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☆ What a journey this has been ☆
Ingame Name:
Super Milk Chan

Steam ID:

Time Played:

Game tracker seems to lie a bit

When First Joined:
June 21, 2022

Last time I gave you an answer for this life tossed 1000 problems my way, I get busy a lot witch in part has to do with my reasoning for applying for mod. Long story short I am available to help wen I get the time as I do at this moment.

Rank Desired:

Current Rank:

What can you do to help the community?:
I won't waste you're time listening everything from my previous apps as the list is long & still stands as a lot of my points.

This is what I have to add to this list

• I wish to take up a more management type position in this community, for example as most PH staff know my best work is done behind the scenes.

• I want to take on the responsibility for making sure new content is added to the server to bring a breath of fresh air to PH, I know the Admins will get around to things eventually, however I feel that giving the Admin team a helping hand really moves things along. I can do this now however I believe Mods are seen as community leaders & I would like this to be the case for myself. 

• Trayning & guidance, I have had a bit of experience now with training some newcomers & giving them as much guidance & help as I posibly can, this too is something I wish to expand on. As anyone would tell you I am not perfect at this but I try my best & I always use the lessons I learnt helping one person to help the next one better.

• Assistance for the ban requests section for the forums. As many you know, the ban requests section can get quite full at times, it is good & bear at the time of writing this, but as the Admins themselves can attest, they all get busy at times & I would like to take a bit of that weight off there shoulders to free up the admin team to do more exciting stuff. I love my Admin team <3 (Not grasping for brownie points, they know this)

Why do you want to help the community?:
• Just like in my last apps I mentioned the staff team help me & it was my respect for how the situation was handled, that drove me to join the staff team to begin with.

• As for now every time I help someone or I learn a lesson from someone else I feel more & more that I belong in this community & as such I want to help as effectively as I can.

Have you previously been banned?
Yeah too many to count, none that are serious.

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts):

T-Mod app

Trusted app

Do you have a way to record video or take screenshots?
Of course I do, I fell like this section should be removed for anything above Trusted

How did you find us?:
Puer chance


Let me begin by saying to all those I trolled hinting that I was going to resign that, it sucks to suck & I will be here untill the game is dead & I'm buried in its coffin with it. You know I like you all to much to do that.

I really like were the staff team is going, it was a bit baron wen I 1st join the team with the majority of staff being super busy & basically did not exist at the time with the majority of the work being done by very few. This was because of a large number of staff left before I joined this community & those left behind got unlucky with their schedules. Now the team is looking lively with the Admin team finally having time to take care of business, a solid line up of Mods who know exactly what they are doing batten away big problems, a good number of T-Mods who can handle themselves & respond to the call for aid, & a good line up of Trusted who show huge potential. This drives my desire to have a leadership role, why wouldn't I want to lead such a wonderful team?

Much like any other staff member I want to see this community growv& stick around for as long as possible even if we do one day move to other games I can see us sticking like glue.

I just want to address my activity on the server for a moment, I know it can be a bit low at times as I am a very busy person I hope this doesn't effect you're decision on my application to much as I always find myself lurking trying to be as helpful as I can wen I can. All so server died wen I had time to jump on the other day rip.

Well there it is, I would like like to add wall of text like Chelllman or Jammin could, but I'm not as good as they are at this.

Whatever the decision I love you all & hope to spend more time with you all as I slowly get more time in life.
[Image: i43gHnI.png]
Don't even need to read this, Milk is literally one of if not the best ph staff we have and has done so much +1
[Image: image.png]
-1 for trolling us saying you were leaving. 

JK. You are incredible. The amount of work you put in really shows. The enthusiasm to assist the server, effort given to the PH staff team, leadership skills to guide and help others, etc. this is one app that should be accepted immediately. 

Milk is more than ready and capable of being “demoted” to Moderator. A huge +1 dude. 

Good luck, even though you won’t need it. Can’t wait to see you green soon!
???????? ??????
Bro I legit thought you were leaving and I was actually kinda sad, not sure why I believe any of yall anymore.... but I think Milk is definitely qualified to be mod. Dude's done so much for this server and is one of the most friendly people I've met on here. He's got great leadership skills that I think would be better shown off if he was mod. Not really sure what else to say but yeah, easy +1; good luck milk!
Not even reading this because I know I’m going to +1 this anyway.

Milk has done a stupid amount of work to make PH, and even the entire community, even better than it was. A level-headed and fair staff, and a great person to chat and play with. No doubt in my mind he’s Mod or even future Admin material. 

Keep being great, Milk man! <3
[Image: ErQ4M8K.jpg] 
Do you want a TLDR? Too bad, you probably shouldn't be voicing an opinion if you can't read what someone like I have to fully speak in such a thread.

I don't often voice my opinion of a staff application. I'm not one to speak negatively of someone's app. The only staff application I have established my positive opinion of was Nullify and I still stand by that opinion regardless of their current situation.

After getting to know the little I do know of Milk Chan, he would've won me over in his previous applications, had I had the rep, good or bad, and hours I have now back then. It is unfortunate that Milk has had the hardship of life thrown in his face, even had he not applied. However, Milk keeps a positive attitude and makes great, non-cringe conversations throughout his journey to salvation.
  • He keeps what belongs inside the community inside, and keeps what happens outside out (the non-malicious stuff that isn't this community's business). AKA mindful of privacy.
  • Whenever he is available, he pushes to help make some change it would seem. Something quite rare outside TTT, unfortunately. Luckily we have people like Milk and Chelllman. (and whoever else hasn't made themselves known to me.)
  • He and Chelllman have helped push my first source map to become an addition to Prop Hunt and I am so grateful. If all goes well and change can become more frequent than it has in the past couple of years, I would hope to do some more source mapping.
  • If anyone can help bring some development with how inactive this owner is, one great candidate would be Milk.
  • The times he is active and inside PH, he is never a hardass (excuse my language). He is just and does not go looking for trouble. He lets the trouble come to him and dishes out punishments accordingly. He does not feed any kind of flame. He does not "drag it out." When there is no trouble, he has a friendly, loose, enjoyable attitude that makes me smile. He is a great example of good administration. I felt like this had to strongly be pointed out.
I wish Milk the best of luck in this application. I hope he can really bring this "behind-the-scenes work" to the table. It is desperately needed.
Any points taken negatively to the heart is a "you" problem. Not a me problem. I did my part of not calling any one person out. I'm pointing out the good qualities of Milk and why HE should be a MOD. This is about MILK.
Just don’t be surprised if he gets admin one day in the future.

He is more than ready and capable of being promoted to Moderator.

Milk is a good staff! He is nice and respect players as well helpful as best he can. That's all I can say.  +1 from the bird
[Image: fce0cd09fdc96ca73df8963eeac3f694.jpg]
Dink said yes

Super active in the discord, i thought milk was a mod at first lol +1
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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.