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The Resignation you Already Knew was Coming
Yo what's up guys? Remember this thread? Lol good times. But on a more serious note, that thread was made to sincerely announce me returning to being an active admin again. I honestly thought I had the time to do it unfortunately life comes at you fast. I wish I could say I was resigning for some cool reason like drama or whatever, but alas I am simply burnt out. I'll always love this community, it has had a big impact on my life. However as time goes on I spend less and less time wanting to get on and actually play. Dink's deserves an admin team who can actually contribute to the community, and I am tired of sitting in the discords and forums not contributing. 

I'll refrain from pinging a ton of people like I did last time, but just know I appreciate each and every one of you (Yeah, even you somehow). Below I'll link some interesting or funny threads I made during my tenure.

I became admin on 02/23/2020. Jeez what a long ass time. Back before the pandemic truly began and I was a capable moderator who wanted to change things. I joined the staff team with a long-term goal of eventually becoming an admin as I wanted to experience being a leader of a gaming community. Well I got what I wished for, I guess lmao. Shoutout to Gabe & Hani who both pushed me to pester Dink for almost a month until he finally agreed.  

Shoutout to that time I resigned but then didn't lol.

My thread with the most replies. Boring & cringe. The biggest thing I learned about staffing a TTT server is that 99% of the player base has no idea what they want. Word of advice to future admins, every decision you make will be criticized by at least one single-digit IQ player.

Lmao  Me when I, when me, when I, I when

Lmao 2 Me thinking this would help lol 

Holy fuck this was so funny. Stupid ass drama L

Good stroll down memory lane. I'm sure there are other threads I missed.

I have noticed that that there are quite a few admin applications in. I wish everyone luck. The server is honestly in one of the best spots it's been in a long time. The work Bryan & the dev team have done is amazing. My one regret is that I couldn't contribute to that in any meaningful way. I'll be sticking around after I resign (Why would I leave free entertainment. Can't wait for the new seasonal drama. Now that I'm not an admin I can contribute to the
brain-dead takes that everyone else posts!). Feel free to DM me and ask for advice on being an admin. I'd love to feel useful and help out however I can. I can absolutely help train anyone so Bryan doesn't have to do it alone!

Well that's enough ranting about stuff I think. Have fun guys!

Good morning, and in case I don't see ya: Good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
[Image: b_560x95.png]

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The Resignation you Already Knew was Coming - by Nicol Bolas - 03-04-2023, 12:15 AM

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