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Summer is here, and we need your help!
Greetings and salutations folks,

With all of the personnel changes as of late, I want to make sure that we as a TTT community know what our strengths and weaknesses are. I know that we have a Google form somewhere out there (apparently not a lot of people have been answering, and if they do answer they meme around), but I want all criticisms, compliments, and everything in between to be public, but without consequence, so we know how to improve.

Summer is here (for the majority of us), and the time is nigh for us to move forward as a server. The past month has been an interesting one for sure. According to GameTracker, this past month we've only had an average of 17 players on. That's pretty pathetic. But with school going on, of course our peak hours are going to be late in the afternoon and into the evening, and our average player count is going to be a bit skewed. That shouldn't matter though. Last Saturday, we only had around 12 people on at 8 pm. Saturday night is supposed to be one of the busiest nights the server sees. I've also noticed that we've lost a good number of players. Well, they are obviously leaving for a reason. Why is that?

I've also noticed a bit of a disconnect between staff and players, and I want to try to close that gap. @Market Down did a good thing, and asked for a transparent post from us to you, so we can cut down confusion. I promise to do my best in the future to try to eliminate a lot of the confusion from the get-go. I want to be as honest, transparent, and approachable as possible, and I'm sure the rest of the staff feel the same way.

I'd like to give the opportunity to each and every member of the community to present their feedback-good, bad, indifferent, positive, and negative- so we can improve this server. Be warned though, your name is attached to what you say, so don't say anything stupid. I'd also like to keep this thread clean. If you have a problem with someone in particular, tell a staff member (off this thread) and they'll handle it. This thread should be used for community suggestions, not personal vendettas. Oh, you can say you want new maps and player models. But if you have a suggestion for a map or player model, use the threads that have been made. I'll link them below.

I look forward to reading, and hopefully completing, all of the suggestions, and feedback you have for the server.


Summer map thread:

(Couldn't find a player model addition megathread) Player model removal thread:

I'll start. The Admins are currently thinking about our rules. We're thinking about cleaning up and revamping the rules so they give our player base the maximum amount of fun, while still being fair and punishing those who need to be punished.
Welcome to my response- itll be a bit before I make all my points so ill keep adding as I think of what to say. I'm coming from a TTT view primarily
This isn't a call out on anyone or me being an ass, I have better things to do in my day. This is what I feel to be my concerns and community concerns. 
As owner, Dink's who I'm addressing this to, but this isn't all about Dink. Like Epic said, this is a group issue we have here

Here's a touchy subject but what I feel to be the core of many problems. Lower staff activity isn't a world ending issue so I wont bother. Wont even touch TMod because it was donator filled and a fair expectation that the role would be inflated. What really marks an issue is inactive upper level staff. I'm talking mods, admins, and yes owner. For the most part mods are coming back in the last month now that schedules are freeing up so that's a plus, but we are thinning out and many were gone since the beginning of the year. Most mods wont stay active for years and some are turning into admins themselves. We have a lot of inactive mods, but most of mod issues are in communication, which is lower down.
The point of this section is truly admins and owner. And lack of co-owner.
Dink, when you come on, the server acts like it found a damn unicorn. Staff and members alike. I have no idea where you go or what you do. I've been here a year staffing and don't know you. You're not the only one, I can think of a couple admins I could say the same of. At the risk of getting hit by lightning, not saying you're explicitly inactive, but to a mod who has been here a year and I'd wager the majority of the community, you're not visible active. I define active to me engaging and less reacting to things, which is all I can say.
When it comes to admins before the added two, idk why drew is even still listed, two others were the definition of inactive, and the rest were spotty. Granted I'm only mostly late hours but even so, good lord. Christian resigned when all sorts of pressure was laid on him for being the active admin. It was nuts, everything was thrown on him because other admins may as well have been invisible in the eye of the community. Dakota's been so stretched with the PH spectacle that he's been handling both. RIP PH, though that's less inactivity than just straight all old staff resigned save Nicky and Traitor, bless them.
Co-owner? Starky left, still don't really know what happened to Dakody, and RIP every other server in general. Up to you what to do there.

This is directly a result of inactivity in my opinion. 
Dink, you've been doing better about letting us know things lately and stuff you've fixed, but communication still seems broken. If nothing else, looking at how admins react to your post says things are still misfiring. Sounds like we're also down an admin so votes are deadlocking, which while that's a different problem, community is chalking it up to not being spoken of or being ignored for long times. Better the last few weeks with two new active admins, but the deadlock is still present just by numbers. If you're just taking time to make the best pick idk, I've heard nothing new on the subject. MemoryCommunication is key. I'd still wager scoovie isn't tlking about the community when he says not listening to admins. You're owner and could invert the colors in game and no one could say you cant do that, but it doesn't mean that people will be happy out it. Catch my drift?
Touching a bit on the above, I think the communication breakdown is also why admins feel like they are under fire sometimes - delayed responses and admins not being in the loop will wear out fast I feel
While there's a break in owner to admin, there has also been a break in admin to mod for a bit. Hopefully the two active additions with another to follow will fix this.

Trolling / Toxicity issue
We have LOTS of fights over this crap that could have been nipped in the butt earlier. Communication issue maybe. Either way, people are getting banned, denied applications, and what have you for things that could have been nipped in the ass far earlier. Not only a staff fault, the players have to be willing to listen. But many of the recent issues are people who have been here for a bit and then suddenly BAM a staff member nails them for something they've been doing for awhile. Some don't even know why. The word gamer isn't an issue, its the spam. It was annoying people and one day Hill got banned for "gamer". Player gets banned for bringing things up too many times, we yell at reposted threads (tho that one someone usually says to stop). Players who have reached regular banned for constant racism. What do all of these have in common? They were simple issues that were not kept up with consistently or nipped early enough and when something finally happens, "Why now, hes been doing it for weeks?" "This other guy has been doing it too and staff lets him" "This staff didn't have an issue with my text hat" "about time". Which brings me to a new point,

We are not consistent as staff. Staff apps denied and approved when many have the same issue as the app with a different result. We never put in the how to section that we look at a month's activity for an app, or that forums primarily dictate community involvement. Ban lengths have some wiggle room with staff discretion and that should be realized, but staff apps should have a clear ruler for some things, looking at you "100 hours", "community involvement", things we vary so hard on. Whether or not they do ban reqs or you think they're an ass is what +-1 is for, whether or not they even meet the standard we hold them to even apply and be considered should be clear.
Some of these bans and unbans should be a little more consistent on our end in my opinion too

Broke shit (minor points)
Shotgun is overpowered
Why take out the accuracy on the revolver? Cross mapping with a pistol headshot s dope, switch the recoil or something so they can only shoot once with that accuracy.
MY OPINION where the hell did the totally broken but fun knockback of the M24 go? it wasn't useful in a fight but I could shot a barrel around a room to amuse myself
Keep the MassRDM turret
Server crashes a lot now even on previously stable maps with low number of people on, even crashing twice in a row a couple of times

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
I Agree with matt on the inactivity

I think there should be a rotating default map every 2 weeks or so. Fastfood 5 times in the span of 4 hours isnt fun when the server crashes as much as it does.

Other helpful things that should be discussed more openly:

Shotgun nerf
Bullshite buff (accuracy is not an issue, it should be reverted and just have recoil changed. If you can hit a target cross map without a scope with a weapon like that, you deserve the kill, but dont let it reward multiple fast fire shots without adjustment)
Peace Turret swapped out for another D-Weapon
Clearer rules regarding trolling and harrasment of another player alongside harsher punishments for harrasment specifically.

Edit: Regarding the rdm turret, please remove it asap.
(06-19-2018, 05:59 PM)Aiser Wrote: I Agree with matt on the inactivity

I think there should be a rotating default map every 2 weeks or so. Fastfood 5 times in the span of 4 hours isnt fun when the server crashes as much as it does.

Other helpful things that should be discussed more openly:

Shotgun nerf
Bullshite buff (accuracy is not an issue, it should be reverted and just have recoil changed. If you can hit a target cross map without a scope with a weapon like that, you deserve the kill, but dont let it reward multiple fast fire shots without adjustment)
Peace Turret swapped out for another D-Weapon
Clearer rules regarding trolling and harrasment of another player alongside harsher punishments for harrasment specifically.

The day the rdm turret is removed is the day i leave the server
EDIT: but seriously the number one thing I believe should be fixed is communication. Like scoovie said people get mad over things they have no power over. If the admins had better communication with the community that problem would be miniscule.
My Maps
been here since September 2016
  • Shotgun nerf for sure
  • Reduce time added per kill by a significant amount. The time added per kill at the moment I feel is too much given the amount of players we have.
  • Remove BirdCam from Detective menu as it is still there but does not work when you buy it
  • Look into issue of the server crashing on a more frequent basis and resolve it if possible
  • Replace obsolete and rarely used T menu like such as the RC-XD, Shuriken, and maybe a few others I'm missing.
  • Communication & Inactivity as previous stated by Matt, Aiser, and Hillrop
  • Maybe replace Peace Turret with Golden Deagle? ... or something else. :) 
  • I already said this in the Summer map thread but I might as well say it again: Remove the abomination of a map called Outpost 31. The map always seems to screw with playermodels whenever it is played.

I'll be adding/modifying some of the things in the list as I think of some
So, lemme copy-paste my personal idea for a nerf for the Shotgun from the thread Dink made but got locked:

Yes, I am not the worlds leading expert concerning weapon balance, so what I'm saying may be a real over-nerf, just keep that in mind.

The damage output currently is (Per pellet, shotgun fires 8 of them):
Limbs: 11
Torso: 22
Head: 44

My suggestion in balancing its damage output would be:
Limbs: 7
Torso: 15
Head: 22

This would significantly reduce its IMO stupid damage output while still remaining a capable CQC weapon. Yes the one-shots will still be a thing but on a bit longer range you'll have a much higher chance of fighting back. Potentially slightly increase its spread to return the short-medium to medium range combat crown to the SMG's and Assault Rifles.

Now to the Bull$hite, yes sure if you can aim down on someones head from range with no zoom etc. that takes quite a bit of skill and/or microajusting that is fine, the problem I have with it are the accurate folks who run around with a Shotgun and a secondary unscoped sniper wich is this pistol.

My Bull$hite nerf ideas:

Damage: downing this to secondary levels, not to primary levels (I am aware the thing still does 50 on a body shot)
Limbs: Down to 24 damage
Body: Down to 43 damage
Head: Down to 160 damage

Nerf the accuracy to slightly more accurate then a Deagle however more recoil. In this way you have a secondary wich in and of itself is better then a Deagle but doesnt outmatch the Deagle in all senses.

Yes I am aware people will not really enjoy my suggestion for the Bull$hite but people must remember the weapon is a secondary, like the Deagle. And should have severe limitations in its combat capabilities, while currently it tends to act as a Primary with another Primary as weapon for close range.
Resigned Staff since 03-26-2018.
remove the grapple hook so we don't have to worry about map exploits anymore
(06-19-2018, 07:52 PM)Foxka Wrote: remove the grapple hook so we don't have to worry about map exploits anymore

you shut your god damn mouth
I could probably write a really long post about different stuff but I don't want to. I'll just prioritize to save myself some time.

I guess the thing I'd like to emphasize is consistency. We have rules. We have punishments for breaking rules. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of the time the proper punishment isn't administered for the misdeed.

I think it seems that we've been overly strict with some of our punishments. This is, of course, coming from a former rule nazi. As I've grown up and matured (I started playing here when I was barely 16), I've reconsidered my prime concerns for the server. Rather than being strictly focused on punishing transgressors, my goal is to ensure that each player is able to have the maximum amount of fun, as long as it doesn't prevent other players from also enjoying themselves.

It seems like we are all getting too "Prince Nicky the Wolf," for our own good. This is no bueno. Players, notably regular players, are getting permabanned for seemingly minor things. - A permaban that was misguided. - A by the book ban, but still excessive for the crime. - Same as Cons. - I am only commenting on the fact that Hillrop was banned for saying "gamer." The other things he did deserved a permaban at the time. - Jack was banned for evidence that was pretty darn lacking. He had to jump through so many hoops just to get unbanned even though there was no valid reason for his banned. He even got schlonged on one of his unban requests simply for not waiting long enough despite there being plenty of good evidence exonerating him. Why should he have to wait a month when he was innocent? - Jimbo, longtime player and regular made a mistake and got permabanned.

I'm not asking for anyone to be above the rules, but I am asking that regular status be considered for punishments. Someone that spends 4 hours a day on our server shouldn't get a permaban for a minor fuck-up. If you spend 400 hours doing anything, you're going to fuck up eventually. Should you never be allowed to do it again? No. I think we should just be a little nicer to our regulars.

end notes: I intended for this to be a quick little response but it took longer.
We don't need to remove the rc-xd it just needs to be made better. Shuriken is a good meme weapon. We don't need to remove any of the T weapons, none of them are broken from what i know, and only need a few easy to do changes to make them better.

There are some pretty gross looking playermodels from what i have seen, everyone wants garbage on here for some reason, but i just want to say, Please no more godzilla situations, if you are gonna put garbage in the server, atleast give it a spray from some Lysol or something.
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