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Donor+ application
Before you take the time to read this I do understand that yet another admin isn’t really needed or being looked for, however I would love if this app was taken seriously and I could get any and all constructive criticism or other things I could work towards or improve as it’s been a while since I’ve made an app and there’s always something that could be improved. Thank you!

Ingame Name: MiniMe2001, MiniGhost2001

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:73005442
Discord Tag: MiniMe2001 #5955

Time Played: About 3k+ hours through multiple names. (19 weeks in game time tracker)

When First Joined: March 28th 2015

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Monday 4pm - Friday 2pm and weekends when I’m not at work.

Rank Desired: Admin

Current Rank: Mod

What can you do to help the community:  As part of the staff team I already try to help the community and sever as best I can. Most of the time I do this by listening to them, trying to improve gameplay with weapon balances, suggestions for maps or accessories, or discussions about rules. As admin I would like to do this to a better ability. Most of the things I would like to do are more server oriented, mainly mappatcher. Along with my pretty ridiculous amount of hours I’ve been able to play almost, if not all, the maps of the server and with this I have learned about plenty of exploits or other game breaking things within maps. Pointing one out would be terror town, the map was on the rotation for a long time and was full of bugs or other exploits that I found during my time and I would be happy to sit out and try to fix the maps as best I could with this tool and ability so that they can be played in a fun exploit free environment. Otherwise I would provide another unbiased voice for people to look towards for help on rule clarifications or any other matters.

Why you want to help the community:  I want to help the community simply because I enjoy it. I like the people I’ve met here and who I’ve become by being here. I enjoy helping with balancing things and making the server more enjoyable for everyone who comes through to play. Helping this community and spending time here is just a part of what I do and enjoy and I want to do it to the best of my abilities.

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts):

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts):

How did you find us?: I was just looking through servers, stumbled upon this one and stayed.

Other: <3

*EDIT* all links should be fixed now
So, I realized I was heavily bias because I saw mini and "Rank Desired: Admin" on my screen first, and immediately was like "oh +1 idc what the rest says", so do with that what you will.

I will also say that I'm not allowed to +1 someone for an admin position based solely on how much fun I have propfighting with them since they're the most fun to do it with.

I will also not point out that he's a doorknob who posted a bunch of broken links for his bans on record.

What I will say, bringing up his ban history in any way is dumb, considering he's been banned for dumb stuff like hacking on an alt when he wasn't before, and the more recent things weren't malicious on his end. I will also not point out that he's a doorknob who posted a bunch of broken links for his bans on record.

Honestly? Mini has never been in my mind as a potential admin. It has always been Jammin, and eventually Hong, but that was always just because despite knowing him for awhile and talking to him semi-frequently, he's never expressed any desire to go forward into a higher position, he's always seemed to want to be just a entertaining presence. That's not to say he doesn't absolutely do things beneficial, he's someone that probably understands weapons and physics in this game more than most, which is helpful, and he's also, much like Bryan, a presence that helps the server be more fun without letting it go too far. Obviously you can't get admin just based on being fun, though. He's been around a long time, knows a crap ton about the game, and obviously now has a want to go further and be more of a presence. I'd honestly consider it, at least in the next few months if not now, I don't know if there's anything behind the scenes that would need done first.

also looks good in a skirt +2
[Image: TWQlDjL.png] 
-courtesy of a sarcastic fish

[Image: t2X0SiD.png]
-courtesy of milk(2)
Now I know people are gonna say admins apps shouldn’t be a thing and stuff, but I’m still gonna give me feedback on why Mini should be admin. Mini has helped a lot on the server over the last year. He has helped with testing and reporting bugs and even had tried to make some helmets and masks for pointshop when I linked some workshop cosmetics. He genuinely cares about the server and wants to help it prosper. In terms of him dealing out punishments he has a good head on his shoulders when it comes to that and in terms of the rules. He punishes when he needs to and knows when to relax. This is a good trait in becoming admin tbh. He has good experience in dealing with hackers and is one of the best experts I know when it comes to telling who is hacking and who isn’t.  This is another good quality to have since admins will have says in unban requests and will most certainly come across unban requests for cheating.

In short Mini has many qualities and more then I listed that shows he has the potential to be a good admin. Another admin wouldn’t hurt things anyway since it will be an odd number of admins we would have. Anyway, 1+ on him becoming admin. I tried to make my reply as unbiased as I could, hopefully I did alright.
+1 I think Mini does a lot on the server in pretty much all facets. Extremely active (on every day), friendly, and is constantly testing on the dev server as well. When I first started playing on the server Mini was the first staff that I saw and I was honestly pretty surprised at how good he was at the game too. To know that he's been staff for at least 3 years now makes me think he has paid his dues.

We also need an admin that isn't so goddamn ugly.
we need an admin that is actually good at the game! +1

mini has been my second opinion for all my hitbox reworks because i trust him when it comes to that kind of stuff.
i made a thing
i made another thing
i made a new thing

former ttt mod
former dr admin
Staff 2017-2023
The best solution for this that i would recommend for Dink is to promote an admin to Co owner, and invite Minime into the admin team.

Or, we could have Mini fill in for Dong while his computer is in the shitter
I honestly don’t even know where to start with this. I’d say I’m speechless, but I’m about to write a speech, so…

It’s probably no secret that Mini is one of my favorite people I’ve ever met in this community during my short time here. I’ll admit it: I’m biased as hell when it comes to them. But this I say with nothing but sincerity and honesty: they’re a skilled member of the community who’s not only fun to play with and be around, but an amazing friend and someone I legitimately cherish—hopefully I’m not blushing right now.

Mini’s contributions to this server and this community cannot be understated. They’ve spent over 6 years in this community, and have continued to be one of the most active and influential members in that time even to this day. Their modesty is making me a little queasy right now, as they’ve neglected to mention their many other achievements over the years, one of which was continually advocating for the removal of broken models since they were added, which only recently was actually listened to. In a higher level position, they’d be able to effectively implement and advocate for their countless other golden ideas to improve the server and community. They’re already involved in almost every form of server operations, and they offer so much more beyond the incredible community-oriented and back-end server work they do. I genuinely can’t think of anyone else on the staff team that even compares to Mini as a candidate for admin, but that’s partially just because they set such a high bar, not only for all other staff, but for the entire community. There are very few who model the kind and fun-loving spirit of this community as well as Mini does. This is easily the happiest I’ve been to +1 an application, and you’ve earned it.

Please come on up to New York so I can smooch you, cutie.

Best of luck on your application.
Mini would be an amazing face to put as one of the admins.

They're active in the community, have been here longer than most of us, and actively try to make the gameplay better by testing updates on the TTS and much, much more than I could ever know behind the scenes. 

If anyone were to become an admin now, I would nominate Mini over anyone else atm and it's not even close.

Huge +1.
legitimately the only good fit for admin in the current team of mods rn

previous bans are total garbage and there is not a single person on this server hotter than him

everyone else said what i was thinking

Everyone else said what I was thinking to type,

Mini was with me since the very beginning, told me to become staff all those years ago and was literally the only reason and person to tell me to return and was the first person to convince me to staff again
love you mini I wanna see you Red +1
[Image: wiiu-destruction.gif][Image: wiiu-destruction.gif]

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