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Derp's tmod app part 2 staffing tendency - Printable Version

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Derp's tmod app part 2 staffing tendency - dero - 10-12-2020

Ingame Name: 
derp spooky


Time Played: 
Too much

When First Joined: 
A long time ago

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): 
Pretty much any time after 3:30 - 4pm EST on weekdays and any time on weekends

Rank Desired: 

Current Rank: 

Nord VPN
Raid: Shadow Legends

What can you do to help the community: 
With Tmod I could more easily deal with people who continuously join to troll. Instead of making a ban request and hoping they dont join back after a kick, I can karma ban them and make a ban request without having to worry about them joining back and making more problems.

Why you want to help the community: 
There has been a real influx of people doin kinda stupid shit latley. We definitely need people with higher ranks to deal with this. 

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): 
Not any real bans

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): 
Trusted 1 (Denied)
Trusted 2 (Accepted)
Tmod (Accepted)
Mod 1 (Denied)
Mod 2 (Accepted)
Admin (Denied)
Trusted Take 2 (Accepted)

DR Mod (Accepted)
DR Admin (Accepted)

How did you find us?: 
Dont really remember

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for the rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): 

My time recently has been a bit low because I’m away from the house but I applied to keep a promise I made. Just because my time recently doesn’t mean I don’t want to play. As soon as I get back my time will be right back up. If my recent time is a problem I don’t mind waiting another month to apply again.
Laced get admin thanks
This post may be a bit early but… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Please ask questions if you have any
(hol up forgot to link my shit)

RE: Derp's tmod app part 2 staffing tendency - gods least loved angle (69°) - 10-12-2020

+1, is the perfect line between trolls and serious people, knows when to staff versus trolling better than staff of higher ranks at times, knows the rules like the back of his hand (and has taught me a loooot), generally a good bloke that loves the server

can be a little too trolly sometimes but that has gotten less and less frequent as time has went on and is really only directed at consenting parties so it's all good

RE: Derp's tmod app part 2 staffing tendency - Salty - 10-12-2020


You know what you're doing. You do a good job as staff; you've clearly had a lot of experience under your belt, so I don't think you'll be overburdened/overwhelmed with some of the extra features that you get at Test Mod.

+1. I wish you the best of luck on your app.

RE: Derp's tmod app part 2 staffing tendency - JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 10-12-2020

You are on vacation I been told so that is why you probably haven’t been on. When you did get on, you got the job done and seemed to handle situations well most of the times. 1+

RE: Derp's tmod app part 2 staffing tendency - Battons - 10-13-2020

I dont have much to say here, you were an excellent mod before and will obviously be a good tmod now. +1

RE: Derp's tmod app part 2 staffing tendency - Jammin - 10-13-2020

For the step from Trusted to T-Mod, your experience speaks for itself. My concerns regarding your past resignations don't really apply until the next stage on applying for Moderator.

RE: Derp's tmod app part 2 staffing tendency - Burb - 10-13-2020


Derp is more than capable of being a tmod (again). He has experience staffing, and I have no complaints/criticisms about how he acts so...make him a boy in blue.

RE: Derp's tmod app part 2 staffing tendency - Raider Hanks - 10-13-2020

Experience, Experience, Experience. It is what can be most desired out of staff for TTT. You've been Trusted, T-mod, and moderator already. You know what you are doing. The only learning curve that exists is trying to remember how to do things once more, not learning for the first time.


RE: Derp's tmod app part 2 staffing tendency - Mana - 10-13-2020

Still locked myself out of tmod committee, plus most of which i can think of has been said.

RE: Derp's tmod app part 2 staffing tendency - ⋆ Fx ⋆ - 10-13-2020

Even though i haven't really seen you on recently (probably because of the vacation jesse mentioned) Ima +1 you cool