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is this a bad time?
Ingame Name: coco

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:88878083
Discord Tag: cocoxbean

Time Played: ~720 hours

When First Joined: october 2020

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): m-f 4pm on (but i work from home so if need be i can hop on during the day), weekends anytime!

Rank Desired: trusted

Current Rank: donor

What can you do to help the community: Obviously the community is in a bit of a rough spot right now. Server has been dead for several weeks, accusations flying around like crazy. What I can do to help the community is not only server-side, issuing slays and warns as well as gags and mutes, but also community-side. I hope that my very limited participation in all the drama shows that I don't engage in unnecessary attacks on people's character, and if I have something useful to add to the situation I bring it to an admin. I hope I have proved myself to be an unbiased figure in the community, as there have been times that my good friends have posted things that either are objectively wrong or I don't agree with them but I have stuck up for the side that I believe in rather than the side that my friends have taken.

Why you want to help the community: This community is obviously in shambles right now, and that breaks my heart because in the past the community has been a place for me and many others to escape reality and just have fun. I want to continue to nurture the fun part of the community while eliminating the drama as much as possible. Dinks has provided me with some of my very best friends and for that I owe it to the community to make it a fun and safe place where others can nurture friendships the same way I was allowed to. 

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): once for 3 days for saying a gamer word + donor abuse... sowwy

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): yes!
How did you find us?: server list i believe ?

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): yes ages ago but i can do it again if need be!

server standing/activity - as we all know the server has been dead for about a month. my activity on gametracker shows no activity in the past month due to this. i understand that one of the checkmarks for trusted is consistent activity for a month, but i thought that maybe all the drama making the server dead would be an extenuating circumstance. i hoped that my consistent activity on the forums and in the discord will prove that i was still involved in the community while the server was dead, and if not and this gets denied due to no recent activity i completely understand. edit: oops, i was looking at my old username, coco?? for my play time. when looking at my new username, coco, it shows that i played consistently up until 04/10/2024, so its only been the past 17 days that I haven't been playing (around when all the drama started and the server began to die).
recent warns - i was warned a little over a month ago i believe for slur baiting. the situation, to be completely transparent, was as follows: i said to a friend "im going to call you a bad word... it starts with an f...... fart". i received a 4 point warn for this. then, about two weeks later, while drunk (being drunk is not an excuse, just partly an explanation) i kicked an individual who was harassing me and other women from the server, and for the reason I put a slur. I have no defense for this, I should not have taken matters into my own hands. As a result I was warned with 6 points for a slur and 4 points for donor abuse, which put me at 14 points for a three day ban. Its been about a month and I am still very sorry to everyone who had to see that side of me, and can guarantee it wont happen again!
other - I don't know how to put into words how much it hurts me to see this community so fragmented and divisive. I don't have all the answers on how to fix it, I just hope that as trusted I can be a part of the staff discussions about the current issues and voice my unbiased opinion. As a word of advice to everyone - your friends aren't always right. its okay to admit when your friends are wrong- its not a negative reflection of your character when your friend is wrong, but rather a positive reflection, as it shows that you are unbiased and can accept when someone you associate with is not in the right. All in all, we all have one thing in common - we come to this community to escape the troubles of the real world and have fun. We all need to do our part to keep this community fun, accepting, and enjoyable for us now and those to come, just as those before us worked so hard to keep it so. 
:3 thank u for reading my word vomit <3
[Image: kirby.gif]
+1, coco is has shared and voiced opinions that are not aligned with her friends. I don't think her previous warns should really be counted into the decision of making her staff, because she owned up to her mistake, and it really is out of character for her to do those things.

I also think that she would be great with trying to mediate all the conflict that is going on, or offer up unbiased resolutions to the conflict.

Coco and I are friends and she has definitely spoken to me when she felt like what I have said or done is wrong, and she did so in a really respectable manner, which is how staff should handle these types of things.

can i give another +1?
[Image: image.png]Don't take anything I say seriously
Really happy to see this as I think coco is definitely worthy of being staff again, especially during times like this. I mean besides the warns (which aren''t a regular thing at all from what I've seen) I respect that she owns up to things she has done and takes responsibility for things. Plus she is one of the most level headed and unbiased people ive seen in this community. I will say, and this doesn't just apply to coco but really anyone on dinks, that good people do indeed make mistakes. Feel like coco has definitely proved herself since that whole incident, which even then was a rare occurance from what I've seen. 

Idk in times like this, with the community so divided and vitriolic I feel like we need some more unbiased and generally good people as staff. Server has been a lot more dead lately but if you can handle being trusted again I think you definitely deserve another go at it. Think this was the perfect time for you to post this app coco. Either way pretty easy +1 from me, good luck coco!
I was about to do this >:(

+1 for the reasons that no name listed. He put it well.
see:no names post.

also Coco has been staff before, dont really see an issue here.
Incepimus, Nunc et semper.
This means that "we begin, now and forever", and translates as "always we begin again"
What this actually means is that we should always strive to better ourselves, because tomorrow is a new day.
I hope you take it to heart. Remember, an improvement, no matter how small, is improvement.

 [Image: giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47dw0wqbrkwhoroa274n...y.gif&ct=g]
I'm too dead to vote but a former good TTT mod coming back sounds like a positive for a community needing something positive
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
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+1. Coco has been staff before and knows what she’s doing there and misstie’s post really does show that I think she could handle community issues well too. She has not shown any level of concerning bias as No Name stated and the past mistake is something very forgivable.
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
I received this screenshot from a regular player on the server of you using a homophobic slur allegedly only about 2 months ago. This is awfully alarming for someone trying to protect a community. Considering your server actively fights against homophobia, this is extremely hypocritical and concerning. Who's to say she won't do these things again. She's been very consistent with this matter.

[Image: Cocoslur.png?ex=662ec737&is=662d75b7&hm=...46ee9af44&]
(04-27-2024, 05:22 PM)MrDirtman Wrote: I received this screenshot from a regular player on the server of you using a homophobic slur allegedly only about 2 months ago. This is awfully alarming for someone trying to protect a community. Considering your server actively fights against homophobia, this is extremely hypocritical and concerning. Who's to say she won't do these things again. She's been very consistent with this matter.

[Image: Cocoslur.png?ex=662ec737&is=662d75b7&hm=...46ee9af44&]
this was over 8 months ago and coco already apologized and it's not a common occurence with her... you are a forum rat bruh

+1 coco had one slip up and no behavior issues since then I think you can trust her

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