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The number 15 foot lettuce shit is bad.
(12-27-2021, 03:59 PM)BIIG_SAD Wrote: In response to the people showing up here to bash on me, please watch reference video after watching reviewed footage. Reference video shows phantomfemdog behaving himself AS LONG AS there is another staff in lobby. the moment the other staff goes away, he starts to misbehave.

In response to Wilfry specifically, specific players who spam the beninging shit know that it came from something not so great. see Here you will see that these phrases were used to harass me by certain people including aforementioned person.
He heard why it was used towards me, and continues to this day. If that isn't direct proof, then please, by all means, alert me to what is.

At the end of the day, I do not revel in writing these kind of reports. I do enjoy playing Gmod with you all sometimes. I do enjoy prop hunt. I just don't enjoy mic spam in general. And, I especially do not enjoy targeted micspam. Targeted micspam is harassment.
I don't see that as harrassment just plain ol mic spam, both phrases get used a bunch of times even when you are not present.  You having a past issue with a player and other players repeating a phrase(unless is really straight up targeting like saying something like "Bigg sucks") then I wouldn't consider it harrassment but a personal issue or grudge.  Also you mention that people don't do it when you aren't present, what you expect? for it to be 24/7? no, people will say it in certaing occasions and in others they won't. I do see the Mic spam but I don't see why Phantom is to blame when other were saying it. IN FACT from what I see of this evidence he didn't even say it nor did he started it.  What are you going to do next? Make a ban request on me for speaking Spanish and other players saying "in di beninging". If you're going to make a ban request report the correct player.

-1 for me unless you prove to me that Phantom has harrased you the same way that other player did
Just to go through everything...

Here are the highlights:
1st video:

Glaze says the "In the beginning" - is warned via text chat.
Corrilly says it

Spoon gag - spoon is gaged for mic spam, without warning it seems
Confusion - everyone is confused on why spoon was gaged, due to lack of warning/communication
(this is a justified gag but you should give out a warning before and also explain why someone is gaged and when they will be ungaged)

Uncle Wrinkle and Soda Pop - Saying some really weird stuff, not sure how you replied due to not being able to hear your mic for some reason...

Glaze's "joke" - gaged, again not sure how you're replying, You listed this joke as sexual in ptw but this is more a cannibalism joke.

Uncle Wrinkle - makes a reference to a disgusting meme, IMO this should have gotten a warning probably. 

Phantom and spoon leave

Part 2 video

From the round and map, this is after phantom and spoon had left.

Riddle is muted - map muted

Soda Pop - keeps saying things about corpish, is warned via text chat
Wrinkle - some bodily sound mic spam, no warnings or gag
Soda - is told to tone it down in chat
Wrinkle - says some more weird stuff, again no idea how you replied

phantom joins again @ 6:32
Delta - types "number 15" in chat

Nazu - starts to play a sound clip over his mic. It looks like you're about to gag nazu but decide to hit your bind instead to give a warning... which you did NOT do for other players before. The sound doesn't stop and you go for the gag again and still did not actually gag Nazu. I did notice that you and he have been !p each other throughout the game and you are friends, but when you are staffing you cannot be biased towards your friends.

Around this same time, Delta says "burger king foot lettuce" once.
Wrinkle - Says the thing. Phantom warns that wrinkle will get gaged for saying the meme. Wrinkle and Soda continue to do the voice but say different things and not the actual meme.

Mass gag - The only players doing the voice at this time was Soda and Wrinkle.
IMO this was uncalled for, there wasn't enough reason for a mass gag at this moment. There also was no warning for the mass gag. 
You say something here, again have no idea how you responded.

Ungag - Server is ungaged and Wrinkle and Soda keep trolling.

There a bit of back and forth but since we cannot hear your replies I'm not going to say much about it.

Soda - purposely trolling/eating into his mic
Wrinkle - mic spamming jibberish into mic - map gag, but was never round gagged?

Delta - does the voice, I'm not sure what you said but phantom gets defensive about it. Chat gets a bit out of hand and lots of claims that biig_sad is making up rules, again can't really comment on what is being said based on a one-sided conversation.
The subjects how good the muppets are?????

Discord - due to the pause I'm thinking this is where I was messaged. 
Discord convo leak lol

Zom13ae joins the game
From what the discord message said I was expecting there to be a lot of chaos and stuff going on but after reviewing all of the evidence here I don't think this warrants a ban request solely for phantom.

Soda Gag - gaged, after watching the evidence all the way through I don't believe that Soda had been warned before unless it was a verbal warning which we cannot hear due to Biig_Sad's mic. 

Honestly, I'm not really sure why I was messaged and brought into this. 
I don't think there was a reason to mass gag. I also am very confused as to why this ban request is for phantom when he wasn't gaged or muted once while playing. He didn't say the meme at all although he might have used "the voice" once. 
If anyone needed a ban request made it could have been Soda and Wrinkle if the process had been followed correctly but you seemed very lenient when it came to their actions vs those of regular players you seem to have some personal issues with. 

As to it being personally targeted, I can't say for sure. I've heard this meme used many times without you on the server, although you said a friend confirmed that they don't do this with you not around I can't really use this as evidence or to prove anything without actual video. Also, people aren't going to talk like this/use the reference 24/7 so obviously, there are going to be times they don't do it. So this doesn't hold up well as proof of targeting, IMO. 

But if you do have proof of this meme/voice being a constant while you are interacting with these certain players please bring it forward.

I did stay on a bit after you left because everyone seemed a bit upset over how things were handled. A few players did mention some worries over how you dealt with things and also brought up some possible past actions that are worrisome, which is the main reason I watched all the evidence here. Due to lack of evidence, I don't think it's important to mention the accusations. 

Also, a lot of the stuff wasn't listed in the ptw. 
I think maybe you should just relax a bit and take it easy until you're done with your training.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif] 
[Image: Screenshot-2.png]
(12-27-2021, 03:59 PM)BIIG_SAD Wrote: In response to the people showing up here to bash on me, please watch reference video after watching reviewed footage. Reference video shows phantomfemdog behaving himself AS LONG AS there is another staff in lobby. the moment the other staff goes away, he starts to misbehave.

In response to Wilfry specifically, specific players who spam the beninging shit know that it came from something not so great. see Here you will see that these phrases were used to harass me by certain people including aforementioned person.
He heard why it was used towards me, and continues to this day. If that isn't direct proof, then please, by all means, alert me to what is.

At the end of the day, I do not revel in writing these kind of reports. I do enjoy playing Gmod with you all sometimes. I do enjoy prop hunt. I just don't enjoy mic spam in general. And, I especially do not enjoy targeted micspam. Targeted micspam is harassment.
Bro if I wanted to "harass" you, you would know. I dont only do that shit while you're there. i dont even bother to react when you join anymore just because you make the game so lame. I don't "act out" when you're there. Also the "In the beninging" is an inside joke with everyone i talk to in the server, like stop being help up on that shit. You used to be a good donor man, wtf happened??
(12-27-2021, 05:12 PM)Zom13ae Wrote: Just to go through everything...

Here are the highlights:
1st video:

Glaze says the "In the beginning" - is warned via text chat.
Corrilly says it

Spoon gag - spoon is gaged for mic spam, without warning it seems
Confusion - everyone is confused on why spoon was gaged, due to lack of warning/communication
(this is a justified gag but you should give out a warning before and also explain why someone is gaged and when they will be ungaged)

Uncle Wrinkle and Soda Pop - Saying some really weird stuff, not sure how you replied due to not being able to hear your mic for some reason...
pretty sure i replied with something along the lines of "and drop that subject like its a hot potato"

Glaze's "joke" - gaged, again not sure how you're replying, You listed this joke as sexual in ptw but this is more a cannibalism joke.

Uncle Wrinkle - makes a reference to a disgusting meme, IMO this should have gotten a warning probably. 

Phantom and spoon leave

Part 2 video

From the round and map, this is after phantom and spoon had left.

Riddle is muted - map muted

Soda Pop - keeps saying things about corpish, is warned via text chat
Wrinkle - some bodily sound mic spam, no warnings or gag
Soda - is told to tone it down in chat
Wrinkle - says some more weird stuff, again no idea how you replied
 told him and eveyrone to chill out
phantom joins again @ 6:32
Delta - types "number 15" in chat

Nazu - starts to play a sound clip over his mic. It looks like you're about to gag nazu but decide to hit your bind instead to give a warning... which you did NOT do for other players before. The sound doesn't stop and you go for the gag again and still did not actually gag Nazu. I did notice that you and he have been !p each other throughout the game and you are friends, but when you are staffing you cannot be biased towards your friends.
10 4 will adjust.

Around this same time, Delta says "burger king foot lettuce" once.
Wrinkle - Says the thing. Phantom warns that wrinkle will get gaged for saying the meme. Wrinkle and Soda continue to do the voice but say different things and not the actual meme.

Mass gag - The only players doing the voice at this time was Soda and Wrinkle.
IMO this was uncalled for, there wasn't enough reason for a mass gag at this moment. There also was no warning for the mass gag. 
You say something here, again have no idea how you responded.

Ungag - Server is ungaged and Wrinkle and Soda keep trolling.

There a bit of back and forth but since we cannot hear your replies I'm not going to say much about it.

Soda - purposely trolling/eating into his mic
Wrinkle - mic spamming jibberish into mic - map gag, but was never round gagged?

Delta - does the voice, I'm not sure what you said but phantom gets defensive about it. Chat gets a bit out of hand and lots of claims that biig_sad is making up rules, again can't really comment on what is being said based on a one-sided conversation.
The subjects how good the muppets are?????

Discord - due to the pause I'm thinking this is where I was messaged. 
Discord convo leak lol

Zom13ae joins the game
From what the discord message said I was expecting there to be a lot of chaos and stuff going on but after reviewing all of the evidence here I don't think this warrants a ban request solely for phantom.

Soda Gag - gaged, after watching the evidence all the way through I don't believe that Soda had been warned before unless it was a verbal warning which we cannot hear due to Biig_Sad's mic. 

Honestly, I'm not really sure why I was messaged and brought into this. 
I don't think there was a reason to mass gag. I also am very confused as to why this ban request is for phantom when he wasn't gaged or muted once while playing. He didn't say the meme at all although he might have used "the voice" once. 
If anyone needed a ban request made it could have been Soda and Wrinkle if the process had been followed correctly but you seemed very lenient when it came to their actions vs those of regular players you seem to have some personal issues with. 

As to it being personally targeted, I can't say for sure. I've heard this meme used many times without you on the server, although you said a friend confirmed that they don't do this with you not around I can't really use this as evidence or to prove anything without actual video. Also, people aren't going to talk like this/use the reference 24/7 so obviously, there are going to be times they don't do it. So this doesn't hold up well as proof of targeting, IMO. 

But if you do have proof of this meme/voice being a constant while you are interacting with these certain players please bring it forward.

I did stay on a bit after you left because everyone seemed a bit upset over how things were handled. A few players did mention some worries over how you dealt with things and also brought up some possible past actions that are worrisome, which is the main reason I watched all the evidence here. Due to lack of evidence, I don't think it's important to mention the accusations. 

Also, a lot of the stuff wasn't listed in the ptw. 
I think maybe you should just relax a bit and take it easy until you're done with your training.
currently awaiting travis. Will do.
Incepimus, Nunc et semper.
This means that "we begin, now and forever", and translates as "always we begin again"
What this actually means is that we should always strive to better ourselves, because tomorrow is a new day.
I hope you take it to heart. Remember, an improvement, no matter how small, is improvement.

"so basically, a meme with random ass accents "is unfunny" like lets say "when life give you lemons" has it accent in it and people get gagged for it"

It's just unfunny and done to death, maybe if you didn't think saying a dead joke over and over was funny you would understand that. The fact of the matter is that people were MICSPAMMING it continuously, putting the trash joke even further in it's tombstone.
Ok here's my unbiased opinion. Yes there is mic spam and yes it is unfunny and a dead meme. HOWEVER, this is not a good reaction to immediately jump the gun to call it targeted harassment. When you perpetuate something by overextending yourself a lot, people are only going to jump on it if they think it's not valid. I currently do not support a ban, but rather a very formal warning that further mic spam (and I mean SPAM not regurgitating dead memes) will not be tolerated any more and punishments will follow. I think everyone involved should just take a step back and relax with each other :)
Good God, this was a longer read than any D2L discussion posts I've ever had to read. I don't know if you could have been any more thorough if you tried. 

I'm going to look at this in the context of PH rules, despite never playing regularly on the server. 

Delta actually has some solid points. I think it's a stretch to consider this as "harassment." This seems more as a trolling issue rather than a micspam or harassment issue in my mind if you believe that there is an individual who is the catalyst for the problem. 

Do I think this person should be banned? Honestly, no. Here's why: from what I'm seeing on the video, yes they are causing problems, but the problem is this: does this impact the overall performance of the game to the point where it ruins PH for individuals? I don't really think so. 

PH has a very distinctive advantage over a mode like TTT or Murder, where you can afford to mute an individual and it doesn't hinder gameplay in the slightest. I think what should happen here is rather than going straight to a ban, Mr. Sad and the individual question should not interact with each other, as it seems that there isn't going to a positive relationship between the two, but honestly what might fix this issue better would be rather than to ban or punish someone, these two should have a chance to settle their differences like civil humans. 

Pauling also has a point though, spamming a meme is considered micspam, but personally, I think to ban someone over this is a stretch. 

These are just my thoughts, take them as you will.

Rather than a ban for micspam, this would be more viable as a trolling issue in my opinion.

Either way, I'm a -1 on it.
Look Big, i know where you come from with all of this... And i am having a really hard time to see it as Harassment...

I SEE the micspam, I CAN AGREE with correct time bans for it, but going to Harassament is a bit too much in my opinion...

And this comes from me that actually made a list to mute certain persons to not be annoyed and just play around in the game.
All right now that I took some time to think on things to say and talked with regulars players and what to say something:

I understand every body deals with things differently and have different types of mindsets, but remember this is just a game, and you may have some personal issues and some bad past experiences but that doesn't mean that every body else will attack you for it. I'll give you the reason why I use the phrases that you don't like 1. the in di beninging one I knew nothing about it until I saw the ban request you made and yes I find the phrase stupid/funny and for those who know me thats how I am and act in the server, I never had any intention on saying it to harrass you and I know other players don't have this intention either, we even have new players that join in on it without knowing the context 2. the number 15, now while I don't how Phantom started making it as a part of his day to day speech, it is the way he speaks.  I understand that these things can be annoying for you and other staff members, but from my definition of mic spam(a player with the continuous use of a word, phrase or noise) most of the times these players say it once, others repeat and then they stop.  I believe you are very strict on the way you take on the rules and should lay back just a little bit(not saying this in a mean way).  I believe that this community should be a balance between our staff members that look out for the server and prevent the problems and our regular players who hop on and join to have fun, and if the break that balance the server will colapse(too many very strict staff no players would want to play; too many rule breaking players and it will be a disaster)

I want for the community to be a healthy and fun environment and I wish for there to be no toxic relationships between players and staff members.  what I bring with this is that recently I have seen players(some are even Users with under 2 hours of play time) who will literally hate on staff members and would hate on you Biig and that is something I wish not to see because if it keeps up then staff will just be the crew that every other player will consider as toxic or power hungry.  I believe that when you got trusted you took your strictness(is that even a word) and turned it up to a 10X and that will just make you flop as a staff(as seen in your evidence were you mass gag and did some other things) I suggest you try and slow down a bit and start learning/getting used to the trusted rank?  and try not to bring personal issues or grudges into the game and the community because it will eat you inside believe I had an experience on this after I got my donor rank and I didn't knew how to deal with it.

I have my technique on how to deal with or with potential mic spam so if you want you can pm me so that I can help you with it.  Honestly I believe this whole situation got a bit out of hand and we had some misunderstandings, and I will apologize if my other replies sounded like insults towards you. I hope my message is clear here

I still stand with what I said before -1 on banning Phantom until I see evidence of harrassment, but I believe the other players should receive a warning or punishments

Have a good day see you in Prop Hunt
I do not see anything that comes across as harassment. Mic spam? Yes. Specifically femdog? I do not see it. Arguing with staff? Could be debatable however it overall stayed in discussion mode and not fully turning into name calling and disrespect. Doing an impression is fine as long as it stays out of mic spam territory or done to get a riff out of someone or a group of people. I do believe the gag all may have been a stretch as well but he did keep it short before allowing the vc to continue as normal. Targeting staff saying that they are mad, balding, malding, power hungry etc is probably not a good recommended approach either. I do not think there will be a ban for anyone at this time. If I am wrong in this decision, that is something that can be fixed quickly.
[Image: 64017c939475b62a042ca559d80eb3fc-png.jpg]

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