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  Discord Update June 2020
Posted by: Avi - 06-09-2020, 03:14 AM - Forum: News and Announcements - Replies (4)

Hello all, Im here to bring you a Discord update.  There have been a few changes that I need to share.

The ranks for the Discord Staff team have been changed slightly.  We now have a system in place: Discord Helper, Discord Moderator, and Discord Admin.  When you apply for Discord Staff, you will now be required to start at Discord Helper and move up to Discord Moderator via application (yes you will have to apply for both ranks).  Discord Helpers are going to be a new role introduced that acts as a training rank for incoming Discord Staff.  This role will have basic perms to help them learn moderation, while Discord Moderator will stay the same as it was.  With this addition, pinging Discord Moderator will no longer work, however, the role will be changed to Discord Staff to better reflect this change.  Discord Admin (myself), will serve as the lead for the Discord Staff team, and keep the staff team in order.  The expectations for these roles can be found here.  

There is now a Ban Request Section on the forums!  It was noted that there wasn't one, so with help I went through and made a new section for that with the format thread as well as an archive.  Don't forget there is a reporting function on the Discord as well if you don't want to use the forums to make a report.  

The only currently known issue is the bot relay channels not functioning all of the time.  Part of this may be the bot being rate limited or issues connecting to the servers, and I will look into it more.

I will be adding a master server info channel to the Discord that will have information about all of the Dink servers and important threads/info for each one.  This will be coming soon.  Also, I am still encouraging people to apply for Discord Staff as we've had some recent resignations.  If you are interested, feel free to apply (making sure you meet requirements and understand the expectations), and if you have any questions, feel free to dm me on Discord (Avi#4653).

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  June Update
Posted by: matt_st3 (Strongrule) - 06-09-2020, 02:31 AM - Forum: News and Announcements - No Replies

Some updates will be mentioned in the log, but these are some of the important updates coming in June that are not forum maintenance. 

The forum ranks have received several updates. Visually the mod+ ranks should now accurately reflect the star system. Mods have 5 stars, admins have 6, and co - owners / forum admins have 7. This will reflect the access and responsibility each rank will have on the forums. More details below. 

Discord staff ranks have been created for the forums to reflect the ranks in the main discord. The discord and forum staff teams are separate from the server staff teams and are undergoing some reconstruction. Avi will post more about the exact details of the discord rework. For forums the discord admin will have the same access as server admins and the discord mods will have limited access to their forum section. 

Forum staffing will be reworked and finalized over the next couple of weeks. A document will come out on how certain staff members will be responsible for certain areas and how warnings will be given. 

An important note is that forum staffing will be more sectional. The various mods and admins will have the responsibility to staff their sections. Admins still have the same access to the majority of the forums on an as needed basis but will staff their sections primarily. The forum team will continue to watch the full site and push fixes. Web admin has been cleaned up; anyone with the web admin rank going forward will be a specific member of the forum team. 

Warnings will now be given for each action taken by the admins. If a message is deleted, it will receive the respective warning as a reason. This is to insure that all actions taken have uniform consequences and that all actions taken are in line with the forum rules. Guidelines will be posted to help the staff enforce the rules and apply the correct warnings. The warnings are also important to keep on top of as they can automatically moderate, suspend posting, and ban. The triggering values may be tweaked as we go forward.

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  [TTT] 2020 Rule Revisions
Posted by: Nicol Bolas - 05-20-2020, 07:11 PM - Forum: News and Announcements - No Replies

Hello everyone! I've been slowly working on rewording, shortening, and clarifying the current TTT rules. Right now they're quite large and a large section of the MOTD hasn't been updated or worked on for a considerably long time as the rules are very old. After taking community suggestions, as well as feedback from matt_st3 (Strongrule), Gabe, and Tedgp908 I've finally finished working on the current TTT MOTD and have gotten approval from Dink. Starting on 5/22/20, the current MOTD/Rules will be replaced with the new revised version. You can take a look at this now:

Click Here
Current list of changes:

  1. Most of the punishments and staff-specific instructions have been moved to the staff guidelines. This helps shorten the MOTD a lot. This is by far the largest change
  2. Reworded a lot of the current rules to help better clarify things.
  3. Karma-baiting is now a clearly defined and punishable act with a set list of punishments.
  4. Trapping players with the shield gun is now kosable after warning, just like the grappling hook.
  5. Following is now KOSable pre-overtime. 3 warnings+ample time between them is required. Due to the subjective nature of this rule, 3 warnings is currently the best way to implement it. If this rule is abused or misused it will likely be removed.  
  6. Knowingly contributing to traitor objectives is now listed as KOSable, as previously it was listed under SUS-only.
  7. Refusing/Hindering a Detective’s ability to gather DNA is now listed as a Sus action

These changes have shortened the MOTD from 8 pages to barely 6. Any further changes can always be added, so any suggestions, comments, or concerns can be posted to this thread here. Feel free to discuss this there as well.

Again, these changes will take affect on 5/22/20, not immediately. This allows time for people to adjust and review the new rule changes without having to worry about breaking them. Staff will be told to be relatively lax on punishing breaking these new rules for the first week or so to allow the player-base to adjust. 

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About Us
    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.