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Mod App
I see, that's an important distinction to make imo.

As for the ban requests (that i'm seeing a lot of people mention), isn't it kinda nonsensical to base "worthiness" for being a mod on ban requests?

Like you mentioned, he could just be passing it to mods/admins when online instead of making the ban req. himself (Which I don't blame him for; I do that a lot too. It's a pain in the ass for me to take screenshots, upload them to an image site, and then link them all in relevant order just to ban req some "RDm lol" guest when an admin could just instaban on the spot.)
So it would make sense for numbers to be low if he simply just brings it to a mod/admin.

Plus it's kinda crazy to assume because he has fewer reports, he's not doing his job. Maybe he's resolving conflict so that there isn't a need for reports/reqs as often? That would make him an even better mod than simply making a report, yet the numbers would still be low. I've seen many mods do this, so I don't believe it's too far fetched.

Conceptually, it's dumb to have a quota that you have to fill to rank up, as you're basically relying on people to do things wrong to show you're doing your job, when in reality if you're doing it ideally there wouldn't even be reports to do. Same concept as those "police ticket quota" myths.

Obviously there will always be trolls who join to just mass RDM, but at that point you just have people trying to rank up rushing to do them that beat you to it, or already-mods that just do it then and there to save hassle, both of which would keep that number low.

I'm sure @Ace1579 has not done reports on occasion, like every mod here at some point, but the amount of effort being put into this little flaw to say he isn't good enough to be a mod despite his good qualities when staff are needed at his playtime (of day) is pretty ridiculous.
(05-13-2018, 03:21 AM)Prince Nicky La Flama Blanca Wrote:
(05-12-2018, 10:51 PM)ReThink Wrote: Even if you don't report much like the others say @Ace1579 , I think that's a infentesimal reason to deny this app. 

I don't want to speak for others, but I don't think they were complaining that Ace doesn't report RDMers on the server. I mean I personally can attest that he certainly does.

Rather, they were alleging that Ace does not actively review reports on the server to administer slays and whatnot.


I play with Ace a lot simply because he plays a ton. I think that's certainly a good feature for a staff member. Unfortunately, many of our upper staff (Mod+) don't play too actively because of other commitments or simply burn out. Even I don't play as often as I should.

So Ace plays quite a bit and does so late at night as well. Both of these are pretty notable distinctions for Ace.

One thing that I'm not a big fan of though is the lack of ban requests. Ace has been a test mod for a pretty long time but has only submitted 4 ban requests. I'm not sure exactly when he became a staff member but I (not to brag but instead to compare) have submitted 50 ban requests since I became a staff member last August. I don't know the full story though. Perhaps you just send proof and requests directly to an upper staff member. If so, that's great. If not, I find it a little hard to believe that you've only encountered 4 ban worthy people.

Ace, I'd like to thank you for your work on the server. Best of luck with your application here.
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(05-13-2018, 11:42 AM)ReThink Wrote: I see, that's an important distinction to make imo.

(1)As for the ban requests (that i'm seeing a lot of people mention), isn't it kinda nonsensical to base "worthiness" for being a mod on ban requests?

(2)Like you mentioned, he could just be passing it to mods/admins when online instead of making the ban req. himself (Which I don't blame him for; I do that a lot too. It's a pain in the ass for me to take screenshots, upload them to an image site, and then link them all in relevant order just to ban req some "RDm lol" guest when an admin could just instaban on the spot.)
So it would make sense for numbers to be low if he simply just brings it to a mod/admin.

(3)Plus it's kinda crazy to assume because he has fewer reports, he's not doing his job. Maybe he's resolving conflict so that there isn't a need for reports/reqs as often? That would make him an even better mod than simply making a report, yet the numbers would still be low. I've seen many mods do this, so I don't believe it's too far fetched.

(4)Conceptually, it's dumb to have a quota that you have to fill to rank up, as you're basically relying on people to do things wrong to show you're doing your job, when in reality if you're doing it ideally there wouldn't even be reports to do. Same concept as those "police ticket quota" myths.

Obviously there will always be trolls who join to just mass RDM, but at that point you just have people trying to rank up rushing to do them that beat you to it, or already-mods that just do it then and there to save hassle, both of which would keep that number low.

I'm sure @Ace1579 has not done reports on occasion, like every mod here at some point, but the amount of effort being put into this little flaw to say he isn't good enough to be a mod despite his good qualities when staff are needed at his playtime (of day) is pretty ridiculous.
1) It's not nonsense. If you have dedication to make a ban request you clearly want the server to benefit from a good playerbase, not trolls/rdmers/etc.

2)He isn't. This is a terrible assumption to make when multiple people say he is not doing this.

3) Again, He usually is not doing reports in the sense that I have purposefully asked him to handle reports before due to high numbers when I come on, and he would not do a single report. Even after I ask. This presents a problem for me because it doesn't look like he cares or wants to do his job just because "there's other staff on" or something.

4) We don't have quotas obviously but we do like to see some form of dedication or willingness to do reports to help the server out. The point is we haven't seen him do much or anything that would influence us to believe he would be a good Mod and we don't think he deserves a promotion *at this time*.
I tend not to comment on staff applications, but I feel like I have to comment on this one. I'd like to begin by saying that I like Ace. He's never been a problem, and consistently follows the rules. Ace is a good person. However, I don't think I've ever, EVER seen him handle a report inside the RDM manager (see edit). I'm trying not to exaggerate or lie, but I can't remember a time I've seen the words "In progress by Ace1579" or "Finished by Ace1579". Just do more reports, and actually staff the server, Ace. You're not a bad guy, you know the rules, you're active, and you're calm. Just fulfill the job requirements of TMod before asking for a promotion. If you actually start taking command of the server (not in a Hitler type of way), and start handling reports, I see no reason why you wouldn't be deserving of a promotion.

Also, there is no "quota" on the number of ban requests one must make to be promoted. That's tomfoolery, and almost impossible to quantify. The mark of a good Moderator isn't the number of ban requests they make, or how much they suck up to others. The mark of a good Moderator, and staff member for that matter, is how far they're willing to go to help the members, and the community, better themselves.

EDIT: I’ve thought about it, and I do remember you doing reports before my break. However, since I’ve been back I haven’t seen you do a single report (while I’ve been on of course). Don’t get down on yourself though. I’m not trying to gang up on you, I’m trying to give you constructive criticism so that you can get Moderator.
(05-13-2018, 02:32 PM)EpicGuy Wrote: I tend not to comment on staff applications, but I feel like I have to comment on this one. I'd like to begin by saying that I like Ace. He's never been a problem, and consistently follows the rules. Ace is a good person. However, I don't think I've ever, EVER seen him handle a report inside the RDM manager (see edit). I'm trying not to exaggerate or lie, but I can't remember a time I've seen the words "In progress by Ace1579" or "Finished by Ace1579". Just do more reports, and actually staff the server, Ace. You're not a bad guy, you know the rules, you're active, and you're calm. Just fulfill the job requirements of TMod before asking for a promotion. If you actually start taking command of the server (not in a Hitler type of way), and start handling reports, I see no reason why you wouldn't be deserving of a promotion.

Also, there is no "quota" on the number of ban requests one must make to be promoted. That's tomfoolery, and almost impossible to quantify. The mark of a good Moderator isn't the number of ban requests they make, or how much they suck up to others. The mark of a good Moderator, and staff member for that matter, is how far they're willing to go to help the members, and the community, better themselves.

EDIT: I’ve thought about it, and I do remember you doing reports before my break. However, since I’ve been back I haven’t seen you do a single report (while I’ve been on of course). Don’t get down on yourself though. I’m not trying to gang up on you, I’m trying to give you constructive criticism so that you can get Moderator.

Honestly though when i see other mods and Tmods on ill let them handle reports because it gets kinda repetitive doing reports every single day 5, 6, 7 days in a row (which i don't think anyone else has the right to say and you know why.....)  What you guys see me do while u guys are on is WAYYYY different than what I actually do when u guys are not on. (Report wise)
[Image: IMG_1792.png?ex=65dbf028&is=65c97b28&hm=...height=620]
(05-13-2018, 03:38 PM)Ace1579 Wrote: Honestly though when i see other mods and Tmods on ill let them handle reports because it gets kinda repetitive doing reports every single day 5, 6, 7 days in a row (which i don't think anyone else has the right to say and you know why.....)  What you guys see me do while u guys are on is WAYYYY different than what I actually do when u guys are not on. (Report wise)

The thing is, I've already done my 5,6,7 days in a row worth of reports. I've done enough reports to warrant a break. But no, currently, I don't have the right to say that doing reports 7 days a week isn't repetitive. However, I do have the right to say that if you want to be promoted, not doing reports with other staff members on is the easiest way to not be promoted. Why wouldn't you do your best work when other staff members are on, the same staff members that are somewhat directly involved in you getting promoted?
(05-13-2018, 08:27 PM)EpicGuy Wrote: The thing is, I've already done my 5,6,7 days in a row worth of reports. I've done enough reports to warrant a break. But no, currently, I don't have the right to say that doing reports 7 days a week isn't repetitive. However, I do have the right to say that if you want to be promoted, not doing reports with other staff members on is the easiest way to not be promoted. Why wouldn't you do your best work when other staff members are on, the same staff members that are somewhat directly involved in you getting promoted?

Most of the time the other staff just simply get to the reports before i do so then I just them take the reports but, I just feel like until someone can actually watch me 24/7 and accurately say that I don't do reports at all... no Mods or Tmods have any right to say I don't do anything at all based off of a few experiences u guys may have had.. Im pretty sure what I have done in terms of "taking reports" far out weigh the times u guys have seen me " not take any reports".... which is why I think People like @"ReThink" and @"Max" (Regulars and etc..) should be more directly involved in people getting promoted because they are the ones who are on more often than any Mod in this TTT server. 

But hey if you guys really truly believe that as a Tmod I never handle ANY reports what so ever and i get denied on this application (100% will) then I guess no matter what the mods are always right and no one other than staff get a valid vote in your application.
[Image: IMG_1792.png?ex=65dbf028&is=65c97b28&hm=...height=620]
This is derailing from its intended purpose.
I can't even express my thoughts at this point. Mod isn't a participation award it's earned by doing reports(staffing) , doing ban reqs (you know, so we know you know how to handle a report), being active in the community, and generally putting your name out there as a prominent staff member. I like ace but I wouldn't up someone to mod just because I like them.
Membesr do have a say, hence the purpose of this thread, but comments from the staff also help because they can see a lot of what members can't, eg. Reports done or not when we log in. If I log and the reports are all "waiting", the staff member isn't doing their job. To note staffing isn't a 'job' and dtmods are not expected to staff per say, as they donated it's up to them, but anyone expecting to get a promotion should be showing they can do the work.
And while I've put most of my time into finishing my semester and job, I'd wager I DO still have a say.
Mod. Member. 80+ ban requests prior to mod. Actively watches forums and discord daily.

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
@"Burrito Bowl" @"TheDerpGamer" chime in yall

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
Your right it's not a participation. cannot say that I do not take reports at all and don't know how to staff when 90% of the time THE ONLY staff that are on are me and Trusted like @"Lycan"  and @Gabe.
[Image: IMG_1792.png?ex=65dbf028&is=65c97b28&hm=...height=620]
Arguing with staff members on how much they’re wrong and you’re not on your promotion app is a really good way to get denied, there are plenty of times where staff have come on and seen that you haven’t done, or you’ve cherry picked reports to do and left other sitting there, I know that I’ve come on the server and sat in spec for 2 or 3 rounds studying logs from the previous map trying to deduce what happened when it could have easily been done by you, the staff that was on the server at the time. I know we’re not the most active people, I’m in my last semester of high school and I’ve been working like a horse lately, but we’ve been here long enough and we’ve been staff long enough to know redeeming qualities of someone looking for a promotion, you could’ve easily fixed your problems and reapplied later on, simple as that, but now you’ve made this whole situation much more difficult for you and I don’t know if anybody can help you out of it.
[Image: giphy.gif]

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