rylo Ken - 03-13-2021

(03-13-2021, 05:08 PM)???????? Wrote: [Image: 1476379789518.gif]

[Image: 20210311213848-1.jpg]

[Image: 20210311214353-1.jpg]

[Image: 1487656496977.gif]
LMFAO I love you syn

RE: the trusted shitter - White Owl - 03-13-2021

-1 and let me explain why before you get bitter. By all means you are a solid player in terms of gameplay. You don't cheat and for the most part you play fair. However I don't believe that it is your time to become trusted because your attitude about trolling/griefing would make the community look bad. I think if you become more mature than sure by all means, but for now no. Your attitude in regards to others is so low that when I made a thread trying to get help with a unsolved murder case you made a joke saying that you killed the girl and some extra stuff that was just nasty. Then I asked you about it and you claimed that you regretted nothing, even though I reached out to you clearly bothered by it, you still continued the charade. Having that type of attitude is detrimental to the server. If you cannot even contain yourself on a forum post, that is clearly very serious, how can we trust you to have a good and fair judgement in the server? Holding any position of power means that in some ways you also set the spotlight for how non-members think of the server. Now anyone who has ever played with you can imagine this situation in their head. Imagine the things the mad shitter says in the server as a regular member, now imagine those same things but while he is trusted. Do you really think that this will set a good tone for the server as a whole? Not only that but since you troll every single time you get on the server, it also causes other people to troll as well. How do we know that your standard of "trolling" will be on the same standard as the rest of the staff members in regards to punishing a player who is trolling? I'll be honest if it wasn't for your trolling every single time you get on the server, and I mean every single time, I would have +1'd you.

RE: the trusted shitter - Pbever - 03-13-2021

-1, every time I have seen you on the server, you have been trolling or griefing to at least some extent.