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Sleepforever staff app - Printable Version

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RE: Sleepforever staff app - Mana - 06-05-2020

This is gonna go on forever .-.

Since I already said something I might as well chime in
Along with what many people here said, your attitude in general is horrendous right now.

RE: Sleepforever staff app - Lt. Star - 06-05-2020

Lets set this straight. Community members are saying things cause as a staff member you represent the entire community, not just DR, and to be honest, your responses and attitude suck big time. Why would we allow someone who attacks people, breaks/ignores rules and refuses to take criticism in a staff position. If you handle the server anything like you handle your responses I don't want to see you as a staff member. Period.

RE: Sleepforever staff app - Pixie Soldier - 06-05-2020

Because anyone who is active within the community is free to use the forums and comment on any post. Also because a lot of people who have replied have been around a long time in this GMod community and others. 

I get that there isn’t always staff on the server, lockdown has meant that all our servers are getting more traffic. Doesn’t mean just anyone can become staff. Trusted is the first step in staffing to get people used to handling situations and their commands before having the power to ban people. 

Your attitude towards both this app and the report that was made do not show me common sense at all. It shows you’re very confrontational and unwilling to listen to others. We work as a team here and we often help out between the servers too. I don’t see you as a team player at all.

RE: Sleepforever staff app - matt_st3 (Strongrule) - 06-05-2020

I’d like to cite this whole thread as to why you shouldn’t have any kind of role on the server.

RE: Sleepforever staff app - Gabe - 06-05-2020

-1 im not going to waste time agreeing with what everyone else said and collectively built a line of larger and larger posts saying the same thing

The thing that intrigued me the most is that you constantly highlighted giving away vapes or something about vapes between the two posts....ok.... good for you?

Also no one is jealous so can we just...

[Image: 66194517fb4f0a6a359f56e49af27475.png]

RE: Sleepforever staff app - cherry (2) - 06-05-2020

(06-05-2020, 03:50 PM)sleepforever Wrote:
(06-05-2020, 03:47 PM)Dildo Shwaggins Wrote: I think you're looking for this section of the forums
this is my point bruh people literally dont care about whats going on they just be toxic because they think they right I SPEAK FOR 95% OF THE SERVER WHEN I SAY STAFF IS NOT ON WHEN THE SERVER HAS 20/24 PEOPLE IM THE ONLY DONOR THAT DOES ANYTHING and im not saying im better than anyone just more active and isnt that what matters most? a staff member thats on everyday and knows right from wrong? someone with a speck of common sense wouldnt hurt the server lmao...

not to mention ive given away more perm vapes than people have unboxed but i must be a troll then huh go ask cow goes moo who gave him his vape ask aidan if kohi gave him his vape cuz i gave mine to kohi ask otz who spent over 100 dollars on a dying server just to have fun unboxing with him bruh if yall think im toxic ur either inactive or braindead and i dont mean to be rude but its literal hogwash lmao. im 19 and im more mature than the mod who buys his role more mature than a trusted who barely uses his mic and def more mature than all the staff members talking shit on my name (Talking shit on your name? Yet that's all you've been doing LOL)and -repping me simply because they don't want anyone on the staff team with a brain.

Okay I'm just gonna vote seriously now. 
-1 you're showcasing your character to be someone that can't handle any criticism, and have done nothing but talk poorly of others because you blindly disagree with them. Everyone has a lot of room to grow, and you're definitely not exempt from that.
Again, what are you flexing you giving away vapes for? Your dedication means nothing when you behave so immaturely. 

"Not to be rude", but are you brain dead?

RE: Sleepforever staff app - Mother Nuru. - 06-05-2020

Hi yes common sense that you say the staff are lacking is preventing you from getting anywhere because you yourself are lacking. -1 youre a misplaced cocky attitude full of himself idiot. People like you don’t get places and this is why

RE: Sleepforever staff app - VolfVoss - 06-05-2020

Real talk for a min. 

If you're on server and there's issues, please use the @DR On-call ping inside the #Dr section on the discord. I decided to search what you've said in the discord to see if you've used it or brought up any of the problems you've said have been happening on server.  So far you did bring up a problem with a map but never pinged staff about anything else. Using the On Call Ping is a good thing to start implementing as a habit. It helps show your ability to communicate with community/current staff, and shows more so a desire to help the community. 

Also notice that you do not have your Donor role on Discord. While on server type !link hit enter then type !sync and hit enter to get your role on discord.  For forums you'll have to go to Missing Your Rank and create a post to state you're missing Donor on forums. 

I highly advise you to build positive communication between yourself and current staff. If there's a problem obviously you can contact any DR staff directly and if available we will respond. 

Here's a couple of areas to review/take into consideration if you decide to apply for staff again:
DR Rules
Donor Guidelines

I am still standing by my vote of -1, just thought I'd expound on some things to get you pointed in the right direction.

RE: Sleepforever staff app - Scoovie - 06-05-2020

So basically "Trusted isn't a real staff rank so I won't listen to them, the server is dying but I ALONE can save it, everyone else abuses but I would be a godtier staff," is what you're saying.

RE: Sleepforever staff app - Abdel - 06-05-2020

Activity and giving away shop items isn't remotely qualified to be staff, character and the way you handle yourself have alot to do with it. DR may be understaffed but this isn't the way to go about things. I suggest building up just more than your activity. Build up your understanding of how things actually work here instead of claiming cases of jealousy and ignorance. We are human beings too, so there will be human error. Enjoy the rest of your evening sir or madam.