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Hemlooo, I'm back c:

My name is AstralSapphire, I first joined dinks in mid 2020ish and I have been playing on and off since. You can usually find me in prop hunt! :3 I haven't really been on much over the past year due to real life and mental health issues, but I'm doing a lot better and I want to try and come back into the community to meet some awesome people <3 I did make an introduction post a few years back but I wanted to make another one since it's been a long time since then ;-;

Outside of PH, I'm currently studying a postgraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering and I am in my exam period right now xd. I also have been building Star Trek ships in Minecraft at 1:1 for 9 years now as a hobby and its allowed me develop a big interest in coding, texturing, and modelling :3. (I did actually have a post on here showcasing some of my stuff and I was going to update it but it's been locked understandably xD, I might make a new one c:)

Looking forward to getting to know some of y'all! ^-^
[Image: fERop8v.png]

Welcome back to hell *COUGH* I mean Dinks! You were always so much fun to play and mess around with, and I always looked forward to the updates to your Star Trek build. Sorry to hear that life hasn’t been too kind to you recently, and I completely understand needing to take time to care for your mental health. As someone who also does, feel free to reach out for venting, advice, or just a chat :3

See you around the community!
[Image: ErQ4M8K.jpg] 
Welcome back!! 

Glad you’re doing better! Your personal health wayyyy outranks the server. Show us your builds!
(05-24-2023, 07:50 AM)August Wrote: SAPPHIRE!!!!

Welcome back to hell *COUGH* I mean Dinks! You were always so much fun to play and mess around with, and I always looked forward to the updates to your Star Trek build. Sorry to hear that life hasn’t been too kind to you recently, and I completely understand needing to take time to care for your mental health. As someone who also does, feel free to reach out for venting, advice, or just a chat :3

See you around the community!

I've missed you imma be honest ;-; Sowwi I removed you from steam, i removed a few people aaa I wish I didnt :c I'll definitely make a new post about my ships in the coming days :3 Thank you for the support ;-;

(05-24-2023, 08:10 AM)Harmless_Potato Wrote: Welcome back!! 

Glad you’re doing better! Your personal health wayyyy outranks the server. Show us your builds!

Thank you Potato! c: Nice to meet you ^-^
[Image: fERop8v.png]
Let me blow up your ships please.
[Image: ZN1HpFb.png]
Welcome back stranger! Things are probably foreign to you around here now lol but welcome back nonetheless :)
(05-24-2023, 05:38 PM)chelllman Wrote: Let me blow up your ships please.
No! >:(  You are too smelly
(05-24-2023, 05:51 PM)Foxka Wrote: Welcome back stranger! Things are probably foreign to you around here now lol but welcome back nonetheless :)

Thank you :3 I will admit there are a lot of new people around since I was last here xD But I am looking forwarding to meeting them all :D
[Image: fERop8v.png]
Heyo! Be sure not to use our forums, that place sucks...
Was gonna say, it's been a long time since I've seen you back here on dinks (besides last night). But it's great to see things are getting better for you now though. Always more important to focus on your health and other things which I'm glad you have. Good to see you back!

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.