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Recent staff punishments
(07-14-2020, 09:20 PM)JesseTheUndeadCowboy Wrote:
(07-14-2020, 09:09 PM)Scoovie Wrote:
(07-14-2020, 09:03 PM)SNAK Wrote:
(07-14-2020, 08:49 PM)happy Wrote: Did Dink even ok this demotion? Like no offense Nicol you aren't co-owner you're admin

Sorry but  no offense, Nicol is the closest thing to admin/co-owner this TTT server has. Dinkle doe's not play or involve himself in the community unless he is forced too. Nicol is currently the only active admin for  the server.

As far as the actual  situation, Really Noire shoulden't have messing around like this, as it's already hard enough to staff a server. Should he have been demoted? Probably not. A nice talking too? Definitely.
Only dink can approve demotions, he literally has to ask him first before doing ANY of this.
Yeah, but think about it like this. Dink most likely has tons of stuff going on his life at the moment. I don’t know the process for demotions but I think dink would probably need a sufficient amount of time to efficiently sign off a demotion to someone. In other words, I’m saying he need time to view and know the situation. I could be wrong but this is just what I think. Nicol is probably doing the best he can without Dinkleberg responses at the moment since he may be busy. Again I could be speaking out of turn and be complete wrong about this and I’m sorry if I am.

Dink is busy with life stuff at the moment, but that doesn't give admins the OK to demote people as they please. Even if Dink were here, we all know he's not the best when it comes to approving things like this (click here for more info) 

I understand Nicol is trying his best, but this is unacceptable. Jack and Noire, who are at LEAST two of our top 5 TTT staff, get punished for this while other staff get to be assholes to the regulars or witch-hunt newer, skilled players without so much as a warning? To be blunt, that's fucking stupid.

Consistency was something that was talked about in Nicol's original post, but not a whole lot of it is actually being put into practice.

edit: Although, I suppose this entire thread doesn't even matter since the punishments aren't up for discussion. Shame.
The excuse that Dinkleberg is busy with life is very much valid. I acknowledge like I'm sure we all do that life is #1 over a video game. That's obviously a no brainer.
To my knowledge though that's BEEN the excuse even way before my time. The first thing I ever heard about him when joining this community was that he's busy and trusts no one to give anything beyond admin. That's perfectly acceptable IF he can manage on his own efficiently, but hasn't been able to for a while. Running a community on your own is no easy task.
There definitely needs to be another fix. I appreciate the legitimate work being done by Nicol and Dinkleberg, but some things just need more attention that may require changes.

Also I agree with the whole problem with inconsistency. I literally got called a ching chong the last time I was on, and the like 3 staff that were on didn't do shit. I don't care to be called stupid shit, but what? What the fuck lmao. Talk about standards. That's going beyond the initial message behind this thread though.
It’s sad to see a community I once loved take turns like this. I like to look at the forums occasionally to see if anything new happens but seeing my friends treated like this genuinely hurts me. I’d understand noire at most being talked to about something like this, but a fucking demotion??? Wtf. And jack. Holy shit. Getting denied for not telling someone about someone else’s alt and saying “lol Ethan mad”? You act like he was actively trying to leak important staff chat to a admin. I mean it’s not like he was relating staff chat to fucking staff or anything. This shit is honestly cringe.
i made a thing
i made another thing
i made a new thing

former ttt mod
former dr admin
Staff 2017-2023
Surprise, surprise. The server is hypocritical of itself and doesn’t know how to
act. Unless anyone involved in Jack’s app denial has any more evidence to show, it should be brought back out for consideration. If that doesn’t occur, the person who denied it is a hypocritical fucker. You don’t do that. God FORBID you commit thoughtcrime. Lol it’s like wild getting denied because he made another server after being PERMAbanned. Someone SURE seems to be wasting the time of our staff by giving out punishments that aren’t at all appropriate. To all players and staff, please follow noire’s example. Please do. It breaks no rules whatsoever. Do it. Gotta love a server where the administration throws pedophila and sexual harassment in the same “won’t bring up to the rest of the server until scoovie takes his own time to address it” bus. I’m disappointed. Truly. Fuck you. :)
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taking too many big steps while forgetting the small ones you need to work on. 

Work smarter not harder.
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Seems like there is a strong lacking of caring about others opinions in this situation with the good ol "My word is final cause im admin" treatment.
So I'd like to bring up some points here to question this.
1. Why even have committees when you can just overstep their decisions anyways, that literally does nothing and gives the illusion that community opinion matters when in reality you could care less.
2. Why were none of the people who defended noires alt asked for reasons why the defended it instead of just listening to what you want to hear. You talk about staff inconsistency but if all you do is surround yourself with yes men you are going to have the most biased, most anti-friendly staff team around.
3. Were is our training? you keep bringing it up to us but nothing has ever actually come of it despite it being literal months now.
4. Why is community opinion based on rank and the amount of hours one person logs a week? For those who are uninformed, there is a huge classiest type system in the staff ranks where lesser ranked staff are treated like they don't matter. Just because someone spends 40+ hours a week being mad and burnt out on this game doesn't mean they know better than someone who plays for years small amounts at a time.
5. There are claims of huge community changes and not to undercut any work Nicol has done, but where are the changes? All that has come out is Nicol is very vocal and actively trys to be a server dev. The server is still toxic, staff have no training, opinions are shunned, guests are instantly accused of hacking if they slightly breathe on a staff member the wrong way. We are no better than we were 1 year ago arguably worse because we don't have people such as fozzy or shwaggins keeping the chaotic groups down.
All this situation does is just show me we need someone who actively forwards the server and handles the technical end of things, and someone who manages the community side of things, but when you have only 1 admin doing both you get these situations. "My word is final" is the most bullshit, pride, and ego filled response you can hand out to anyone. The people responsible for causing this need to be the ones reprimanded, not the victims.
The local Sega & Sonic fanatic.
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(07-15-2020, 12:49 AM)Battons Wrote: 4. Why is community opinion based on rank and the amount of hours one person logs a week? For those who are uninformed, there is a huge classiest type system in the staff ranks where lesser ranked staff are treated like they don't matter. Just because someone spends 40+ hours a week being mad and burnt out on this game doesn't mean they know better than someone who plays for years small amounts at a time.
Usually, I'm not one to comment on stuff like this but this is one I feel very much.  I have experienced it a lot with people not listening to my position just because I'm trusted, even though I may have more experience built up over time dealing with issues or situations.  Just because someone does not want to move up ranks for some reason does not mean that they should have their opinion regarded.  It is true that you need more experience to become tmod than trusted, mod than trusted, etc., but it does not extrapolate to the reverse.  Being a trusted does not instantly mean you would have less experience than a tmod or in some cases even a mod.  I had to think a lot before airing my thoughts on this, but at this point, I feel like I have brought it up enough internally and nothing has been done, so hopefully at this point with it now being in an open forum it can finally get some attention.
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1. As I've mentioned multiple times, we don't have the full staff requirement for each committee to be full and active. This often means they function more as advisory boards more than anything and with decisions such as these, they tend to stay out of committees anyway. Not much I can specifically do concerning this as again, it's a numbers thing. I've been meaning to rework them more than I already have, but it's considered fairly low on the to-do list when it comes to other issues and requests. 
2. I will admit I could have done better of this and will strive to be better for my staff team. I try and listen to every staff members thoughts and opinions but it's impossible to go through every single one. 
3. Mentioned in my thread earlier today. I've admitted it needs work, and has needed work, for sometime even before I was Admin. Not sure what else I can really do except say I promise to work on it.
4. Not really sure where you're getting the notion I treat staff members of different ranks differently and I will vehemently deny this till I resign. I work to treat all staff members equally and with respect. Never have I ever wanted a TTT staff member to overwork themselves or play more than they wish to. I assume you only bring up the time thing due to your recent staff app. Of which I denied based on the promotion guidelines I did not make. Being upset about this is within your right I suppose but no reason to be upset at me over it.
5. Don't also know where you're getting this notion either. I've done as much as I can in the relatively short time I've been admin to help benefit the TTT server and general community. I've reworked and updated the TTT rules, reworked parts of the staff discord to better assist staff members, done plenty server-side that I'll just lump together as one point, and even discussed and helped Matt and Avi with their own goals of reworking the Forums and Discord. I'm honestly quite dumbfounded what else you expect me, the sole admin, to do more than I currently already am trying to do without tearing my hair out and resigning due to stress. 

While I understand you are frustrated and want to explain your reasoning, I do feel like some of this is anger directed solely at me for the sole fact that I am the admin, not because of what I've done. Personal attacks aren't the best, but I do understand and accept your reasoning for being upset. Nowhere have I ever stated my word is final, however as the admin there are times it needs to be as one of the leader of the community. And when it comes to deciding and issuing punishments, it is. Not really sure what you'd like me to do about this as that's kind of the entire job of an Admin and has been long before I've been here. I've never meant to be egotistical or prideful about any decision I make, but my apologies if it comes off as that way as I promise I never mean it.
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(07-14-2020, 09:43 PM)Hani Wrote: To my knowledge though that's BEEN the excuse even way before my time. The first thing I ever heard about him when joining this community was that he's busy and trusts no one to give anything beyond admin.
I’m not sure about this one, back when I first joined Dinkleberg’s server in 2016 I think I remember him playing on the server fairly often. He also seemed to be more active back then too in handling the server.   However it’s been a couple of years since then so I don’t exactly know if my memory is accurate in this.

Another thing that I’m confused about is what exactly Jack did because two staff members are saying what he did differently. Referring to Nicol and Noire’s post btw. However I may be being a little bit nosey in this case then.

(07-14-2020, 09:43 PM)Hani Wrote: I literally got called a ching chong the last time I was on, and the like 3 staff that were on didn't do shit. I don't care to be called stupid shit, but what? What the fuck lmao.
 What is a ching chong? I honestly have no idea what this means.
Jesse it’s a racist attempted reference to Asians. Also, there’s nothing nosey about your curiosity. The server is supposed to reveal this information. Everyone is so vague it’s hard to know
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