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Jokes an y'all you thought I was a trumpet

Ingame Name: NotRand (current/usual), Spooky Scary SkeleRand

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:40546659

Time Played: More than 417 hours

When First Joined: January 19, 2019

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): Pretty scattered but mostly evenings and weekends

Rank Desired: Moderator

Current Rank: Test Mod

What can you do to help the community: Before I've talked about community togetherness, quashing toxicity, and just making the community a better place. I'm still committed to all of this, and am actively working towards it. But I realized that there are just as big of issues, as well as others, elsewhere. One of the biggest one I've found recently, which I am going to be a hardass on, is how women are treated here lately. Women being called disgusting names, being DM'd inappropriately, being treated inappropriately in general, and other issues. Things that seem to fly below the radar of our upper staff, which is another issue. I have been stressing about this app all week because I didn't feel that I'd done enough in the past month to justify it, then I realized that we have multiple Mods that are either inactive, or just not outsanding in any way as staff members, and would be just as effective as a TMod as they are a Mod. We need to have a staff team that is active, and actively there to  help, and have knowledge of the server in its current climate. If someone has no bearings on a bigger recent event that impacted the way we're handling certain things at that time, something needs to change. I very clearly can't make it so there's never an issue, server issues will always exist, staff issues will always exist, I'll make mistakes, but I know for certain that I can cultivate a more comfortable environment for everyone that wants to play, especially women and marginalized groups that have to deal with bullshit forum everyone in their day-to-day and everywhere else online. Dinks should be a place people can escape that and make friends, not have to deal with the same negativity that follows them everywhere.

Why you want to help the community: To combat the constant toxicity, and quell the harassment that certain groups go through constantly, as well as making the community as a whole a better, more welcoming place for all, hopefully with community events and other fun things.

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): Name change bans and a karma ban or two

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts):

How did you find us?: Just from servers

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): Yes

Other: Since a lot of this was mildly callout-y, which I am completely okay and at peace with, I'll end on a lighter note with some thank yous and other shoutouts.

@dong I know I've been a bit of a troll at times, but you still seemed to trust me with the idea of becoming a mod back when we first became friends, and  you're a big part of why I decided to do that anyway. Thanks for helping me with this stuff.

@"derp" the bloke that I've been on this staffing journey with for a few months now, more or less the reason I decided to actually fully become staff, which I think was a good move for me all-in-all.

@bryanbrr this ones kind of out of nowhere, but you're more or less the Mod I aspire to be, and have been how I've staffed after for awhile. Serious, but not too serious, gets things done, has a good repertoire with both staff and player alike. Great bloke.

@Ethan Another weird one, but one time after I did a ban request on some people I consider friends, you congratulated me and I think even said you were proud of me, and that was just a pretty uplifting moment for me honestly, especially since I thought you had nothing but disdain for me for whatever reason.

@"Prince Nicky La Flama Blanca" You're a great friend who helps me with a lot of things, and though we're pretty opposite on staffing terms, the discourse you offer me is a big part of why I like staffing as well, I think our differing opinions on most issues are extremely complimentary and whatnot.

Thanks for reading, I look forward to a response, good or bad.
[Image: TWQlDjL.png] 
-courtesy of a sarcastic fish

[Image: t2X0SiD.png]
-courtesy of milk(2)
+1 Genuinely great guy and amazing staff. So fun listening to you and jesse argue tho.
i made a thing
i made another thing
i made a new thing

former ttt mod
former dr admin
Staff 2017-2023

rand does good things like get rid of the bad people please promote
Well after reading your app, I really hope you do make the community better. I seen how you handle staffing in game and you have had it under controlled despite the chaos the server can be sometimes. 1+ good luck rand and when/if you do get mod, I really hope you can handle the harassment people have been causing lately on the server but I know you probably will.
+1 is very nice
You had told me with what sounded like extreme confidence that I would +1 your app when I finish reading it.  

Let me break it down to make it absolutely certain with you that I am being serious and not just trying to "meme:"

-Your biggest sales pitch is "I'm going to fix the issues of how women are treated." Noble cause, but I just wish you would talk more in detail on what you believe the "constant toxicity" is. There are those who would make an argument that the staff team is a source of toxicity through bias and inconsistency. Why not address working on that? As a Moderator, you're the bridge between lower staff and admin. You need to be a pillar of influence for the others, and a great start to do that is by not only addressing toxicity throughout the REGULARS/DONORS, but also putting in effort to try and limit/eliminate staff bias as much as humanly possible. This argument of saying the toxicity only comes from one source is infuriating to see, as it suggests that there are no problems with the staff and that all the problems come from regulars who screw around too much; that might not be at all what you're trying to say, but that is exactly how I am interpreting it.

 -Your caption makes this hard to take seriously; you're applying for an important position on the server yet you're making some dumbass title like this. 

-You seem to do a lot of brownnosing at the end, which begs the question of if you are actually capable of fixing toxicity, or will you just purge out those that the others in the staff team believe are toxic without questioning it? I honestly have no idea if you're capable of thinking for yourself if you want me to be completely honest, as with my brief time being on the staff team with you, I never see you trying to see things from another angle. Forum comments you have made in the past month also indicate to me that you're part of a herd. 

You could argue that I'm being overdramatic/petty with these responses, but I genuinely believe everything I just stated. 

I am giving you a +0 for these reasons. Best of luck on your application, Rand.
(11-14-2020, 08:02 PM)Salty Wrote: You had told me with what sounded like extreme confidence that I would +1 your app when I finish reading it.  

Let me break it down to make it absolutely certain with you that I am being serious and not just trying to "meme:"

-Your biggest sales pitch is "I'm going to fix the issues of how women are treated." Noble cause, but I just wish you would talk more in detail on what you believe the "constant toxicity" is. There are those who would make an argument that the staff team is a source of toxicity through bias and inconsistency. Why not address working on that? As a Moderator, you're the bridge between lower staff and admin. You need to be a pillar of influence for the others, and a great start to do that is by not only addressing toxicity throughout the REGULARS/DONORS, but also putting in effort to try and limit/eliminate staff bias as much as humanly possible. This argument of saying the toxicity only comes from one source is infuriating to see, as it suggests that there are no problems with the staff and that all the problems come from regulars who screw around too much; that might not be at all what you're trying to say, but that is exactly how I am interpreting it.

I thought I was pretty forward with the fact that I see issues with staffing, and want them worked on, so I guess it's my bad that I didn't convey that well enough because that's directly why I thought you would +1, and why I said it to you, my bad. I definitely care more about issues with harassment of players, though. Always have, that was the basis of me becoming staff originally.

 -Your caption makes this hard to take seriously; you're applying for an important position on the server yet you're making some dumbass title like this. 

I did them all like this, if you'd noticed. I'm not just going to be a stick in the mud based on me going for staff, you didn't have a problem with the other two, probably just because this one's left=leaning but :frog: :tea:

-You seem to do a lot of brownnosing at the end, which begs the question of if you are actually capable of fixing toxicity, or will you just purge out those that the others in the staff team believe are toxic without questioning it? I honestly have no idea if you're capable of thinking for yourself if you want me to be completely honest, as with my brief time being on the staff team with you, I never see you trying to see things from another angle. Forum comments you have made in the past month also indicate to me that you're part of a herd. 

Legitimately have no idea what you're referring to with comments I've made recently, or even me only looking at things from one angle. I always think things through before I say anything to start with, and am very forward with disagreements with staff, to them and publicly.

You could argue that I'm being overdramatic/petty with these responses, but I genuinely believe everything I just stated. 

I am giving you a +0 for these reasons. Best of luck on your application, Rand.

Thanks for the input, Salty.
[Image: TWQlDjL.png] 
-courtesy of a sarcastic fish

[Image: t2X0SiD.png]
-courtesy of milk(2)
+1 for the eventuality of randleberg's ttt

in all seriousness rand Is an excellent tmod and will make an amazing moderator.
This is a fun game not some super cereal shit, as some people in this thread are implying. Rand is responsible and tries to enforce rules as best he can and that's really all that is important. He is timely in handling reports and is fair in his punishing. +1
Hi Rand,

Firstly i'll take this opportunity to take back my +0 from last app. I've realize that the 1-month minimum is all that is necessary for proper experience levels. I should have granted a +1.

That being said, I guess I don't see the staff issues that you see - while you are more experienced in staffing then i am, I am still curious what your method of staff accountability would look like.
From what i've seen of your staffing so far, I can give this a +1. I'm curious to see how other mods will receive that call-out, however.
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
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