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A long Staff Application/explanation
Ingame Name: The Triangle (previously Mr Voss, Old Man Voss) 

Steam ID:  STEAM_0:0:432781129

Time Played: 672+ Hours

When First Joined: 25th May, 2018

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): MST 1700-1900 Mon to Thurs, 1700-2400 Fri & Sat

Rank Desired: Trusted 

Current Rank: Regular/Donor

What can you do to help the community?: Honestly looking for a second chance starting from the bottom. I’d like to think that while playing on the server with players that I add a bit of a reasonable fun side to the server.  I’ve made many previous ban requests and been involved as much as able with my occupation.  I’m not saying my time will spike, just that I’d like to be involved. Yes, I am getting deployed in June and will be gone for 9 months to which I fully understand if I come back and I have been demoted due to inactivity.  

Why do you want to help the community?: I do love it here for the most part. Yes, there’s people in the community that can make things less than enjoyable but that is anywhere you go.  It’s been AMAZING watching and being apart of the growth in this community. I have love being involved in the little things behind the scenes to help the community.  I wish to continue being a part of the progress in this community. I have mad some exceptional friends in this community. 

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): Not real ones.

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): 

How did you find us?: I like fairly odd parents, and bam here I am.  

Other: I’m sure some wonder why I resigned in the first place, I’ll do my best to put it into words.  I noticed (or at least I felt like)  I was hindering the community more than helping it, by arguing with individuals and poking my nose into places it didn’t belong (yes I’m talking about TTT). I hated that I was being so opinionated and closed minded, also felt like I was constantly witch hunting or looking for trouble; not so much as a preventative measure but more so as I was just trying to prove others wrong. I noticed that with being an old staff member (old as in I've been here a hot min), I started to have this entitled mentality. I no longer saw myself as an equal with others and began putting myself above them; this bothered me greatly so I quickly resigned to deal with this mentality that I did not like. This all came about due to high stress that was overwhelming me. Now the stress has decreased majorly and I'd like to give this another shot. I've fixed many of the issues which caused me to feel overwhelmed and I now have a magnificent companion who has helped me SO MUCH!! 

I understand that my application may get denied for not having enough server time lately. 

Please take time to supply me with feedback on how I may improve as a member in this community and a possible future staff member. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this crazy application.

May your days be ever blessed.
Voss, you are always fun to be around and even when you mess around, you can quickly get serious to handle situations. When I ask questions, you are always helpful and honestly, you know the rules really well. Like REALLY well. You can handle almost any situation that comes your way. You being staff again would be great and honestly, even as a trusted, I know you would be able to help more then even I could. You know the place and the people and honestly, there is no one better for trusted than you man. I think you still got what it takes and dammit, I need someone who appreciates bad jokes in here, I'm all alone. Hopefully, I'll see you as staff soon. 

+1 all the way Frank
[Image: lDo6UQl.png]
[Image: fkzTG3C.jpeg]
I'm gonna have to be THAT guy.

What makes us believe you won't become stressed and resign once more?

Speaking from experience, it doesn't look good when you resign and come back so soon.
-1 wrong alignment

Anyways, remaining neutral since I'm not active on PH, but I do think the approach here is good. It's understandable someone resigns from stress, and higher ranks bring it, so to start it up it's respectable. Good luck!
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
I dont know you well enough to swing either way, but i see no issue starting back from the bottom if you are ready to come back.
Not really certain who you are but I'm with Laced on this one. I'm certain many people looked up to you as a good guy but making such a dedication to come back is a complex process to do.. I'm certain you're willing to put your heart but the dedication required is a lot for a person. I believe you should wait longer as it's needed and see what happens from that point. For now it's going to be a +0. Sorry Voss.
[Image: OGC.83a4f535e160188cc3ef3e7914124591?pid...n%2fbGQ%3d]
O̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶t̶r̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶s̶e̶l̶f̶
While server time consistency is fairly subjective in the application, a handful of hours for just the past week aren’t great. Especially when considering bending the normal rules and expectations. Even considering you were just recently a mod so you would be overqualified it’s like well... We are talking just four weeks ago on a fairly sudden resignation. There are a few times myself where I’ve subjectively wanted an old mod back even if they didn’t meet requirements because I valued the quality over the quantity, but each time we’ve thought better of or denied for purposes of consistency and not opening up that door. So for trusted I’m fairly mixed, but out of respect for other times we’ve handled this and consistency I would be firmly against a return to mod (I know, you didn’t ask for that, but the discussion will come up at some point.)

Also if you’re wanting donor back I can fix forums but idk what your server status is and can’t do that

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon

I believe everyone deserves a second chance considering what went down with your resignation.

But server wise I feel you need to get your time up and show your willing to stay this time.

Your a grade A staff material no doubt

I'm glad you have work on those issues and I hope next time if You ever need  to talk to someone I'll be hear for u to talk too.

Or maybe take a heist and focus on yourself while u still have your Rank. Heart Heart 

Best of luck Illuminate
Ingame Names 
Sharky / [Red]Sharky / Hysender / Wizard
Apple a Day keeps Mother Nuru Away 
Deathrun - PropHunt - Murder Staff member
I know you very well, Voss.  Playing with you has helped me understand the rules and be a better staff member.  But for your application, I have to take a neutral approach and give a +0.  Not knowing the circumstances that led to your resignation other then what you said in your application, it will be hard to say that you won't leave again when things get stressful.
(03-18-2020, 09:05 PM)the shrowl Wrote: I'm gonna have to be THAT guy.

What makes us believe you won't become stressed and resign once more?

Speaking from experience, it doesn't look good when you resign and come back so soon.
I completely agree that it doesn't look good to resign and quickly return. I can make no promise that I won't resign again in the distant future, what I can promise is that it will not be abrupt like last time. Everyone takes different paths in life, and sometimes you have to step away form gaming for a while; whether you choose to resign or to take a leave of absence is an individual choice. I chose to leave abruptly because it was necessary for me. I was doing it for Me, not for a pity party. Not to get attention, I NEEDED to fix myself and I had to do it like taking off a band-aid. 
I honestly felt a bit guilty for disappearing, and for not communicating with my friends and staff members about what was going on. TO each of you, I am sorry for putting you through that. 
(03-18-2020, 09:38 PM)matt_st3 (Strongrule) Wrote: While server time consistency is fairly subjective in the application, a handful of hours for just the past week aren’t great. Especially when considering bending the normal rules and expectations. Even considering you were just recently a mod so you would be overqualified it’s like well... We are talking just four weeks ago on a fairly sudden resignation. There are a few times myself where I’ve subjectively wanted an old mod back even if they didn’t meet requirements because I valued the quality over the quantity, but each time we’ve thought better of or denied for purposes of consistency and not opening up that door. So for trusted I’m fairly mixed, but out of respect for other times we’ve handled this and consistency I would be firmly against a return to mod (I know, you didn’t ask for that, but the discussion will come up at some point.)

Also if you’re wanting donor back I can fix forums but idk what your server status is and can’t do that

As I stated in my application, I am fully aware that my time can/will affect the results for this application. 

Honestly, I don't feel like I deserve to have Moderator back. I don't feel like I contributed enough to the community to really deserve it back upon returning/applying. 

I have donor on the server, I talked to Dink a few days ago asking for it back and he agreed. 

I appreciate both of yours and everyone else's feedback thus far. 

To put out there what happened that led to my resignation I'll try to express it and identify some of the concerns.

Over the past few months it's been a lot of back and forth with little information on my occupation side. Some of you may know that I am an Active Duty Soldier for the United States Military, and as such we get shipped around a lot to various places. Some of which we of course can't talk about. Within the past few months there was basically a lot of half information that changed on the fly, specifically pertaining to the upcoming deployment over seas. Myself and the people I work with were getting thrown around, not knowing who is deploying and who isn't. There was also A LOT of training we had to complete by the date of X, which date changed twice and went from being 2 months away to 1 week way. That can cause a bit of stress... yeah.. 

On top of this, I had recently gotten engaged back in December and had 2 months to plan a wedding for myself and my beautiful bride to be. We live in different states and are only able to communicate at night for a few hours due to her having university work to complete, and my occupational hours. Stress comes from planning a wedding, I don't care who you are.. it's there.  Luckily, the wedding went off without a hitch and I am happily married to a beautiful woman that I will spend the rest of my life with. 

Now you may look at this and think it's not much, and maybe it isn't. Let also pile on all the madness that was happening in the community at the time. Well, having this extreme stress IRL then watching the madness here really takes a toll on you. I found myself constantly tired, and not wanting to do anything really unless i really really really really really had to. 

Fast forward to now. You may be thinking "what's to stop you from getting overwhelmed again?", I'll try to keep it simple. I developed a system really, I found that when my spiritual side is out of wack I get stressed. So, to counter act this I stop what I'm doing; and say a prayer of gratitude for that which I have. Now this doesn't remove everything, but it forces me to stop and think about what really matters. It may sound silly to some of you that aren't religious/spiritual, but this isn't your technique; it's mine ^_^ I also have a magnificent wife who keeps me in check pretty good too haha 

I hope that clears a few things up for anyone that has question. If you have more questions, please feel free to DM on discord or through forums. 

Have a wonderful day/night ^_^

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